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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
What does this have to do with the supposed growth numbers of americans who believe that jews killed the christ?
There are fewer and fewer of those believers in the pews.

There are more than one big lies. "On the third day...." and "the check is in the mail".


Well-known member

So Hai

Well-known member
There are fewer and fewer of those believers in the pews.

There are more than one big lies. "On the third day...." and "the check is in the mail".
The pew survey asked how many americans believe jews killed christ. Both gallup and axios survey church attendance. It does not follow from a decreased church attendance that fewer americans consider jews responsible for killing christ, if it is what you imply.

As for the propaganda technique in question, yes it has been applied in more instances than merely that mentioned by the german socialist when he defined it in terms of ”the big lie”.


Well-known member
looks like the french neoliberals are no different than US neolibs.... they'd rather lose the country to fascists than let the actual left take power.


Well-known member
The pew survey asked how many americans believe jews killed christ.
The answer is fewer due to decreasing numbers of myth believers.
It seems you have an obsession with Jews, myths, and dying religions.

How's Trump doing with the Jews in this election thread?


anyone catch that anti- patriot kevin roberts and his threats to leftists and liberals?

literally threatened bloodshed if we don't lay down and let him destroy this country. he LITERALLY alluded to a legit revolution and got a 'right on' from the host.

the death throes of the fascist christian nationalists... not gonna be pretty or smooth.


dude... u serious? when did biden deliberately mislead ppl and talk down/ try and silence the medical experts in his admin?

like, come on... you can't really believe the crap you just tried to pull.

So Hai

Well-known member
The answer is fewer due to decreasing numbers of myth believers.
It seems you have an obsession with Jews, myths, and dying religions.

How's Trump doing with the Jews in this election thread?
You referenced church attendance, not belief. Isn’t your churches over there zionist anyway, where they simply worship the israelis?

As for Trump, they call him messiah for the goyim (human animal).

That is about all you need to know about your democracy buddy.

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