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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The only thing a broken clock tells you is the time it died.
True but also twice a day it can appear to be telling you the correct time. Much like Trump can distort the truth sufficiently nough to sometimes appear to be correct.


Well-known member
the deal was on the table and it was up to biden to execute it.... trump was the one who made the deal, but biden could have shit-canned it... trump made the deal for the keystone, and biden canned in on jan 20th in the afternoon.... so he could have done the same with the pullout agreement
This is a long read but worth the time. "The deal...on the table" and the withdrawal were not so artfully done. There were a lot of moving parts and players involved in the deal.
Scroll down to Page 14

Our failings go back farther to prior presidents in Afghanistan. Bush went to Iraq, Obama kept us in the war with a troop surge. Trump made a deal and Biden completed it and the whole multi trillion dollar adventure leads us back to the same two actors in this 20+ year drama.

Biden got the US out of Afghanistan. That was the only good thing to happen.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

so that is the proof she passed it to your wife??? the only person she was ever exposed to??
No that is the chain of events about how she passed it on to my wife. The proof came in the form of the hospital testing my wife to confirm she died of covid and then testing the nurse, who also had Covid (and how the hospital fired for her trying to hide that she had Covid rather then staying at home like the hospital rules instructed employees to do).. Since she had covid and was the only person with Covid to have contact with my wife at the time, that's solid proof. Viruses don't just magically appear out of no where and the covid virus doesn't survive long enough outside the body to have found it's way into an isolated ward in a hospital.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
biden pulled the trumps out.... it was his respon to get em all out safety and he failed... stop pinning the blame on trump... biden was the one who arranged the pullout..
Yes, obviously Biden was the one who was President at the time the troops were pulled out but Trump was the one who set that date. Everyone knows it's a bad idea to tell the enemy well in advance, what your plans are. Evenn Trump knew that because he compllained about how foolish it was for Obama to telegraph his plans for drawing down troops in Iraq. So for Trump to commit to the Taliban that American troops would be out of Afghanistan at a specific date well after he mighr lose to 2020 election tells us two things. One that well in advance of the election he suspected he was going to lose. Two that he was foing his best to make the winner of the election look bad by setting and commiting to a date when the troops would leave and in so doing make the same bad move that he criticised Obama for years earlier.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have posted the court documents of this case several years back (on this forum) and have always wondered why this event has been written off as fabrication and swept under the rug by Trump (and supporters) and media. There were unsubstantiated accounts of Trump goons threatening her and her family with death and another pay off. Gutter slime.
Preziaely. Given the number of things that the MSM focuses on that has even less evidence then testimony supported by witnesses it's mind boggling how this story got such little attention. It may have ultimately been ruled as an unproven allegation in a court of law but given the heinous nature of the crime it still should have been tested in court rather then dismisssed due to a procedural technicality.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the deal was on the table and it was up to biden to execute it.... trump was the one who made the deal, but biden could have shit-canned it... trump made the deal for the keystone, and biden canned in on jan 20th in the afternoon.... so he could have done the same with the pullout agreement
You clearly have no understanding of foreign policy and the importance of keeping the agreements the government makes to foreign countries.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
really ... i thought trump agreed to pull out by the end of may, and the taliban extended to the end of aug... i'm i incorrect???
No, you'r correct which makes it more baffling that you can't see how the enemy knowing well in advance when the withdraw was going to happen gives them the opportunity to interfere with the withdraw. Had Biden been in control of all aspects of the deal including the date the withdraw would ultimately happen he would have had a better chance of keeping the enemy from interfering with it.


Well-known member
The thing that troubles me the most is that America can’t do better than a convicted felon and an old guy with a decling mental state…


Well-known member
No that is the chain of events about how she passed it on to my wife. The proof came in the form of the hospital testing my wife to confirm she died of covid and then testing the nurse, who also had Covid (and how the hospital fired for her trying to hide that she had Covid rather then staying at home like the hospital rules instructed employees to do).. Since she had covid and was the only person with Covid to have contact with my wife at the time, that's solid proof. Viruses don't just magically appear out of no where and the covid virus doesn't survive long enough outside the body to have found it's way into an isolated ward in a hospital.
zero proof in any of this hempkat . did they do an autopsy?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
so no else ever entered the room?? maybe the virus was already in the room... like the origins of the virus... we will never know...
My wife was in the room for almost 3 weeks before she was infected by the virus. That virus in the open has just a few minutes life floating in the air and at most a few hours if it's on a hard surface. Since it was the ICU and being it was during the pandemic there were strict protocols in place that prohibited any visitors unless the patient was dying and the only people allowed in the room was a small group of doctors and nurses who had to wear full protective gear before entering (when/if available). The group allowd into that room consisted of 6 people, 2 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 nurse assistants. Two of each to cover all shifts. The hospital determined by testing that it was in fact the corona virus that caused my wife's death. They also tested all 6 people who had access to that room and of the 6 only one had been infected by the virus. The hospital determined it was that one person (a nurse) who infected my wife and as a result they fired her because she didn't stay at home when she was sick like she was supposed to and she never reported to the hospital that she was sick like she was supposed to. This also happened in Texad, which at the time was actively trying to hidw the number of covid related deaths. So taking all those facts together it's pretty clear how my wife became infected and who was the source.

I get that you desperately want to question the facts of this matter because it doesn't fit the narrative you have in your mind regarding the virus. You and your narrative are just wrong.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
zero proof in any of this hempkat . did they do an autopsy?
They usually don't do autopsies when they know the cause of death. They did test my wife to determine if she had Covid or not and the test showed she had it. There were a total of 6 people who had access to my wife's room all of which were also tested. Of those 6 only one tested positive for having the virus and that one person never reported that she was sick at any time during the time my wife was in the hospital. The protocal for all hospital staff at that time was to call in if they had any kind of illness and not come in until they could be tested as being free of the virus. Since that person never reported that she was ill and ontinued to come to work, the hospital blamed her and fired her as a result. Given the hospital's test results and the action they took me and her family (she was visiting her parents in Texas at the time this all happened) could have sued the hospital and/or the nurse that was fired and likely we would have won. Har parents and I all decided not to do that since doing so wouldn't change anything and we acknowledged that the pandemic created a challenging set of circumstances that hospitals nationwide were struggling to deal with We were satisfied that firing the only person who could have possibly infected my wife, was sufficient punishment.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
pure fantasy island stuff . sorry to hear about your wife passing though. sad to hear .
Nothing fantasy island about it at all. The only fantasy here is your refusal to believe that the virus in this particular case was real.


Well-known member
My wife was in the room for almost 3 weeks before she was infected by the virus. That virus in the open has just a few minutes life floating in the air and at most a few hours if it's on a hard surface. Since it was the ICU and being it was during the pandemic there were strict protocols in place that prohibited any visitors unless the patient was dying and the only people allowed in the room was a small group of doctors and nurses who had to wear full protective gear before entering (when/if available). The group allowd into that room consisted of 6 people, 2 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 nurse assistants. Two of each to cover all shifts. The hospital determined by testing that it was in fact the corona virus that caused my wife's death. They also tested all 6 people who had access to that room and of the 6 only one had been infected by the virus. The hospital determined it was that one person (a nurse) who infected my wife and as a result they fired her because she didn't stay at home when she was sick like she was supposed to and she never reported to the hospital that she was sick like she was supposed to. This also happened in Texad, which at the time was actively trying to hidw the number of covid related deaths. So taking all those facts together it's pretty clear how my wife became infected and who was the source.

I get that you desperately want to question the facts of this matter because it doesn't fit the narrative you have in your mind regarding the virus. You and your narrative are just wrong.
i don't have a narrative... if other people also entered the room, with full cover, does not mean that maybe the virus attached it self to the covering they were wearing.... if u r at peace with the explanation u received, really that is all that matters


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i don't have a narrative... if other people also entered the room, with full cover, does not mean that maybe the virus attached it self to the covering they were wearing.... if u r at peace with the explanation u received, really that is all that matters
What you're failing to grasp is that the virus is not just hanging out in the air waiting to attach to soething that comes near it as if it were a tick or a flea. Due to it's brief life span outside of the host's body it has to be transfered from a host to a suface or from one host to a new potential host thru close contact. The virus that infected my wife likely was on the protective garment the nurse who had the virus in her body was wearing.

Also you do have a narrative you're just not willing to admit it. Your narrative seeks to find a scenario where the virus is just out there infecting people and no amount of preventive measures will stop it. That way you don't have to take any responsibility for being a risk to others or yourself when you don't follow any preventive measures. You seem to want to just dismiss it all as fate and that people will either contract the virus or they won't and nothing can dtop it.


Well-known member
What you're failing to grasp is that the virus is not just hanging out in the air waiting to attach to soething that comes near it as if it were a tick or a flea. Due to it's brief life span outside of the host's body it has to be transfered from a host to a suface or from one host to a new potential host thru close contact. The virus that infected my wife likely was on the protective garment the nurse who had the virus in her body was wearing.

Also you do have a narrative you're just not willing to admit it. Your narrative seeks to find a scenario where the virus is just out there infecting people and no amount of preventive measures will stop it. That way you don't have to take any responsibility for being a risk to others or yourself when you don't follow any preventive measures. You seem to want to just dismiss it all as fate and that people will either contract the virus or they won't and nothing can dtop it.
so based on this theory . what about her mask ? how regular should she change the mask if this virus stays attached to material


Well-known member
i don't know where the virus came from, why some people get infected and some people do not- neither do u, nor all the 'experts'

we had a house guest in june who came down with the virus - my wife and myself did not get the virus even tho we were in close contact with her. where did she get it from?? were we in contact with the person/s she got it from??? - did someone sneeze from a mile away and it carried to her?? if as u say its not just hanging in the air... why masks???

everything u say may be correct...i dunno... and apparently neither do the doc's and scientists .... or they know and ain't saying.... i don't trust the Mo-Fo's