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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
That view ight have held weight back when mankind was in the hunter/gatherer state of existence and was largely nomadic in nature. All that changed when man put down roots and became agricultural. Putting that aside though and just accepting your arguement means that if one group of people comes along and conquers another geoup and occupies it's lland then they are now the rightful owners. Which then means that when the jewish people came to reclaim Israel and defeated the Palestinians in 1948 then they became at that point to rightful owners of the land of Israel.
Exactly how far do you go back for each scrap of land in the world then? Just until the group you favor has a “right” to the land?


Well-known member
looking for some nice new land. any one got any good classifieds? gonna roll up with a posse and some guns and conquer some people so i can become the rightful owner of some new land.

And hear i had you pegged as an anti-gun enthusiast😜

As this country dissolves into chaos you'll find that scenario to become quite common one day. Mad Max comes to mind


Well-known member
your vision of the future under trump sounds... good?

oh it will happen regardless of trump and you'll have to make some serious lifestyle changes big guy. No more vegan soy sausages or wheat grass shots or put put golf in Austingeles. Fire on the hills audi


Well-known member
And hear i had you pegged as an anti-gun enthusiast😜

As this country dissolves into chaos you'll find that scenario to become quite common one day. Mad Max comes to mind




Well-known member
Exactly how far do you go back for each scrap of land in the world then? Just until the group you favor has a “right” to the land?
my great grandma had a house in germany before leaving for America..... that means the house is mine then right? i just gotta go over there and claim it from the squatters.


Well-known member
oh it will happen regardless of trump and you'll have to make some serious lifestyle changes big guy. No more vegan soy sausages or wheat grass shots or put put golf in Austingeles. Fire on the hills audi

you're very much mistaken.

I don't eat that shit.

I love firing on the hills.


Well-known member
you're very much mistaken.

I don't eat that shit.

I love firing on the hills.

But chief aren't you the guy that had a bill pushed through congress to offer vegan alternatives at cracker barrel?

Good grief i guess im smoking too much blue dream. Must have been colonel mustard

Brother Nature

Well-known member
A long ass lie. The US is the world's sponsor of terrorism.
No way dude, the US is the most benevolent country ever. Don’t you know they scout the earth for other countries in need and help them to achieve freedom and democracy, free of charge! Just look at the shining examples they’ve left in South and Central America, south east Asia, the eastern bloc, and the Middle East. Uncle Sam is just a class act all around.


Well-known member
No way dude, the US is the most benevolent country ever. Don’t you know they scout the earth for other countries in need and help them to achieve freedom and democracy, free of charge! Just look at the shining examples they’ve left in South and Central America, south east Asia, the eastern bloc, and the Middle East. Uncle Sam is just a class act all around.
It only works if we go full nuclear, look at Japan.


Well-known member
looking for some nice new land. any one got any good classifieds? gonna roll up with a posse and some guns and conquer some people so i can become the rightful owner of some new land.
better pick on someone that doesn't own guns themselves, lol...:D or have neighbors that like them.


ICMag Donor
my great grandma had a house in germany before leaving for America..... that means the house is mine then right? i just gotta go over there and claim it from the squatters.
Germans have a different regard for rules than Americans. I'm sure they will fix you right up.


Well-known member
You've already had this done for you.
Thanks Obama

Does this not argue against your stance vis a vis Palestine?
Huh I thought if you have an older claim to the land than the current occupant, it's yours?!?!
Germans have a different regard for rules than Americans. I'm sure they will fix you right up.
But I'll be in the right cuz my grandma lived there first. Everyone who lived in her house after her are squatters!


so biden can now (according to the supreme court) have the republicans in scotus and congress arrested and executed without trial? that's what the ruling means, right?

asking for a friend


Well-known member
pussy ass liberals wouldn't even go against the useless ruling of the "parliamentarian" lol don't expect them to do anything. in fact it'll end up being used against them most likely.