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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
man they really don't want Nina Turner to win. i love it.

Rep. James Clyburn backs Nina Turner opponent in Ohio special election


Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) made a rare intervention into a Democratic party primary Tuesday, endorsing Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Shontel Brown in the race for the Cleveland-based congressional seat, the New York Times reports.

Why it matters: Clyburn's endorsement of Brown over progressive Nina Turner — who is surging in her campaign and is an outspoken ally of Sen. Bernie Sanders —highlights ideological and generational rifts in the Democratic party.

St. Phatty

Active member
if they cannot make it safely biodegradable, it should be outlawed.

I spent part of the morning cleaning up soil with thousands of plastic fragments.

Made the mistake of using 6 mil Poly to cover a hole in the skylight.

The sun beat it to shreds.

Seems like the trend is that most plastic released into the environment, goes brittle and breaks into very small pieces.

Just like when life forms in the presence of the right pea soup of organic molecules, well now the pea soup has a new ingredient - microscopic pieces of degraded polyethylene among them.

Besides the obvious problems, like animals getting caught in nets & shopping bags, I think the New Plastic Enriched Semi-Organic Pea-Soup - Now with Plastics ! ... will eventually result in new species of plant and animal.

The side effects of all that plastic will be mostly negative.

But it's also a market opportunity - as people learn that plastic SUCKS as anything besides a very short term protection from rain etc., people will be selling replacements for the blue tarps you see everywhere.

Maybe made out of plywood, or metal.


Well-known member
if they cannot make it safely biodegradable, it should be outlawed.

I hate the crap, as I recall how we did just fine with out it as kids.
Tin foil and waxed paper and even plain paper worked well.
I find it so sad and that it is those who once embraced the
concept of conservative that pour this crap all over the planet.
I can recall back to a time when that word had meaning,
to it which was not contradictory.


Well-known member
man they really don't want Nina Turner to win. i love it.

Rep. James Clyburn backs Nina Turner opponent in Ohio special election


Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) made a rare intervention into a Democratic party primary Tuesday, endorsing Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Shontel Brown in the race for the Cleveland-based congressional seat, the New York Times reports.

Why it matters: Clyburn's endorsement of Brown over progressive Nina Turner — who is surging in her campaign and is an outspoken ally of Sen. Bernie Sanders —highlights ideological and generational rifts in the Democratic party.

If progressives are able to do for the democratic party, similar to what the tea party did for the republicans...


Well-known member
If progressives are able to do for the democratic party, similar to what the tea party did for the republicans...

that was the original goal of the Justice Democrats group that got AOC, Ilhan Omar, and others elected but those people have seemingly turned their backs on that approach.
bernie's getting too old, and this is why I think they are trying so hard to stop Nina Turner. she could be the leadership "the squad" and the progressive caucus needs. nina's an absolute fire breather. an old school democratic bulldog that knows how to play ball.


Well-known member
Fired by Bot at Amazon: ‘It’s You Against the Machine’

Contract drivers say algorithms terminate them by email—even when they have done nothing wrong.
Stephen Normandin spent almost four years racing around Phoenix delivering packages as a contract driver for Amazon.com Inc. Then one day, he received an automated email. The algorithms tracking him had decided he wasn’t doing his job properly.
The 63-year-old Army veteran was stunned. He’d been fired by a machine.



Well-known member
Eisenhower rejected military chiefs’ demand for nuclear war on China, classified account of ’58 Taiwan Strait crisis reveals.

Fearing a new conflict over Taiwan, Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg has released a shocking account showing how the Joint Chiefs pressed Eisenhower to launch a nuclear war on China.


in 1958, it would have been a "no mas" moment, because China was WAY out of their league in terms of nuclear weapons. they have larger numbers of technologically inferior weapons today, more than enough to be really dangerous. Eisenhower had seen more than enough war by that point in his life. Chump probably goes to sleep at night thinking "i shoulda, i shoulda...." because he aint got a fucking clue. all he sees is the blind adulation he thinks would come his way after a "glorious victory".

St. Phatty

Active member
in 1958, it would have been a "no mas" moment, because China was WAY out of their league in terms of nuclear weapons. they have larger numbers of technologically inferior weapons today, more than enough to be really dangerous.

If you can't manufacture it, it's just Viewpoint Engineering.

The US abdicated Manufacturing in general to China, Taiwan, South Korea.

Does proficiency in manufacturing iPhones translate into proficiency making nukes ?


What they have in common is, Serious attention to detail.