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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


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St. Phatty

Active member
how can anyone view this and think this is sustainable?

It's totally sustainable.

The $ is revalued at 10 cents on the dollar.

The Centibillionaires are essentially Kings & Queens.

Not sure what category Lana/Larry and Lilly/Andy Wachowski would fall into.

Yes both genius film makers, very wealthy from the Matrix etc., have gone full on Transgender.

Robin Williams said the problem with having too much money was the cocaine use.

I think, paying some plastic surgeon to lop off your Johnson, may also be a sign of Too Much Money.



Well-known member

Only JFK was more challenged directly challenged by the forces of fascism.

Bought us a generation, but that meter ran out long ago, and those forces are are on the march again.

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