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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

moose eater

Well-known member

The book, 'The COINTELPRO Papers', pointed a serious finger at the FBI decades ago, based on documents discussed in the book. I have it on the book shelf above my computer, where it's been collecting dust for close to 30 years.


The fibbies; the criminals we rely on to bust criminals.

It's frequently caused me to squint with cynical bewilderment when I've considered offices within the FBI, such as 'The Public Integrity Division,' which we've relied on in the past, here in Alaska, to put away corrupt legislators whose pockets were filled with oil money, in exchange for their (circa 2006) pro-oil corp votes. (*See Billy Allen, VECO, and the "CBC', or the 'Corrupt Bastards Club').

But the (J. Edgar's) fibbies in general, were also implicated in the Chicago P.D.'s assassination of Black Panther, Fred Hampton, and of rigging witness testimony in the LA case against Geronimo Pratt, a TRULY sad story, forgotten by most, as well.

The FBI; like calling Al Capone or John Dillinger when you're pissed off at bank robbers.


Well-known member

the republican party is beyond dead. all they have left is further fascist radicalization, there's no path back to moderacy unless they leave the party and become democrats. they're not interested in democracy or electoralism or pretty much anything really.

moose eater

Well-known member
On the weaving of wicked webs :
NYTimes Op-Ed Denounces Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden on 50th Anniversary of Publishing the Pentagon Papers


Is the Evil Empire winning finally, as many of us suspected it would?

Time for the peasants to build a slew of guillotines of their own, maybe?

Or time to continue a diet of tv dinners and sitcoms?

All things come to an end. I'd just like to see the power-brokering shameless pay their dues, for a change. That whole myth about 'equal protections under the law' and all of THAT fairy tale horse shit.


Well-known member
From Scott Horton's Anti War Radio

Ep. 5546 – Bjartmar Alexandersson on the Lies of the Main Witness Against Julian Assange

Journalist Bjartmar Alexandersson explains the outright lies of America's major witness against Wikileaks' Julian Assange.



Well-known member
i wonder how many righties out there that are complaining against gas prices actually know that the republicans countered the Biden Infrastructure Bill with a gas tax as a way to fund the bill.


Well-known member
Had some pinto beans with mint added to them. Not something I had ever had before. Been about a week now, and I am
still thinking about them. Gave me incentive to spray the mint down with some soap.


Well-known member
brazilian socialist presidential candidate lula de silva is smoking the fascist incumbent bolsonaro in the first round of polling. shortly after this news broke, bolsonaro comes out in the media and says he will not step down if HE thinks the election was rigged or a fraud (sounds familiar?). shortly after that, the CIA announces a trip to Brazil. lmao. sounds like they're getting ready for another coup.


Well-known member
brazilian socialist presidential candidate lula de silva is smoking the fascist incumbent bolsonaro in the first round of polling. shortly after this news broke, bolsonaro comes out in the media and says he will not step down if HE thinks the election was rigged or a fraud (sounds familiar?). shortly after that, the CIA announces a trip to Brazil. lmao. sounds like they're getting ready for another coup

Reminded of a statement made in WWII , used to describe the improbable.
"When snakes smoke"


and then there was :
Jovenel Moïse Dead: Haitian President Assassinated, Plunging Country into New Political Crisis