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Zamaldelica (fairy tale or horror story?)

Zamaldelica (fairy tale or horror story?)

  • yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • no

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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Day F49

Day F49

All the zammies are doing really, really well. The large fans are nice and green, little or no tip burn and the buds are swelling and filling in. I'm stoked. They've been very cooperative and easy to grow (so far). Hopefully they'll be on auto pilot till the finish....



Active member
I’ve done a shitty job of it if people think he’s an asshole. He really is a good guy in real life and I’ll do my best to rehabilitate his character. Point taken. Ok everybody – Bubs Good.

Hahaha, I'm sure he is a good guy IRL. I think you did a very good job with the characters, no rehabilitation needed at all! Also I'm from Spain, so my selection of words in English is not the best; probably asshole was too strong of a word, maybe douchebag is better hahaha (jk).

Btw, nice personalized touch with the Bangi Haze when introducing my character. It is my favourite strain! Much appreciated :)

The zammies are looking good! It seems that the whole thing it's leaning more towards the fairy tale side. Hopefully it will keep on that direction.

pd: btw, I never look directly at the avatars, I use the periferic vision. I thought yours was a Stormtrooper from Star Wars, but when you mentioned It was your previous dog I did look direcly, and it turns out it is indeed a dog with sunglases! :biglaugh:


What a great thread
You're a natural storyteller Smilley, great job. I have to admit, you almost lost me when I saw that can of Molson Ultra in one of your pics, but I figured it's a small flaw in an otherwise great personality.... :biggrin:

Can i ask what the kushes you have are (i'm a kush fan)?


Well-known member
The Story Continues

The Story Continues

The gathering by smilley’s hovel had grown into a small community and was a beehive of activity. A few small businesses had sprung up. An enterprising group of fine growers had a large sign up saying BIG BOOBS CLEANING SERVICE. Smilley spoke to DNM1, one of the proprietors, and was told they mostly did tutu cleaning and their motto was “Tender caresses and a hand rubbed finish”. Smilley was puzzled by the long line of large breasted women at the entrance and then noticed his wife exiting from the business with a big smile on her face. “I didn’t know she had any tutus, but she seems satisfied with the service” smilley thought to himself.

Smilley stopped to talk to YukonKronic who was setting up a new business. “It’s gonna be a mining supply and outfitting business. Bubs brought me a couple of pails of gravel from the tunnel entrance. Lottsa quartz and black sand... I panned out the sample and found some gold. The best pan had 11 colors, that’s very promising. We’re close to the source, the mother lode...” said Yukon. “I had gorilla ganja secretly stake all the land in the area. We filed mining claims in the name of our new community mining cooperative, Fukn Jungle Trip Shit Mining. Everybody has an equal share smilley, even you. Happy to be included in his friend’s new venture, he thanked Yukon and continued on his way.

As smilley proceeded along his way, he saw Swamp Thang and vcasqui wacking together a storefront. “What kinda business are you two putting together?” he asked. “We’re opening a tutu sales outfit, smilley” replied Swamp Thang. “When the ladies saw how manly and sexy we looked in our tutus, sales took off. We have a complete line of tutus, camo for the hunters, tye-dyed for the jungle trip shit smokers, formal tutus, causual tutus, you name it and we’ve got it” added vcasqui. As smilley looked around he noticed that lots of folks were wearing tutus now. “Who would’ve thunk it?” smilley thought to himself. “We even have a sexy, revealing, red tutu for long-distance howling, want one?” asked Swamp Thang. Smilley shook his head, no, wished his friends success in their new venture and continued on to his hovel.

Later on in the grow room, smilley told the zammies about all the activities going on outside the hovel, the lanky one said “that’s what happens when you plant magic beans, smilley”. “Yep, that’s progress...” added the stocky one and all the zammies tittered in agreement.


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Well-known member
What a great thread
You're a natural storyteller Smilley, great job. I have to admit, you almost lost me when I saw that can of Molson Ultra in one of your pics, but I figured it's a small flaw in an otherwise great personality.... :biggrin:

Can i ask what the kushes you have are (i'm a kush fan)?

Glad you're enjoying the story TheForgotten and welcome to the tunnelling crew. I have 3 Purple Kush x Blueberry and 1 Harmony. The Harmony is a three way hybrid of Reeferman’s Santa Marta Colombian Gold x OG Kush (Lemon OG) x Lemon Thai Male. This is what Reeferman calls his ‘Holy Grail’ Personally, I think the bud structure is much too leafy for my taste, but it's what I had at time.

All I can say about the Molson Ultra is that I drink it to help keep my weight down. For effect, Rum is my poison of choice...


Well-known member
The Story Continues

The Story Continues

Early next morning, Bubs, vcasqui, TheForgotten, Swamp Thang and his six gophers had a meeting at the tunnel entrance. Bubs made a short speech “Safety is all important here fellas. Don’t forget to wear your hard hats and safety tutus. We’ll have to shore up the tunnel ceiling with timbers as we progress. No power tools allowed, they make too much noise and we don’t want the Fudd brothers hearing us. When we get close to the house, we’ll have to confine the digging to when the pigs are away. Bring all the excavated material to the tunnel entrance and YukonKronic and his crew will haul it away for sluicing. Take your time, do a good job and don’t forget to stop for regular reefer breaks!!.”

Then Swamp Thang gave instructions to his crew members vcasqui and TheForgotten. “Let the gophers take the lead. They’ll dig a series of parallel holes into the tunnel face and once they’re done and clear, you guys’ll chip away the material in between the holes, wheelbarrow it to the sewer line and Yukon Kronic will haul it away for processing. Then, we’ll start the process all over again. Ok, let’s give it a try and see how it goes...”

Vcasqui and The Forgotten stood back and let the gophers go to work. The gophers were hard workers but the digging was tough. They could only manage to get about 6 inches into the tunnel face before it was too compact to get any further. It took them almost half a day to get all the holes dug and then the rest of the day for vcasqui and TheForgotten to chip away the rest of the material. By the end of the day, they had only managed 6 inches of progress. Bubs came by at the end of the shift to check on the progress. He calculated that at the current rate it would take 2 months to extend the tunnel under the Fudd Brother’s house. They decide to call it a day and start again next morning. Swamp Thang decided to ask smilley if he had any ideas on how they could improve productivity.

Later that evening, over at smilley’s hovel, Swamp Thang and smilley were enjoying a rum and huffing on a gagger. Swamp Thang explained how slow the job was going and asked smilley if he had any ideas. “Well...” said smilley “anywhere I’ve ever worked, when productivity was down, they always hired more supervisors and administrators”. “That’s brilliant, smilley” replied Swamp Thang enthusiastically. I’ll have 5 supervisors down in the sewer line tomorrow. That’ll move the tunnelling along”. At that point, they finished the reefer, finished their drinks and said goodnight.


Well-known member
Going To Mexico

Going To Mexico

I'm going to Mexico with Mrs smilley for a week in 4 days. Overnight in Calgary and on to Playa Del Carmen next morning. We'll be away from the grow room for 9 days. My plant tender, Kathe will come by and water them about halfway through. I'll feed the zammies good the day we leave and Kathe will only have to put a half gallon of water on each one at the 4 or 5 day mark. The kushy clones are already being flushed now so they'll need even less as they'll be harvested shortly after returning. Pixie is going to the local pet motel. She won't miss us at all, 8 straight days of doggy daycare....

I hope I can score some weed at the resort. Mrs smilley won't let me take any with me :noway:

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
I hope you have a great trip. Good to get away from winter for a bit.
Couple pics of the Zammies before you go, por favor

Peace GG


You seem to have formal writing skills, some background in literature?

I can't tell you how much i like it. It makes me think of Anne McCafferey's writing, so descriptive and allusory (izzat the correct word?).

BTW, keep an eye on that TheForgotten, you might catch him taking a nip from a flask of whiskey when you're not looking.... :biggrin:



Well-known member
The Story Continues

The Story Continues

Next day, there were 2 tunnellers and 6 gophers digging and 5 supervisors sitting in lawnchairs offering encouragement. “Dig faster, put your backs into it... C’mon, more work less talking...”. After about 6 hours of toiling and whiskey drinking, TheForgotten had had enough. He took his empty bottle of Jim Beam and flung it at the head of the nearest supervisor, narrowly missing him and smashing it on the sewer wall. Bewildered and confused by TheForgotten’s action, all the supervisor could think to say was “Missed!!” Pulling a bottle of Jack Daniels from his safety tutu, TheForgotten took a big pull off it, corked it and lined up for another throw. “Don’t worry, I never miss twice”. At that moment, Bubs came by and put a halt to the action. “What’s going on here?” asked Bubs.

Vcasqui told him that the 5 supervisors had been sitting around all day doing nothing except tell the tunnellers what to do. “Who’s bright idea was it to have so many supervisors?” enquired Bubs. Swamp Thang told Bubs it was smilley’s idea. “You know that smilley is dumb as a post. He’s about as intelligent as he is handsome and that’s not saying much, is it?” said Bubs. “It sure sounded like a good idea last night after half a dozen rums and a handful of reefers” replied Swamp Thang in his own defense.” Bubs just shook his head in amazement. He put a halt to the tunnelling, told the supervisors that their services were no longer required and then measured the day’s progress. “3 inches” he stated “that’s half what you did yesterday, this isn’t going to work. We’ll have to bring in some power equipment”. “What about the noise? asked Swamp Thang. "The pigs will hear us.” . “We’ll have to get them out of the house for a few days.” stated Bubs. "I have a few ideas. First, I’ll go and talk to Yukon Kronic and see what he has to speed up the tunnelling.”

Later on, over at the Fukn Jungle Trip Shit Mining office Bubs and Yukon were sitting down discussing tunnelling equipment. Yukon said the best tool would be a Mighty Mole. “It would take too long to order and assemble it in sewer line, though” he added. “With a couple of good sized Kango hammer drills, some small conveyor equipment and a portable sluice further down the sewer line you could advance the tunnel face 5 or 6 feet a day and process all the ore at the same time. I have all that equipment in stock and ready to go. It’ll be noisy though” Bubs said “Let me worry about the noise.”


Active member
Order up a high volume pump and laser drilled pressure nozzle. We’re going to tap into the water lines running through the sewer and run it through the pump and pressure nozzle so hard and fast it’ll cut concrete like butter.. order a mister nozzle too so we can turn the whole kit into an aeroponics rig afterwards.:biggrin:


Well-known member
The Story Continues

The Story Continues

Bubs sat down with Jojo and they came up with a plan to get Elmer and Porky out of their house for a few days. Bubs wrote a letter to the pigs on official looking stationary. It informed the Fudd brothers that they’d been named as “Masters of Ceremonies” at the Annual Pig and Swine Convention in Toronto. All expenses paid including bus transportation and accommodation. Jojo asked “where are we going to get the money for all that?” Bubs smiled and said they only needed the money for 2 one way tickets to Toronto. “I’ll say that their return tickets and accommodation bookings can be picked up at the convention. When they get there and realize the Convention is a sham, they’ll have to use their own cash to come back. We’ll use smilley’s credit card for the bus tickets to get them there.” “Good plan” laughed Jojo “It’ll be a good lesson for smilley. How he ever thought that 5 supervisors overseeing 2 workers and 6 gophers would improve productivity is beyond me.” Bubs and Jojo had a good laugh at smilley’s dim-witted intellect.

Next, Bubs went over to Koondense’s place. They sat down and enjoyed a gagger of Thai x Panama and discussed the upcoming big blast. “We’re gonna excavate a small cavern under the Fudd brothers house. We’ll need some cheap and easy to use explosives.” Bubs explained. “Cheap, eh?” said Koondense “My father has several silos on his farm full of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. We mix it with the right amount of diesel fuel and - BOOM!!!” Koondense had a crazed look in his eyes and his whole body started vibrating. Bubs was kinda worried about Koon’s mental stability but tried to avoid thinking about it. “He’s no more unhinged than any of the other characters...” Bubs thought to himself. “What could possibly go wrong?” As if sensing Bubs’ apprehension, koon said “Don’t worry Bubs I’ll only smoke OAXPAN during the mixing and placing operations. That shit makes me concentrate like crazy...” As Koondense sat there vibrating, Bubs shook his head in amazement.

When Bubs and Jojo had the official looking invitation put together, they went and saw gorilla ganja. gg promised to insert the manila envelope into the Fudd brother’s mailbox without being seen. Next day, gg was up on the ridge watching Porky and Elmer’s house. Sure enough, the two pigs emerged from the house. Each had a suitcase and a travelling bong in his hand and they scampered off in the direction of the bus depot. Gorilla ganja followed them unobserved. He made sure Elmer and Porky were on the bus going to Toronto as it disappeared into the distance. Then he headed back to the gathering to let everybody know that the pigs had left town.

A big cheer arose from the gathering when gg announced the departure of the pigs. Smilley and vcasqui had been having a smoke-off and smilley had lost badly. He got up in front of the crowd and with his eyes glassy and bit of drool running down his chin. He suggested that they give their new community a name. Someone suggested they call it Idiotville. Another possibility was Morons-R-Usberg. Many potential names were bandied around and panned by the crowd. Finally Common Sense got up and suggested “Lets call it Sativa City, besides, that’s all we smoke around here.” A murmur of assent went through the crowd and finally a raucous cheer arose and the town of Sativa City was born.

Bubs announced that it was a 3 day bus trip to Toronto and 3 days back so they had about a week to tunnel under the house and excavate a small chamber under it. Bubs, Jojo, Yukon, and Swamp Thing had planned out the excavation and ore processing to the last detail. The plan was to start first thing in the morning, but tonight there would be a huge party to inaugurate the birth of their new town – Sativa City.


Well-known member
Zammies Day F57

Zammies Day F57

Everything is going well with the zammies. 4 - 6 weeks to go... I'm not seeing 300g but I don't care. This is my best looking crop under this light and I don't have a shortage of weed so I'm looking forward to smoking this stuff through the summer after a nice long cure. When I get back from Mexico I'll sample a bud or two to see how it's coming along. I had to stakeup the lanky one again due to flopping branches. The other 3 are solid and don't appear to require staking going into the finish.

These plants have been a pleasure to grow. No surprises, not finicky and very cooperative...



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Kush Clones Day F60

Kush Clones Day F60

If I wasn't going away, I'd harvest these in 5 or 6 days. but they'll go another 11 days instead...


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