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WTF is w/feminized genetics,

hay darwinsbulldog:)

then in 05/06,,,,,something happen!!!!,,,,,,,GREENHOUSE!!,,,,,,,they musta pulled up there socks or someething because they just fukin took-over,,,,the demand for fem seeds just seemed to outweigh the fear in 04/05/06,,,,there reprutation was just getting better and better,,,,an they were getting cheaper and cheaper,,,,i was working in a seedshop an i was tell peeps to buy regular,,,,but i couldnt stop people buying greenhouse feminzed seeds,,,,,,i was afraid of fems,,,,i used to say "you cant keep mother",,,,"they herm",,,,,no1 had a bad thing to say about them!!,,,,,,,,

an then i met tom

then it all changed

Greenhouse Had to go all feminized back then because Greenhouse breeder Shanti left and joined forces w/mr nice. Owner of GH imo was taking most of credit for shanti's hardwork.even naming many strains after himself."calling himself king of cannabis"When Shanti left taking his genetics(males too) GH owner joined w/a guy named Franco and the 2 businessmen playing breeders went(kinda had to) go feminized only, buy probably suited them perfectly being greedy and making more selling feminized seeds. But what do I know being ignorant to the topics in this thread. Surprized Rick ya didnt hear about this when you were so deep into selling mj seeds back then.

Rick Im also surprized that you think this seed bank is "tops"getting better and better. imo their rep went down the toilet when shanti split. heard more probs from their fems than all others put together.Again nevermind me though Im the ignorant one spreading voodoo and refuse to learn then incredible knowlege this thread just spews out. have good weekend!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Now there's a discussion much better suited for you, stagger lee. But, aren't silly AJ and Franco hate fests at another area of the site?


ICMag Donor
Greenhouse Had to go all feminized back then because Greenhouse breeder Shanti left and joined forces w/mr nice. Owner of GH imo was taking most of credit for shanti's hardwork.even naming many strains after himself."calling himself king of cannabis"When Shanti left taking his genetics(males too) GH owner joined w/a guy named Franco and the 2 businessmen playing breeders went(kinda had to) go feminized only, buy probably suited them perfectly being greedy and making more selling feminized seeds. But what do I know being ignorant to the topics in this thread. Surprized Rick ya didnt hear about this when you were so deep into selling mj seeds back then.

Rick Im also surprized that you think this seed bank is "tops"getting better and better. imo their rep went down the toilet when shanti split. heard more probs from their fems than all others put together.Again nevermind me though Im the ignorant one spreading voodoo and refuse to learn then incredible knowlege this thread just spews out. have good weekend!

Greenhouse didnt start doing Fems for along time after Shanti left,,,,,they started doing fems because they saw positive aplication,,,,it was nothing to do with Shanti leaving!!!!!!!!

i bought a load of blackpacks from Greenhouse in 1999 ...i got 3 packs of SSH,,,they were very expencive!!!,,,,amazing seeds !!![shanit`s seeds]!!!,,,,

then in 2001 i bought SSH again [this time Arjans seeds].....i was very dissapointed,,,,,,,at that point in 2001 i had just relized what shanti did for Greenhouse:):).....

but in 04/05/06,,,Greenhouse changed again!!!,,,,,,they were the first seedcompany to utalize the fem techniques,,,,,theere seeds werenot asbad as they used to be,,,,

when SLH came allong greenhouse came into there own!!! ,,,,


I've grown the original SSH and I was also unfortunate enough to try the GHS version circa 2004 stock and OMG, what a load of bollocks the GHS version was, the original rocked, but everyone knows that, my experience with the original was highly positive, the GHS one was totally different. I've got some SLH going now, they grow really slowly in veg, gonna flower em on 2-3 weeks, can't believe I'm growing GHS again but the seeds were free.

I've got a quick question for you brainboxes in here:

Supposing I have a cutting I want to produce a stable truebreeding seedline from that accurately replicates the original cutting. How many gens of selfing do you think it would take to do this?


I've grown the original SSH and I was also unfortunate enough to try the GHS version circa 2004 stock and OMG, what a load of bollocks the GHS version was, the original rocked, but everyone knows that, my experience with the original was highly positive, the GHS one was totally different. I've got some SLH going now, they grow really slowly in veg, gonna flower em on 2-3 weeks, can't believe I'm growing GHS again but the seeds were free.

I've got a quick question for you brainboxes in here:

Supposing I have a cutting I want to produce a stable truebreeding seedline from that accurately replicates the original cutting. How many gens of selfing do you think it would take to do this?

Check this thread out ...

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Greenhouse Had to go all feminized back then because Greenhouse breeder Shanti left and joined forces w/mr nice. Owner of GH imo was taking most of credit for shanti's hardwork.even naming many strains after himself."calling himself king of cannabis"When Shanti left taking his genetics(males too) GH owner joined w/a guy named Franco and the 2 businessmen playing breeders went(kinda had to) go feminized only, buy probably suited them perfectly being greedy and making more selling feminized seeds. But what do I know being ignorant to the topics in this thread. Surprized Rick ya didnt hear about this when you were so deep into selling mj seeds back then.

Rick Im also surprized that you think this seed bank is "tops"getting better and better. imo their rep went down the toilet when shanti split. heard more probs from their fems than all others put together.Again nevermind me though Im the ignorant one spreading voodoo and refuse to learn then incredible knowlege this thread just spews out. have good weekend!

Big surprise. Many of the haters of this highly useful and proven breeding tech seem to be out of that camp and all ammo'd-up with rubber arrows.


Greenhouse didnt start doing Fems for along time after Shanti left,,,,,they started doing fems because they saw positive aplication,,,,it was nothing to do with Shanti leaving!!!!!!!!

i bought a load of blackpacks from Greenhouse in 1999 ...i got 3 packs of SSH,,,they were very expencive!!!,,,,amazing seeds !!![shanit`s seeds]!!!,,,,

then in 2001 i bought SSH again [this time Arjans seeds].....i was very dissapointed,,,,,,,at that point in 2001 i had just relized what shanti did for Greenhouse:):).....

but in 04/05/06,,,Greenhouse changed again!!!,,,,,,they were the first seedcompany to utalize the fem techniques,,,,,theere seeds werenot asbad as they used to be,,,,

when SLH came allong greenhouse came into there own!!! ,,,,

Weren't DP doing it from 98? and for them(GH & Perhaps DP) it was just marketing, I'm sorry but they just throw "strain" after "strain" they are a marketing machine not "breeders" IMO


ICMag Donor
@ToryS,,,,,yeh,,DP used the tech first but Greenhouse uatilized the fem tech,,,,,i think DP just gave fem breeding a bad name imho,,,


DP are probably the largest reason why there are so many fem seed haters around, their fems were garbage, probably still are. Their reg seeds were garbage too, probably still are.


@ToryS,,,,,yeh,,DP used the tech first but Greenhouse uatilized the fem tech,,,,,i think DP just gave fem breeding a bad name imho,,,

what? and GH havn't? describe utilized, you think they have perfected there tech? they havn't! they still hack. tell me why Dp are worse than GH.. I'd say femaleseeds have utilized it better than GH..


DP are probably the largest reason why there are so many fem seed haters around, their fems were garbage, probably still are. Their reg seeds were garbage too, probably still are.

So bad stock = bad seeds (not bad technique) though I don't know their technique

Ps: Hi again.

but as TC says this has topic has gone...

Think discussing Greenhouse specifically is taking this thread a bit offtopic. Since they are but one company and not representative of a method. As mentioned previously this is all about selection.


ICMag Donor
i didnt say they GH have perfected the tech:),,,,i said "GH utalized the fem tech when DP didnt",,,DP sold Monoecious seeds an they didnt even relize it,,,greenhouse has managed to avoid high % of Monoecious specimines,,,,GH did the job,,,,be it a sh1t job or not,,,the job was done to fit the niche,,,an the plants defo fit the niche!!,,,whats your problem bro?

Greenhouse have been very lucky over the last few years,,,,,,there selections are not baced on massive population numbers,,,so lets say they have been lucky with there selections of P1 plants,,,,,

SLH is still puka,,,,i bought it,,an i used to hate GH

i like SLH..its an intersting blend of there un-skunky SSH clone and the LemonSkunk


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have tried a few fem seeds SSH and SLH from GHS. Both of these turned out fantastic. I tried Blueberry and Oasis from DP both got naners and the smoke was poor in quality, I agree DP did poor in there selections.


Active member
ICMag Donor
stagger does not understand the concept of selective breeding. And we need to be able to grasp simple concepts before we could possibly debate such an issue.
I think the feminizing part is more than he can handle. And it is a funny thing that he continues to send me PM's about how he owns me, proved me wrong, how Tom Hill agrees with his stance now, yada yada yada....

Amazing how a grown person can be so hardheaded and delusional.

BACK TO PAGE ONE, stagger lee!
Yes, you are missing something. And you get a ball breaking each time because the facts have not changed, and what you have in your head is contrary to fact.

A feminized seed happens from an other wise female plant being forced to produce male stamen, which produce viable pollen. When the pollen used from a forced female, it does not contain the chromosome that is needed to produce a male, so all of the progeny from that mating will be female...due to their genetic makeup.

A seed can also lack the male chromosome because it was the result of a female plant expressing the intersex trait. The otherwise female plant produces male stamen and pollinates another female plant (or itself). These seeds will also lack the male chromosome, but will more than likely produce progeny with a high propensity of carrying the intersex (hermie) trait.

MJ isn't as simple as XX vs XY like in humans...it is more of a XXyX vs XXYY thing....

And environment can only cause a seed to express what it already has in it's genetic map. And yes, if the genes hold the intersex trait, then environment can cause it to show itself, but environment does not change feminized seeds into males. It just doesn't happen like that. If a male happens along, it is a result of the intersex gene taking some prevalence and expressing itself as such.
Exactly as it happens in regular breeding. No difference.

LOL...I wish folks who bring about bad vibes on fem seeds would offer up more than their personal theories of voodoo and bad juju. What a joke.
Read it all again, and let me know what parts you aren't following.
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ICMag Donor




ICMag Donor
Those boxes are heavy rick,,, we need the same diagram with wavy lines man... hehe

Nice punnet post :yes:

Fer Fucks sake it's a fucking plant. Just grow it. Stop the bitching.

We'd 2nd that ^^^ but it's often interesting to hear what the "debating society" thinks,, even if they dont grow them,, and the subject of "feminized seeds" (wtf) touches lots of ppl at the lungs! This is why we have a vested interest. Especially for yout's that have no voice in this...

If feminized genetics are in any extra way harmful, then we'll campaign to get them banned/unaccepted,, just like we do Brix+ (the shit wankers spray on buds) and glass-weed. Otherwise it's a sign-of the times,, like Prince changing his name to a symbol ,, perhaps a fad that will die out like Durban genetics did in the late 1980s!

Actually there's so much empirical speculation on this thread,, without vocation,, (number crunching without plants),, that Mickey Moore and Noam Chom could join forces and make a whole new conspiracy about it.

Why not hang them all,,, and hold any enquiry afterwards!


seeker of greater knowledge
Rick thats a crazy diagram..

Doc always a voice of reason..

sorry to jump in here guys buut . i've grown lemon skunk from GH and it was actually really good...and i've also grown fem seeds from DP .. i had 5 durban poison femmed seeds and by about 5 weeks into flowering 3 of the 5 were starting to hermi.......so i guess when it comes down to it, selective breeding and being very Meticulous documenting progress is the way to go....or you could just have a horse shoe up your ass and get real lucky....IMHO...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor


I sent a pm to a friend that might know a thing or 2 about these Female Seeds and got this back:

If you are referring to the degenaration of clone DNA; theoretically it could happen, but I have never experienced it.
In the agricultural world it has been spoken of, but in very rare cases.

This thread is really heavy stuff for the general reader, and I wonder if it has any purpose? It's seems a few people want to show off there knowledge, which is fine. But I am wondering how many people will actually bother to read it all.

The only important part of the conversation is that feminising has nothing to do with genetic manipulation. And yes, the quality of the seeds is dependent on the quality of the breeder.

Like anything else in the world i throw this in with a grain of salt BUT the above words come from a man that has dedicated his entire life to growing beans so I would take his words VERY SERIOUSLY.
