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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

knucklehead bob

Recreational "Legal Weed" in Mi.

IMG 7600

Add a 10% excise tax & don't forget 6% sales tax ...........:moon:


Active member
Is the indoor market still pretty flooded?

I was hoping for 2k a unit for my cookies grown organic in coco but seems like there is still allot of low grade indoor around ...


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Well-known member
Is the indoor market still pretty flooded?

I was hoping for 2k a unit for my cookies but seems like there is still allot of low grade indoor around ...

That seems pretty reasonable. Last night i saw a bunch of stuff go at 18-22. The 22 was these runts that looked amazing but didn't really have the greatest nose


Active member
Guess the #'s work out then ...

Ill prolly get allitle over 6 lbs off this run ... and it cost me about 5k to grow it ... 3k power 1k labor 1k supplies ... Thats with some solar :p

Yeah I moved some lower quality legend indoor in the summer for 18 but it was a desert ...


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ICMag Donor
my 2c is a small sample size, last year I paid for outs around 6-700 and one in cherry ak or something for 1550. takeaway is in my opinion indoor may work for some people, like there may be truly quality indoor, but it is more expensive to grow and therefore the seller wants more money but it's a different product from sun grown cannabis entirely. apples to oranges comparison. some indoor may be quality but that does not mean that under lights makes it good bud

the fact is i did not enjoy the indoor bag i bought i objectively think it sucked worse than the outdoor. it had more crystals you could say it was stronger, and the outdoor wasn't even that good kind of early and not that strong. but the one bag i paid for indoor (ever in my life actually) and it sucked. it wasn't $500 an ounce indo la chronic stanky funk skunk. it was just some generic cherry something with crystals and blah.. started to turn brown and moldy and lose its flavour way faster than the sun grown kind of like a cardboard sample in the shape of 3d cannabis buds

speculation or arbitrary values come to mind for guesstimating what what is worth. i mean i could throw out a number and say the outs i bought were "really worth" $300 and the indoor about the same but that would just be a guess. and i mean to say the cannabis wasn't all that great as far as full term outdoor goes best of the best is up over $1000 i believe. cause the grower may have spent more than that on clones or the electric bill alone. doesn't change the fact they have mids and they are asking a high price
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ICMag Donor
Some of us want or work for higher prices for the value of our product to protect producers and consumers.

and some people are complaining because they want to sell extra clear coat at the stealership aka 500% taxes on little puny glass jars of dep weed


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ICMag Donor
in my county the legal allowance is three outdoor plants and three indoor plants per person for everyone

with some (if you squint seemingly childish phallic) drawing of a 'green zone' right on top of this house and neighborhood, that is supposed to show a 'no commercial licenses' zone

because of proximity to the freeway or highway or interstate road what ever it's called, sometimes it feels like the nevada circus casino and los angeles traffic are pulling right into town here and i don't know if this is california or palm desert las vegas strip, kind of eerie weird really, people keep having kids, it's like you can keep moving up and up into the mountains away from smog until only the mountain peaks are left. because dealing with masses that continue to influx into cities then suburbs to keep eating and going shopping and having more kids, doesn't really seem like a reasonable 'fight' if you will. how to argue with an ignorant stampede with lower intelligence that consumes everything in its path...


Active member
I getting 11 for the outdoor, coco organic


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my 2c is a small sample size, last year I paid for outs around 6-700 and one in cherry something for like 18. takeaway is in my opinion indoor may work for some people, like there may be truly quality indoor, but it is more expensive to grow and therefore the seller wants more money but it's a different product from sun grown cannabis entirely. apples to oranges comparison. some indoor may be quality but that does not mean that under lights makes it good bud

the fact is i did not enjoy the indoor bag i bought i objectively think it sucked worse than the outdoor. it had more crystals you could say it was stronger, and the outdoor wasn't even that good kind of early and not that strong. but the one bag i paid for indoor (ever in my life actually) and it sucked. it wasn't $500 an ounce indo la chronic stanky funk skunk. it was just some generic cherry something with crystals and blah..

speculation or arbitrary values come to mind for guesstimating what what is worth. i mean i could throw out a number and say the outs i bought were "really worth" $300 and the indoor about the same but that would just be a guess. and i mean to say the cannabis wasn't all that great as far as full term outdoor goes best of the best is up over $1000 i believe. cause the grower may have spent more than that on clones or the electric bill alone. doesn't change the fact they have mids and they are asking a high price

I'm curious if you tested the Cherry 18 before buying. How do you guys just drop that much on high quantity before testing the actual product?


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ICMag Donor
You are asking if I did what? paid and sent a piece to a lab before i dropped cash for a pound of bud from someone?

care to clarify what the h you are talking about? where is the test place at?


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ICMag Donor
FreedomGrower those shots look great :tiphat:

one aspect is the innate ability of the cultivator. what i mean is, someone can draw a picture on a chalkboard and attempt to make a case that

any room of the same size will yield the same result with the same clones and everything

like they are giving a sales pitch for a modular cubicle office space or grow container

However, stop right there,

because the individual person behind the scenes the personality of the grower, this matters with a factor of 100%

so that means your sales pitch about everything is the same modular plug and play even an idiot can make this grow work when you buy all of our stuff is dead in the water

This also sounds related to why businesses have fall outs with partners. Because only one person actually grows the product. Whoever did not grow it has trouble because they think they deserve or are entitled to something when in reality

even a big grow is like a one person operation when operating smoothly


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ICMag Donor
fvasquez I think it's a catch 22 situation where the bud I bought could have been moldy or failed or something like that it would not have passed

but at the same time dispensaries sell low quality bud and they say it has been tested

so it just boils down to money really


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ICMag Donor
having an open discussion on the 'net is an interesting thing really

i don't consider myself in any special way, and with a glance some browsing eye witness

in about three minutes i'll tell you i'd rather buy herb from FreedomGrower and PANIKZ and other forum members before 99% of dispensaries and black market people I know as in around my geographic location high school social network however to describe


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ICMag Donor
The irony with don't talk to strangers kids, and now I feel my "local" social circle has about zero members and I'm happy to make friends online. Real ones business partners everything in between.


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ICMag Donor
I've got to stop ranting and do something productive but think about this:

Only one out of every how many growers uses this site? So does that mean people I know lurk on this site and don't post? I would guess not. I would guess the answer is my handful of friends don't look on this site.

So what does it mean. Only the best of the best of the best growers (and aficionados) frequent ICMag? The most nerdiest of cannabis enthusiasts? Or are we just a small subset? The statistics on several billion people world population and about five people on ICMag, it always boggles my mind one way or another.


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ICMag Donor
if you know someone who is greedy and dangerous than you, at least scary

and they want to sell bud and they grow garbage bud

do you even have a choice? no really right? you can tell them off to their face or behind their back but if they wanna sell and yours is better then they can f*** off friend or foe its the same in that regard purely business

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