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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
People will pay up for the extra effort and time a plan S crop takes. At least I will.

Temper it with a little OGK if you need to keep from pinging off the walls..


Well-known member
People will pay up for the extra effort and time a plan S crop takes. At least I will.

Temper it with a little OGK if you need to keep from pinging off the walls..

once u add a indica, it ain't a sativa- and yes people will pay extra $$ for a sativa (i def will) ... but how much add $$ for a plant taking twice as long to flower ...or longer... if u r selling for 2k per lb.... r u willing to pay 4k for a plant that takes the grower twice as long???


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I meant one after the other, like a nightcap. Not hybrid. It's nice to have several jars.

And again, yeah... "what's the number?" is what I say to him. IMO trust and friendship matter. Organic hand trim is just something some folks will pay for.


Well-known member
Im hearing as low as 9 down in the valley, flat land areas, all the way up through butte and siskyou, however the coastal and coastal inland prices are always a few points higher... funny though like someone mentioned above, the middlemen are using the lowest tiered flowers price point as the benchmark for their own rates on anything. They say "well i can get stuff for 9" ...go ahead, you'll see the difference. Not to say all stuff at 9 is bad, sometimes people need quick infusion of funds and say fuck it.

9-13 for full term od is the range im hearing about in southern Humboldt


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Outs are everywhere rn so price fell. Deps were 13-16 but seeing full sun outs at those numbers too. Supply season will be short. Come December it will be indoor season again :)


but I get numerous complaints when I hand out racy sativa hybrids, and zero complaints with narcotic indica hybrids.

Maybe you are growing the wrong sativa hybrids?

For those who are not professional growers, keep in mind that there are many differences between growing Thai or Indian or other landrace sativas and 99% of modern hybrids.

From the photos I see online, most of the time, these landrace sativas are harvested too early. The best advice for growing landrace sativas is if you think it's ready to harvest - wait a month then decide! This may mean the difference between a jittery, scatter brain shot of espresso type of high or a long lasting satisfying, positive, active, intelligent buzz. Mature landraces are usually not airy or resinless when harvested during the ideal harvest window.

Another aspect about many of these landrace sativas is that the high improves noticeably when it has been dried and stored correctly for a minimum of several months....a bud that is rated 5 out of 10 two weeks after harvest can become an 8+ after 3 months. Indica strains also improve with the correct storage and time, but this is a less dramatic change compared to long flowering strains.

Many Asian landraces seem to finish flowering then a week or so later will burst out with new flower growth (many of these strains have highs that also undulate over several hours too), some strains go through several growth spurts which is something that growers of 8 weekers probably haven't got experience with, so usually harvest way too early and then say sativas are crap!

and that's just one (of many) aspect of growing landraces and mostly landrace hybrids. Like all strains, the health of the plant and yields are dependent on feeding the right amount at the right time...this is relatively easy with fast finishing strains but long flowerers require a feeding schedule that meets their needs over that 4 or 5 months of flowering. With Thai strains that I've grown, if you have feed them well and then stopped feeding at the right time, then most plants will finish flowering with every large to medium sized leaf already dropped off them at harvest time.

Are landrace sativas worth growing?....this remind me of an old Scotch whiskey commercial. A guy walks into a liquor store, stares blankly at the 100 different brands of Scotch then the shop owner walks over and says "Ask yourself, do I want to buy a bottle of Scotch that I like paying for or buy a bottle of Scotch that I like to drink?". If I was given the choice of buying 3 or 4 bags of standard 8 week bud or 1 bag of sativa bud that has a high that is a positive, uplifting and slightly trippy experience...I'd pick the latter, I'm probably in the minority.

With corporations taking over, small ~ medium sized growers will be squeezed out unless they find a profitable niche like supplying bud that is trippy &/or inspiring, I'd also suggest trying sales/deliveries of ounce+ deals direct from farm to consumers which will cut out the middle men and increase profits.
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passing the gas
CAMP stats for this year out.

Humbolt county sheriffs only raided 89 sites this year.

they are arresting a few more white men this year but it seems pretty minor, I expected a bigger crackdown.

White Beard

Active member
With respect, y’all workin’ too hard: down in the Old Confederacy, stick-filled shake goes for $15/g. - if they can find any at all.

Imagine the opportunities


9-12 outs OC/SoCal

Everyone wants that outdoor nuggssss!!!!! willing to pay 1k/lb no problem even for lower grade stuff. I heard there was a pretty deadly frost in the emerald triangle this year and the PGE power outages hit some ppl too.......definitely not going to be a flood for very long. I'm hoping it's 14-16+ again in February-March for "light dep" quality.


Well-known member
It definitely will be 14-16+ in a few months. I just moved my boutique greenhouse for 13.5. It's been a real nice year so outdoor looks great. I'll move it in April..


Active member
Race to the bottom...Still worth it to grow? Looks like prices are bounding back.Got some property but haven't grown or moved a pack since 2016 lol

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