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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I bet they had some good weed in Atlantis, back in the day.... :D

Its real dry in California. I havnt seen it like this in years

Wendull C.

Active member
Prices are up and some growers are getting to gouge a little. 2400 plus isn't out of the realm on singles.

The deps I was getting at 700 are coming down at 1100.

I would bitch, but after the last few years growers deserve it. I hope it lasts past the first wave of deps coming down.

Then there are still guys selling proper og ins hand trimmed at 1200. It isn't tested though. This is between long time friends.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Selling hand trimmed og indoor for 1200 is fucking absurd. What are the trimmers getting paid? What is their overhead per unit? Like seriously wtf? Thats beyond stupid. Stealing power is the only thing that makes any sense there and that alone is more moronic than those prices.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I wonder if people realize the business demographic here. It certainly was or still is a “race to the bottom” business setup. Basically anyone who can find a way to drop prices to a certain level beyond reason fucks the market for everyone else. “I can get og for 200 less sorry dude”. People are forced into pushing the limit until there is literally no profit left. Which many have felt and hung their hat over. Now, once enough people do that, and the supply evens out and people can start to charge more, suddenly business is back on track or headed in that direction. People should not be selling fuckin forum cut cookie at low yield for 1400 for indoor. Indoor Og for 1200? For goodness sake that troubles me. Thats disrespectful if the product is top notch.


Active member
Less than $100oz at the store for top shelf. Colorado
Can't afford California legal.
Consumers are getting raked.

Wendull C.

Active member
Selling hand trimmed og indoor for 1200 is fucking absurd. What are the trimmers getting paid? What is their overhead per unit? Like seriously wtf? Thats beyond stupid. Stealing power is the only thing that makes any sense there and that alone is more moronic than those prices.

I didn't set their prices. They have enough it makes sense for them. I think you probably hit the nail on the head with one of those questions. That's all I will say with that one. I'm not their long time friend, just the one who picked a couple up because it was too good not too...


Active member
In my neck of the woods, dirty south, AAA+ can still fetch 2800+. Good friend of mine pays 3200-3500 for Barry Bonds Gelato. Not my cup of tea but to each his own. A friend from the forums I've been talking with on IG says top shelf is going for 1800-2200 out in Cali. I could make a pretty penny here if I was "plugged in" but there is no trust in the game anymore. Outdoor is hard to get off here, I don't care how good it is, the bag appeal just isn't there. I've seen decent OD, dep, bio, or whatever they're calling it go for around 1000 a bag. Right now, it seems the market has either cheap/ok bud or expensive/good bud. There is almost nothing in the middle ground any longer.


Been getting 2k cash up front for top shelf wedding cake and race fuel og in LA area. Trying to get 22 to 24 but it's really hard
Well from a consumer viewpoint, why should we still be paying black market prices for legal weed. Should we be be paying $200 a bottle for Jack Daniels? it makes about as much sense. I live pretty much in the middle of nowhere in the Northeast, and I can buy top shelf for $800 a pound. And its still a good reason to grow my own!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
This thread is about wholesale prices in CALIFORNIA !!! Please lets keep it on topic ... Thanks :)

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Well from a consumer viewpoint, why should we still be paying black market prices for legal weed. Should we be be paying $200 a bottle for Jack Daniels? it makes about as much sense. I live pretty much in the middle of nowhere in the Northeast, and I can buy top shelf for $800 a pound. And its still a good reason to grow my own!

Thanks and lol:laughing:



Well-known member
Last year's outdoors dropped in price now That depps are coming down. It was so damn scarce anyway. Fresh depps are going for like 13-16.


Well-known member
This thread is about wholesale prices in CALIFORNIA !!! Please lets keep it on topic ... Thanks :)

where do u think the 800 for top shelf weed is coming from ??? calif of course, so its really on-topic ... on the other hand 800 bucks for top shelf in the northeast is a joke... 'if' he's paying 800, it's hay...or maybe oregano... and not the good oregano....

Wendull C.

Active member
All the little guys got ran out of business. The boutique indoor prices are up. Even the darkest og is going for 18 and everyone and their mother is growing it. Saw some fire cookie monster at 2800 but there is no room for me with that one. Smoke was amazing and done right in every way.

I know the grower and his practices, so when he gifted me an oz I had no problem burning the shit out of it. Beats the shit out of cookies with the GDP added. Still not as good as purple urkle though. Imo pu was ruined by the cross to big bud, though it was an improvement in a growers stand point.


Well-known member
With the hit in anza people in SoCal are shook. A lot of stuff is staying in town while I have been seeing reports of a drought hitting east of Nevada with the quickness. Deps are getting solid tickets and my boy ran into some cookie hype packs going for 32. Prime OG standing firm at 2+. I’m even seeing upper mids getting 17-18 right now. The uncertainty in the market is creating a lot of supply issues.

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