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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Wendull C.

Active member
Should be going up, my supplier ran out and the half a box he brought from Santa Cruz went into a bidding war that was out of my price /profit point.


850-900 for 10 at a time, dep quality cookies, sold out faster than ever, less than a week and poof its all gone... still left with the lesser quality outs that need to be trim,med but its looking like a sellers market for top quality outs (passes as ins). I;m sure i could get a rack but itd be one here three there, i'd rather get it off quick to as few folks as possible... if you got quality then things are defiantly looking up from last year...

It's looking like all the prop 64 BS shut down alot of farms in the triangle and calavaras (which supplies 60+% of the US weed) so the big brokers are definitely scrambling to fill orders.

Stay safe folks... love this thread...


^^^true that.my Homie has people begging that wanna send him 1k per up front for boxes and hes having issues getting just a box together. All those 6,7s and 8s seem to be gone
I’ve heard of several very large orders not entirely filled at 1k. If you were getting them shipped at or around that, be expecting an unpleasant call from your plug.

Wendull C.

Active member
The 6 7 and 8s are gone. I hope prices keep going up to the grower. They deserve it. Especially after the last couple years. I'm no broker, I'm a grower and the indoor is going up also.

Wendull C.

Active member
A box here is 100 pounds. I was damn confused at what you guys called a box too. Took reading 10 or more pages in the UK thread to find it.


Active member
The 6 7 and 8s are gone. I hope prices keep going up to the grower. They deserve it. Especially after the last couple years. I'm no broker, I'm a grower and the indoor is going up also.

yup indoor is finally getting to a decent price again, especially for botique indoor :dance013:


Well-known member
yes you can tell. and yes indoor fetches more

thanks for that... i have always found that outdoor add's something to the high that indoor does not.. now saying that, i havent smoked outdoor in many/many moons, as we only grow indoors... no 'safe' space for outdoor...


Active member
thanks for that... i have always found that outdoor add's something to the high that indoor does not...

All things being equal, outdoor plants have more complex terpenes and more cannibinoids (such as THC-V) when comparing to indoor. The sun is a much more complex organism than your typical lightbulb.

Back to prices. It seems the grey market is shrinking for mom and pops here in the East Bay, I am getting 1200 a ticket but quantity is way down from last year


Active member
All things being equal, outdoor plants have more complex terpenes and more cannibinoids (such as THC-V) when comparing to indoor.

This is a quantifiable, testable hypothesis and it simply is not true. I've never once seen lab tests comparing the same cultivar grown inside and outside showing the outdoor with more terpenes or cannabinoids.

It's a fact that harsh outdoor conditions (heat, wind, rain) destroy terps.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
this is a thread about wholesale pot prices in California ... please lets stay on topic.


This is a quantifiable, testable hypothesis and it simply is not true. I've never once seen lab tests comparing the same cultivar grown inside and outside showing the outdoor with more terpenes or cannabinoids.

It's a fact that harsh outdoor conditions (heat, wind, rain) destroy terps.
There is more to it than simply outdoor vs indoor. Grower experience is the first thing that comes to mind. And even the most pristine indoor weed can be ruined by failing to follow harvest/drying/storage/shipping/handling protocol.

But for some reason the market prefers indoor regardless which is why I often see shitty indoor packs fetching higher tickets than proper outdoors. My friend grows indoors still, he is not the best grower but he is decent and his packs still fetch 2k+ while i would stuggle to get 1k for my outdoor packs which are arguably better in every way. Not that i'm bitter, my overhead is much less than his.

Anyway most top-shelf production in the future will be done in climate controlled greenhouses with supplemental lighting, so neither outdoor nor indoor. Many large growers are already making the switch.


Anyway most top-shelf production in the future will be done in climate controlled greenhouses with supplemental lighting, so neither outdoor nor indoor. Many large growers are already making the switch.

In the short term perhaps, but tractors and massive acreage is where 99% of bud will be grown in the future.

This is a quantifiable, testable hypothesis and it simply is not true. I've never once seen lab tests comparing the same cultivar grown inside and outside showing the outdoor with more terpenes or cannabinoids.

It's a fact that harsh outdoor conditions (heat, wind, rain) destroy terps.

Scientists tell me that tomatoes grown in water under lamps have similar nutrients as earth/sun grown tomatoes...I know which tomato tastes better. The quality of the high of indoor pot lacks the complexity of sun/earth grown ganja, but I'm sure labs will say that there is a slightly higher THC and terpene content with indoor but that doesn't carry across to the quality of the high.

and while it's important to keep any thread on topic, comparing the quality of indoor, outdoor or greenhouse grown pot in relation to what the market wants and prices paid are definitely not off topic in my opinion. If we had to keep specifically to the subject at hand then each post should be simply a price and weight, but I think that there's more to be gained with comments that are related to the subject
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and with mass production of cannabis in California, we will see plants bred that will grow uniform and without the need for staking, training or trimming during growth

I just can't fathom how AAA outdoor cannabis that is carefully hand trimmed is worth less than indoor grown machine trimmed...when did looks become more important than the quality of the high? I bet blind smokers choose bud with the quality of the high being the most important factor.

But I guess if you walk into any supermarket now, all the veggies are grown with shelf life and looks in mind with taste a long last concern....sadly, i guess bud is the same.

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