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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
I usually put bone dry product in totes with wads of paper soaked in distilled water. Let it soak up some moisture. It will get back a lot of the niceness depending on what it was originally.

This is the sort of weed legaization brings, and these kind of people with it.

Totally clueless, who the fuck is silly enough to put wet paper in with their weed.

Only someone who is absolutely clueless.
I need not say any more.

Wrap you weed in wet paper, I have not heard something so silly since jr. high school.

You can keep your legal wet paper weed to your self.
I prefer to grow my own, so I don't have to smoke stuff that has been re-wet with wet paper.:puke:
What other silly things do you do to weed?

This is the new face of cannabis culture today. WTF??


Active member
LOL, I'm not sure what your agenda is, maybe a broker trying drop prices. just a newbe who doesn't have a clue what or where good grown herb is or what it looks and smokes like. You don't understand what it takes to grow great weed. You obviously don't have any good connections.
Of course the market is changing just like everything else. Most of us just adapt and find our nitche. Sounds like you are going straight to the gutter.
That's just my take trying to interpret what you are saying
I agree this guy is truly clueless:
Originally Posted by Calgrow
Many "growers" want to play a game that is over(grow a few weeds and sell over priced pot). They do not have the skills to play the new game-open a real business and compete in a legit market.

But what he means is:
The real growers, you know the big dogs in the game like to keep their weed moiture content perfect by placing their weed in wet paper and in a tote.
Sign me up for the mold-weed project.:biggrin:


some consumers want a low price, others want top shelf product. Seen it all, from $3 grams to $100grams, and it's all moving.. It's just about who you know.

$100grams, lol. Reminds me of the tulip that sold for 10k

For years I have heard pot grows cheer and rave about how well they were price gouging their consumers. That's all over now, and that is why I do not feel bad about all the folks that are out of a price gouging /"job".

We need to educate consumers on the difference between weed and alcohol. It's not like Budweiser vs. Russian River Brewery.... Shitty weed just wont get you as high as good weed, no matter how much you smoke.

Basement indoor grown with 1000watt light and Fox Farm is the same stuff as commercial grow same ingredients same conditions.

Budweiser vs. Russian River Brewery Budweiser uses corn rice and the cheapest fermentation. Russian River Brewery uses hops, barley and water.


Another thing, the logging industry in Nor Cal was killed by the enviro movement due to the spotted owl. Not lack of viability or market collapse.

Which, by the way did nothing to stop the decline of said species.

The logging collapse had to do with global trade issues. The owl was just a government propaganda mascot.


Active member
For years I have heard pot grows cheer and rave about how well they were price gouging their consumers. That's all over now, and that is why I do not feel bad about all the folks that are out of a price gouging /"job".

Are you aware of what is going on right now?
Legal growers are getting pennies for growing their product, meanwhile distributors are getting double or triple what they paid.

Is that not price gouging?


Are you aware of what is going on right now?
Legal growers are getting pennies for growing their product, meanwhile distributors are getting double or triple what they paid.

That is your typical capitalist business model. That the same way all other legal products are produced and sold in the developed world.

What this means is that billions of consumers will now get high quality product at reasonable prices. I would much rather see billions of people legally enjoy cannabis then a few criminal smake high profits price gouging.

Is that not price gouging?

No. It is capitalist monopoly. The same as 99.9% of all consumer goods.


$100grams, lol. Reminds me of the tulip that sold for 10k

For years I have heard pot grows cheer and rave about how well they were price gouging their consumers. That's all over now, and that is why I do not feel bad about all the folks that are out of a price gouging /"job".

Basement indoor grown with 1000watt light and Fox Farm is the same stuff as commercial grow same ingredients same conditions.

Budweiser vs. Russian River Brewery Budweiser uses corn rice and the cheapest fermentation. Russian River Brewery uses hops, barley and water.

1. not all weed is the same
2. If you think customers aren't being gouged anymore then you obviously haven't been into a weed shop and looked at the top shelf prices

For some reason you are rubbing me the wrong way. If you dislike "pot grows" then perhaps this is not the place for you...

I see the ignore button in your future .


Well-known member
Couple months ago some really good dep GG4 came around for 800 a piece, 100 minimum.

I’m still seeing thing go for as high as 15 coming from the triangle. There’s deals to be found, that’s for sure. Wouldn’t say the entire market is collapsing though. Out in LA some are still able to get high 2s and low 3s for stellar batches.


Active member
Are you aware of what is going on right now?
Legal growers are getting pennies for growing their product, meanwhile distributors are getting double or triple what they paid.

Is that not price gouging?

Legal growers are becoming vertically integrated so they don’t end up in that spot


For some reason you are rubbing me the wrong way. If you dislike "pot grows" then perhaps this is not the place for you...

I make a living from "pot grows", I love grows.

I dislike low level meth heads and druggies that lurk around the industry scamming money and peddling low level deals. I am sorry that rubs you wrong, but that's ok because you and your friends will be gone soon.

The cannabis industry is going though a major change, low level scum is going away and legit business people are taking over.


Active member
I make a living from "pot grows", I love grows.
You make a living from pot grows and you wet down your weed with water...WTF??
I dislike low level meth heads and druggies that lurk around the industry scamming money and peddling low level deals.
So I guess you are alright with meth heads that wear a tie?
The cannabis industry is going though a major change, low level scum is going away and legit business people are taking over.
The cannaibis industry is being taken over by white collar scum. AKA high level scum.
And people who know know nothing about cannabis and wet down their weed with water if it is too dry.

I think you actions show you are scum yourself and the way handle your cannabis is a crime or should be.

The future of legal cannabis right here folks.
Get your top shelf water weed now, it has to be good cause it is legal...right?:biggrin:

Do people actually buy the shit you are selling?
Do you tell them you wet down your weed with water if it is too dry?
It make one wonder what else do you do to your weed that buyers are not aware of?
This shit is really sad if you think about it.

A guy on a cannabis web site is wetting down his weed with water before selling it to unsuspecting buyers then saying others are scum for selling weed when it was illegal.

Wow, what a world we live in today.


@shaggyballs Not sure why you are stuck on my method for re-hydrating cannabis ? It works it takes a few hours. I sell to professional people they they test the moisture much of the time and it is usually always spot on 12%. I have been growing, drying and curing cannabis for decades, I have done many ways humidors, gel pack, wet stones, etc. Many ways skin a cat / cure and maintain cannabis.

I am not the one letting it dry to 2% moisture, it's idiots who are stuck on 1990 prices and hoard product for years. ((( Reality check ))) cannabis is going for wholesale $200-$600 a unit, if you sit on it, it gets the bottom end of the spectrum.


I dislike low level meth heads and druggies that lurk around the industry scamming money and peddling low level deals. I am sorry that rubs you wrong, but that's ok because you and your friends will be gone soon.
what friends? gone where?


what friends? gone where?

Price gouging drug peddlers. will be gone from the cannabis industry.

The price gouging drug peddling business model all depends on cannabis being illegal. You guys pretend it is because you have good weed, it's not. It because their was a shortage of weed due to it being illegal.

Legit business owners are taking over and giving customers what they want. Do you catch that ?? Giving customers what they want. Quality product at reasonable prices.

You guys have no concept of the customer. You just rip as much as you can out of them. That model only works in shady illegal markets which are over.


Active member
Hate me if you want...calGrow ain’t wrong. 2-6 is less than a couple yrs away. Only the best growers will be able to hit that price point.

Quality and quantity go together in this game

If you think you can rise above I wish you luck but I bet no. How much resources do you have for testing, for r & d, etc

At some pt a craft weed industry will rise. But it will come from Corp weed, not outlaw weed and bro science


Well-known member
Price gouging drug peddlers. will be gone from the cannabis industry.

The price gouging drug peddling business model all depends on cannabis being illegal. You guys pretend it is because you have good weed, it's not. It because their was a shortage of weed due to it being illegal.

Legit business owners are taking over and giving customers what they want. Do you catch that ?? Giving customers what they want. Quality product at reasonable prices.

You guys have no concept of the customer. You just rip as much as you can out of them. That model only works in shady illegal markets which are over.

Smart custumer shoulf choose to spend money where the quality is and with whoever is spending profits with local business. If the small not legal in some eyes grower can do better than the big guy from who know where they should support the small guy. If the big legal guy is doing better the small guy better step up his game.

I dont care who grew my herb if its proper grown and free of poisons. But I would way rather see small farmers run the big guys out of business. In my experience small farm organic herb is always better and if it helps keep local so called criminals in buisiness, even better.


Well-known member
Outdoor “up north” has enjoyed a good reputation during the 90s but now days it is fading fast. Humboldt has attracted growers not because of the climate but because of the remoteness and tolerance. The truth is the climate sucks for growing cannabis and the area produces sub par cannabis.

In the 90s people has Mexican dirt/brick/brown to compare the green Humboldt outdoor with. Now days Humboldt outdoor has to compete with indoor crystal covered buds and it fails to stand up. People would sell it to the east coast when they had droughts but now Colorado fills that demand with quality indoor.

It's hard to grow decent buds with lack of sunlight and Humboldt county has major lack of sunlight. Most all good pot from Humboldt is indoor.

Today Humboldt is even worse for growing. Grown cannabis has a tight profit margin now, in Nth California square footage is more and electricity is more, so people in almost any other place can grow the same indoor quality stuff for much less overhead.
Along with the industry is already flooded with growers in Northern California has created the ultimate conditions for a complete collapse in the cannabis production industry in Humboldt County.


Mann.. Where the hell did you come up with this.

Northern California is the best climate for cannabis producing in the world. Humboldt is a very small part of a very big cannabis producing area in norcal. In the maintains, away from the fog in humbolt is a great place to grow cannabis. The only places better in the world are other parts of norcal. Norcal is damn near perfect and indoor growing Is only trying to reproduce norcals climate. I don't know who told you there is no sun. There is a ton of sun in norcal. Maybe less in Humboldt Then the sierra foothills though. Its a Mediterranean climate. For the entire outdoor growing season it does not rain and the skies are perfectly clear. The summer is real long and the spring and fall is mild.
Some really amazing weed is grown in the norcal sun. There are crappy growers everywhere u go. Not ALL the weed grown in cali is dank but Most of the depp i see in the Sierra foothills is better Then the bland mass produced warehouse stuff. The brokers only willing to spend 200-500 are not getting it.
Outdoors in Cali is a great sustainable way for good growers that know what they are doing to farm great weed for the rest of the country.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
But he lives in Humboldt and he and his 30 posts know everything anyone could about weed and the weed business.

On another note, I miss Cali weed. Have fond memories of taking trips out to the coast over the school holidays to pick up some of the the best weed I've smoked to this day. (That wasn't in the 90's either)


You guys have no concept of the customer. You just rip as much as you can out of them. That model only works in shady illegal markets which are over.
who are you addressing here? seems like an overgeneralization to me. california hasn't really had 'shady illegal markets" for a quite while now. Unfortunately the legal markets are quite shady, given the fact that over half the state is banned from doing anything now.

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