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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
Make hashish!

My outdoor beats the crap out of a lot of indoor around here. Actually GH grown, and finished under lights. 90% outdoor grown from select cuts and genetics.


Boreal Curing
When I go to people houses that have gardens we will smoke some home grown, they will tell me about the garden then say "oh you should take some.." then they start fill zip lock bags of outdoor.

Just what I need, a couple more bags of outdoor. I politely take it and say "thanks".

It's like zucchinis in the fall, every time you visit a house with a garden you will leave with a box full. Then you get home and think "What am I going to do with this.. ?"

My best friend grew some of the best Blue Dream I've ever seen. It was outdoor, and he did just that. Gave a baggie to a visitor. The next day the dude came back and bought his whole crop. Boom. One shot.

But I know what you mean. Everyone makes the best Lasagna.


Make hashish!

My outdoor beats the crap out of a lot of indoor around here. Actually GH grown, and finished under lights. 90% outdoor grown from select cuts and genetics.

I have been planing on getting some bubble bags.

Most of the outdoor I get has that green taste. Even when cured well, it just has that "homegrown" taste, I have been wondering if it is the hot August days ? or cool nights ?

My best friend grew some of the best Blue Dream I've ever seen. It was outdoor, and he did just that. Gave a baggie to a visitor. The next day the dude came back and bought his whole crop. Boom. One shot.

But I know what you mean. Everyone makes the best Lasagna.

I have gotten some good outdoor Blue Dream. Girl Scout Cookies seems really consistently good outdoors.
Good stuff, just dosn't have the THC that most indoor gets and has that outdoor/green taste.

I do always enjoy seeing friends gardens.. They always brighten up when they show me. Everyone should have a few plants.
^biggest difference between outdoor and indoor is, totally uninterrupted dark period(indoor) vs moonlight(outdoor). Daytime vs nighttime temps are more perfect indoors too, outdoors is cold at night.

In general, people are just trying to get a bunch of weight outdoors too, so that can affect how much nutrients they feed(taste).

Really good, clean, outdoor is the best kind though because of the sun's light spectrum. More uplifting/inspired feeling than indoor IME.


Active member
Light is not as much the issue with indoor as heat is. Now studies show that UV light is actually BETTER for flowering. You are only going to get UV from the new types of HID lights or outdoors under the sun. But the real deal is higher night temps. Keep the night temps above 60 and plants continue to be active. I tested it last year and moved 2 plants indoors for the last 3 weeks. I had gooey tacky buds that had to dry for 3 weeks before I could trim, they were so resinous. After one bud my fingers stuck together and the snips gooped up. Scissor hash in the best tho!

Dunno about about green taste. Maybe harvested too early? I have been growing for over 30 years and never had any taste green except maybe my first year when I picked early because my mom said "They have to go now!" May also be cured wrong or too fast. I slow cure at lower temps (65 F). My bud smells great and stays great. It has that sinus zing to it. If I go into my curing room I have to smoke a bowl, it smells that good. Terpenes all come through on my weed.

I would not use bubble bags. I have made ice and CO2 hash with them but its messy. I prefer old school dry screened hash. Or tumbled screen hash. Next to that alcohol hash if the buds have any rot or are low quality or have a funky taste. Just extract the oil from them. You could also do BHO, which will strip everything. I do not blast to make hash. Dangerous, and it makes shatter or waxy goo if not done right which is plain too strong for me. But with crappy variable weed, that may be the way to go. No stem or leaf taste, get rid of any mold or rot.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
there anyone actually from California posting in this thread ? Seems everyone from the other states just want to tell us what goes on here. Lets try to keep this thread about California.


10 pack of greenhouse 8400. weird number I know, i said the same thing.
everyone I know still sitting on anything is waiting to see how the track and trace system is going to influence the market. it seems to be the last beacon of hope for alot of people holding out for numbers to go up some.


Chemon 91
there anyone actually from California posting in this thread ? Seems everyone from the other states just want to tell us what goes on here. Lets try to keep this thread about California.

i am in socal.

ive posted on icmag for over 12 years.

the prices for tested cannabis are as high as 60 an 1/8 to as low as 20 an 1/8 or as so they post on weedmaps.

personally ive been to coops and found 21 percent thc-a cannabis for 10 dollars an 1/8 like this pineapple sativa



The market seems to be going down... rent here in the lowest parts of los angles are 650 a month for a room.

and have been seeing more grow equipment on craigslist cheap.


time will tell what the markets will bare.


passing the gas
....everyone I know still sitting on anything is waiting to see how the track and trace system is going to influence the market. it seems to be the last beacon of hope for alot of people holding out for numbers to go up some.

Government blowing out yur beacon.

last week Cali emergency regs changed allowing another 180 days before regs take effect.

Grey market weed can now enter licensed recreational and medical system until Dec 1st 2018 instead of stopping in June like the rules said before.

" The Bureau of Cannabis Control, California Department of Public Health and California Department of Food and Agriculture have proposed to readopt their emergency regulations that are currently in effect, extending the time those regulations are in effect for another 180-day period. The three licensing authorities are proposing some changes to the regulatory provisions to provide greater clarity to licensees and to address issues that have arisen since the emergency regulations went into effect.

Highlighted among the proposed changes is that applicants may now complete one license application and obtain one license to conduct medicinal and adult-use cannabis activity. Additionally, licensees may continue to engage in commercial cannabis activities with other licensees regardless of designation as this provision is no longer limited by time.

“These proposed changes to our emergency regulations are based on feedback from our stakeholders, and information gathered over the first four months of implementation,” said Bureau of Cannabis Control Chief Lori Ajax."

welcome to another year of free falling.
Wholesale trim?
Someone wanted to buy clean trim for blasting. I think 50 a # is fair (and worth the effort to deliver 6 hrs away) for more than 20 units. They wanted 10-20 for $20 each. No deal. It’s just not worth taking the time off work. So Cali growers, is 50 reasonable?


Active member
I bought 20 pounds of trim a few years ago for 70$ a pound delivered, it was a 12 hour trip for the guy. I could have got it f or 40 a pound if I made the trip to south Humboldt.


Wholesale trim?
Someone wanted to buy clean trim for blasting. I think 50 a # is fair (and worth the effort to deliver 6 hrs away) for more than 20 units. They wanted 10-20 for $20 each. No deal. It’s just not worth taking the time off work. So Cali growers, is 50 reasonable?

I got an offer to buy my bulk trim for $20/pound ... will probably do it unless i get a better offer soon which i havent. Almost tempted to process it myself at that price but don't want to get the necessary equipment.


Overkill is under-rated.
I was getting 100 per pound of clean indoor sugar trim a year ago, now i can only find people who insist it be less than 30 days old and minimum of 100# etc, and at most $50 per pound. I'd rather process it myself at that price but I don't know who takes bulk BHO or alcohol shatter for a fair price these days either.


Well-known member
I agree the stuff from california has gotten worse and worse, I used to get stuff from california that put me to sleep before I coukd finish the joint. I think they just ship the stuff they don't want now. I have no problem getting more for my shit though many people with high tolerance want the good shit. Im in the midwest.


Active member
500 and 850 an ounce? I don't think so :biggrin:

I have seen people post receipts for recreational in L.A. with the tax 599.00 for an ounce. 40% tax jacks the price pretty high. My business has been on the upswing lately, getting negative comments about the dispensaries around me. The black market on the small scale is doing just fine
Thanks for the info on trim prices. I’ve started giving away my trim locally to friends and friends of friends. The goodwill is worth more than driving a bunch of pounds across the state for a new bucks and free dabs and RSO are nice too.

As for the quality of outdoor in state, it is much higher than a few years ago. I was looking at Humboldtlocals grow from 2010 on another site the other day. High times did a story and footage of the grow was used in an Aljazeera documentary. It was mind blowing at the time but now would probably end up back east now. It would be a fairly routine procedure for most growers I know to put together and work an operation like that these days (thanks partly to that 2010 grow). Nobody wants to smoke Mr. Nice anymore and certainly no dispo would buy it. Now everyone is growing Og’s, diesel, gg4, amazing fruity strains like skittles and fire crosses from seed banks like South Fork Seeds. Competition for a place in the market has made everyone I know like a million times better growers than they were in 2010. I’d love to see what humboldtlocal is doing these days. I bet is equally mind blowing for the times.

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