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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I have a couple of friends in the Arcata area, for 20 years they grew, not anymore. They would sell their stuff and it would go to So Cal, now So Cal has warehouses growing great stuff for cheaper then a small scale grower can grow.

Game Over.

I don't think the black market will ever die. People still sell cigarettes on the black market. Back in the day, brick weed was like 30 bucks an ounce, 10 bucks an eighth and the black market was booming.

People sell stolen cigarettes for cheaper then the store. They do not grow tobacco, cure it, roll it and sell it for any kind of profit.

The only reason mj was $2000. an lb was people had to risk their freedom to grow it and deal it. Now.. it is a whole new story.
It is a weed anyone can grow it and if you want primo professional commercial growers will grow top shelf stuff for cheaper then your dodgy renter in a 3 bdr house.

It is a new game played by big investors, professional horticulturalists and people with business degrees.


Well-known member
I mentioned it because there are wholesale volumes available at that price and because its Cali weed. People who pull .9/w can afford to sell that cheap if they need to, its a valuable data point for people who might be trying to imagine various possible future scenarios.

then just say 12 or 1200 for one right?..i think most of us are beyond ozs, at least in this thread


Boreal Curing
I have a couple of friends in the Arcata area, for 20 years they grew, not anymore. They would sell their stuff and it would go to So Cal, now So Cal has warehouses growing great stuff for cheaper then a small scale grower can grow.

Game Over.

People sell stolen cigarettes for cheaper then the store. They do not grow tobacco, cure it, roll it and sell it for any kind of profit.

The only reason mj was $2000. an lb was people had to risk their freedom to grow it and deal it. Now.. it is a whole new story.
It is a weed anyone can grow it and if you want primo professional commercial growers will grow top shelf stuff for cheaper then your dodgy renter in a 3 bdr house.

It is a new game played by big investors, professional horticulturalists and people with business degrees.
And shareholders who expect profits. It's hard to compete with a grower outdoors with tiny overhead.

Indian cigarettes are grown like the big guys, only they're tax free and without a huge overhead of thousands of employees.


I seen some of the best of the best NoCal indoor OG for sale at $75/z in Portland. Trimmed nicely and cured 3 months at that price. A+ good shit, what a deal!!


I am sure your right about Cali weed being here in the Mitten but I haven't seen any. None. Just all indoor Michigan grown (outdoor in the fall and around the holidays) and of various qualities. A lot of growers and brokers in Mich. I know quite a few in several cities. Not a lick of Cali dope I have heard of nor my eyes seen. But I am sure there is some.

You clearly aren't aware of your surroundings then because theres tons of michigan tools out here blowing up outs taking them back there.

I'm sure this guy would be willing to give a good deal:biggrin:on pounds
View Image

This grow was busted.

There is a difference between lisenced recreational and medical and black or grey market but as I’m typing this, it occurs to me, why do I give a fuck if you understand that difference. Long story short, the cheapest recreational is BD at $30 an eighth, Marleys Naturals lemon fuel OG is $50 an eighth. There is still a good chance that ole will chop our crops, losing any investment for that season. The only ones that can risk that loss are the ones already setup. That is why no properties are selling.

Great points!

Definitely a lot of people making ridiculous claims and comments in here that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. The current state of the market is vastly complex, stop comparing apples to oranges or making outrageous comments that are a complete fabrication.


Active member
The green rush is definetely on the downward slope, or at least evolving into something else. Rural real estate (old prop 215) properties are sitting for sale at lower prices. Its hard to say how long they will sit, and how low they will sell for in the future. Almost all of these propertys are not real farm land.

Ive visited the biggest hydro shop in gold country multiple times in last month for bales of pro-mix. The store / parking lot has been empty, its the first times in 4 years ive seen it that slow. Employees there are speculating the slow business is from the new laws / prop 64 , but clearly its from over supply / saturated market and falling prices. They have only done a staggering 30% of the business year to date.


I got family that lives in Kelseyville and Lakeport. All growers. Well as friends..all growers. Hopland too. Close to.ground zero for norcal outdoor cannabis. I talk to them at least every other week. I lived there myself for quite a few years. I have a good grasp on the scene out there. At least from them. That's all I am saying.


People sell stolen cigarettes for cheaper then the store.

Not stolen cigarettes, non taxed cigarettes. Its pretty interesting, and they are trying to crack down on it. Its a good google search, if you were not aware of it.

A lot of really interesting black markets exist that most people are not aware of. "Gomorrah," is a really good read or watch.

The fact that we can grow, dry, trim, cure, just makes the profit margins even higher. You can grow a pound of indoor for close to the price of a taxed eighth from a storefront. Top shelf after tax is apx retailing between $7,680 - 9,600 a pound. Just need to have your hand on distribution, both black market and legal market. Vertical integration is the key to survival.

Just not much room for wholesaler/suppliers anymore, most distributors albeit legal or black market, are already producing their own supply or are on the path to produce it.

It is still a billion if not trillion dollar industry, wholesaler/suppliers just have to get into the distribution, if they want to remain in the industry.

Its not a new idea, its been happening for a long time. It just reached its tipping point recently. Anyone who retails a decent amount, eventually realizes they can cut out the suppliers and increase profit.



Long story short, the cheapest recreational at one Sacramento store is BD at $30 an eighth, Marleys Naturals lemon fuel OG is $50 an eighth. There is still a good chance that leo will chop our crops, losing any investment for that season. The only ones that can risk that loss are the ones already setup. That is why no properties are selling.

You should shop around some more because I hear of people buying $30.1/4s and $100.oz s in Cali.

Colorado is a year or two ahead of Cali. When rec first became legal in CO growers had to catch up to the market because of regulations. Then.. the market became flooded and prices are forever down.

Once grey turns white we will see a fun run of investors and prices will crater.

Not stolen cigarettes, non taxed cigarettes. Its pretty interesting, and they are trying to crack down on it.

The business model on non-taxed goods is basically a contraband model. People make money by taking a risk- confiscation, prison, fines, etc. When you calculate that type of stuff in Is it really profitable ?

Indian reservations sell non-taxed tobacco, other then that ? You buy them on the street corner ? How much money is in that ? enough for a hit of crack ever hour or two ?


This is my last post until I have new info on WHOLESALE PRICES. The ignorance and grower hating on here is ridiculous. Those $30 and $50 eighth prices are from the Abatin Wellness in Sacramento website, not including 29% taxes. There are many rec stores in Sac so I doubt their prices are too far off from average.

You are lying to yourself and looking to cherry pick prices that will look like the market is not going over a cliff. Markets come and go.

As far as "WHOLESALE" lbs are not going for 2k anymore. People can go buy a oz for $100.(in a store, pick and choose,etc) Do the math.
lbs of top shelf can be had for $600. outdoor and lower grade are worthless. Lots of growers are sitting on product because large scale professionals have came in taken over the game.

The risk is gone. So is the inflated price. It's not "hate" it's reality.


The business model on non-taxed goods is basically a contraband model. People make money by taking a risk- confiscation, prison, fines, etc. When you calculate that type of stuff in Is it really profitable ?

Cannabis is not, and was never legal. Everyone is risking currently. 100 plants, even clones, can get you 5 years minimum mandatory, no good time, no parole. They wont even let you mention a state law in federal court as a defense.

Everyone is different, some people do it out of passion, rebellion, lack of options, etc... They never intended to get rich, they are happy just doing it.

Back to the thread topic. Saw 50 good ones go at 8 recently. Had a friend find 25 crappy ones at 4, turn around and got rid of them at 11.



New member
The black market is alive and well in every single legal state, and will continue to be until interstate trafficking is legalized and limited license states expand their programs.
I totally agree, until there's pot at every corner store I wouldn't worry one bit and even then regulations and taxes will always benefit the black market. Just grow a pair and focus on distributing straight to consumers.


Active member
This is my last post until I have new info on WHOLESALE PRICES. The ignorance and grower hating on here is ridiculous. Those $30 and $50 eighth prices are from the Abatin Wellness in Sacramento website, not including 29% taxes. There are many rec stores in Sac so I doubt their prices are too far off from average.

Of course you can buy $100 oz in Cali. Matter of fact, my guy in Tahoe will sell you my product at exactly $100 all day long. That is the result of #’s going for 5- and 8-. He doubles his $ that way. Nobody said you can’t get good $100 oz in Cali but that is the grey medical market. And if you didn’t know, the fact that it is sold and smoked in Cali means it is good. Looks great, smells amazing and gets you high as fuck.

As for the hating, it’s got to be jealousy (or more ignorance). We used to be like you but then we gambled everything we had on a dream. Hate to break it to you, but in my case, it has worked out better than I ever hoped. These last 8 years have been great. Property and home were paid off in 3 easy, annual payments. No matter where prices go, I will never work for somebody else again. $300 #’s, ya, I can do that if that’s where it goes. Still good income for doing what I love for 6 months. Only 6 weeks in South America this winter but everybody gets 6 weeks of vacation, right? A great life and unlimited amounts of the best cannabis in the world to smoke so go ahead and hate and share your ignorance, it’s time for us to focus on babies and prepare for another record breaking year. I’m out of here.

I don’t do for the love,
I don’t do it for the hugs,
I do it for the money, pussy and drugs!

The days of gouging are over. Bubbles come and bubbles go. Growing weed has always been easy.


Boreal Curing
The ignorance and grower hating on here is ridiculous.
I see the same thing here mainly from indoor growers beating their dead horses trying to get the same mileage as they used to. Indoor is going for close to the same as outdoor here. Some have vowed to stop growing complaining that they can't even get away for a weekend because they have to babysit the room. Good. We could use less growers.

Don't get me wrong, I feel for them, but the world is changing. Sometime you're on top, and sometime you're on the bottom.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Triple A Candyland ins going for 9-11 depending on how many you snatch..wow..

Yeah, seems like ins are getting dumped for cheap now a days. The days of growing then dropping it off at the disp are over..You gotta form relationships with people and get off your ass and hustle your shit if you have a good product! Middlemen are hustlers period, and they make good money without touching anything. Bottomline is growers need to get off there ass and hustle!!



As for the hating, it’s got to be jealousy (or more ignorance).
I do it for the money, pussy and drugs!

I was a little confused by your posts. But your PM with the foul words cleared it all up. Just throw a foul word in 2-3 in ever sentence and it is clear as mud. lol

Don't worry their will always be a market to support your "money, pussy and drugs!" even if it is in prison -the pussy.


Boreal Curing
Triple A Candyland ins going for 9-11 depending on how many you snatch..wow..

Yeah, seems like ins are getting dumped for cheap now a days. The days of growing then dropping it off at the disp are over..You gotta form relationships with people and get off your ass and hustle your shit if you have a good product! Middlemen are hustlers period, and they make good money without touching anything. Bottomline is growers need to get off there ass and hustle!!

I hate selling. I have never sold a joint or baggie in my life. I have a childhood friend who has been wholesaling for about 30 years. I produce, he sells. Works for me. I used to only produce flower, but now it's a lot of hash too.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
then just say 12 or 1200 for one right?..i think most of us are beyond ozs, at least in this thread

I thought that doing it in ounces was making use of a literary device which added a hint of the desperation involved, but it clearly went over most people's heads.
Not that the opinions of troglodytes and Philistines matters to me, if its that hard to do that math you got worse problems. Its not like I picked inverse compton wavelengths as my mass unit, seems like some people are just easily offended.

Here is the clubbing you over the head with it version for people who didn't catch the drift the first time around

Originally Posted by Cali Grower
How about this, I'll suck two dicks in a McDonald's parking lot and give you 2z for $200
Last edited:


Do the math.
lbs of top shelf can be had for $600. outdoor and lower grade are worthless. Lots of growers are sitting on product because large scale professionals have came in taken over the game.

Why are you preaching doom? maybe you are one of the guys who just set up a million dollar warehouse grow and you want to scare away the outdoor growers by telling us our shit is worthless...

Or maybe your outdoor just sucks....

Good outdoor weed will always be worth money for the same reason as good indoor weed, and at the end of the day the cost of production is much lower for outdoors while the quality can be very comparable.

I've been selling my 2017 outdoors for 700+ per pound since last fall.. just sold 15 last week, and then a couple days later i got rid of 3 pounds for 1k each. Just got another order for 20 pounds at 700 each but i have to drive it down to LA so will probably try to charge extra.