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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
Not a kid. Wish I was. And in 5 to10 years you won't be making a dime off any cannabis you grow. Guarantee it.

I'd say much sooner than that. 3 years tops. This current massive glut of product at this really early stage in the legality game (and subsequently these brutally low wholesale prices) make it an unsustainable gig for most people. Definitely for me. There are just too many growers now.

20 years experience... and now it's time to go find a day job. :dunno:

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I seen some of the best of the best NoCal indoor OG for sale at $75/z in Portland. Trimmed nicely and cured 3 months at that price. A+ good shit, what a deal!!


New member
A lot of trolls in the Cali thread. But anyways the cream always rises to the top so don't fret my brothers eventually the market will sort it out.


Active member
Sorting it out involves some big money investors.
There will be some small niche markets but our government and our laws are geared towards mass production. Tax credits, tax breaks. Who can produce the greatest number of 10 dollar an hour jobs.
It's a "me " market and always has been. Now you're up against the big boys.
The consumer will win big on price and loose big on quality.
You have to find that niche market or take that 10 dollar an hour job.
No trolling. Just the way it is. What was fact yesterday is no more.


Well-known member
I seen some of the best of the best NoCal indoor OG for sale at $75/z in Portland. Trimmed nicely and cured 3 months at that price. A+ good shit, what a deal!!

Not the norm here and whoever sold it must of been desperate...and that was in portland...for an ounce...not really a wholesale ca topic

A lot of trolls in the Cali thread. But anyways the cream always rises to the top so don't fret my brothers eventually the market will sort it out.

cream yes...and scum as well

Things arent so black and white as most of the out of area people think. It's not like the blackmarket is dead, the so called legal this and that still only affects many of us indirectly, some say prices have not dropped so simply bc the black market was stronger than the bureaucrats gave us credit for. Don't get me wrong I have some friends seriously invested in the commercial legal cannabis market, but most of us couldnt afford or just didnt want to be a part of it.

IMO it's still about who you know. There is still some inherent risk in wholesale cultivation/distribution, depending on diff factors. So being able to have the right people you can trust..well..my point is I have seen first hand farmers who lived just two properties down from each other on the same hill. One guy grows the reggie mersh by the ton load, the other grows the high grade organic headies in large amounts as well. In January at the store the reggie is telling me how he got rid of everything for a really good ticket, all went here or there, who cares its gone ya know. But then i talk to the high grade, and he tells me he's sitting on a good portion of his crop still, and no one in his circle is moving much, things are kinda slow, and unless he drops his number down realll low, much lower than what the reggie went for, he's gonna be hurting.

So reggie might not grow the best dank, but he has the right connections with the right people. Connections and relationships are important, a pillar that needs to be strong if you wanna build a weed castle.

And this generalization that all farmers are sitting on tons of all their old weed they can't sell is just a myth. It happens, often, but not to the majority.


Well-known member
Not the norm here and whoever sold it must of been desperate...and that was in portland...for an ounce...not really a wholesale ca topic

Just my opinion. The cali wholesale market seems to be the driving force, or at least indicator of the whole countrys wholesale market. Even here in Michigan it is cheap cali weed direct by mail that lowers the value of our local product, which there is plenty of. The other big force is non legal states. Most of them can now get herb from a legal state instead of mexico or canada. Every new state that goes legal is one less place to export too and the price goes down again.

Thread cracks me up. Lots of good points and info and then every now and then someone pops up to remind us its a strictly cali thread. Ok. Only sell your weed to cali people that plan to keep it in cali. :)


Just my opinion. The cali wholesale market seems to be the driving force, or at least indicator of the whole countrys wholesale market. Even here in Michigan it is cheap cali weed direct by mail that lowers the value of our local product, which there is plenty of. The other big force is non legal states. Most of them can now get herb from a legal state instead of mexico or canada. Every new state that goes legal is one less place to export too and the price goes down again.

Thread cracks me up. Lots of good points and info and then every now and then someone pops up to remind us its a strictly cali thread. Ok. Only sell your weed to cali people that plan to keep it in cali. :)

I am sure your right about Cali weed being here in the Mitten but I haven't seen any. None. Just all indoor Michigan grown (outdoor in the fall and around the holidays) and of various qualities. A lot of growers and brokers in Mich. I know quite a few in several cities. Not a lick of Cali dope I have heard of nor my eyes seen. But I am sure there is some.
Just my opinion. The cali wholesale market seems to be the driving force, or at least indicator of the whole countrys wholesale market. Even here in Michigan it is cheap cali weed direct by mail that lowers the value of our local product, which there is plenty of. The other big force is non legal states. Most of them can now get herb from a legal state instead of mexico or canada. Every new state that goes legal is one less place to export too and the price goes down again.

Thread cracks me up. Lots of good points and info and then every now and then someone pops up to remind us its a strictly cali thread. Ok. Only sell your weed to cali people that plan to keep it in cali. :)

Yep. Fact of the matter is cali outdoor is destroying markets....not rec weed. If you could eliminate 25-50% of all cali outdoor, we would all be in better shape.

It doesnt matter if this is a cali thread, cali single handedly controls the US market. When that effects others/us you better believe we have a right to speak up. If other sates was bombing the cali weed market, theres no doubt in my mind that you guys would be posting about it.

In all honesty having cali grown outs used to be a major selling point, now if you mention the two people turn their heads.

Its only like tht with outdoor not indoor.


New member
I'm from LA county where you have millions of people it's all about convenience, quality of product and price. These corporate cocksuckers don't run these LA streets. They can flood it with all of the pretindo $5 bullcrap they want it's a NoGo will be labeled as stress weed, bunk and they will continue to have to send that bammer to Michigan.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
typical bulk out door grower in NorCal?

typical bulk out door grower in NorCal?

I'm sure this guy would be willing to give a good deal:biggrin:on pounds


Should be interesting, where I am at in the triangle, it is extremely quiet compared to the last several years.

For comparison, I saw 1 big rig with pallets of soil of coming in so far this year. Last year, easily 3+ trucks every single day. The towns are empty, starting to fill up a little, but it seems like a lot of the migrant growers and workers may not be coming back.

You would assume if a huge chunk don't plant, supply will drop and prices rise. I think indoor beasters will just replace it. Cali is a bit different because of the sunshine, but look at Canada, there market has been as low or lower for over a decade all from indoor beasters.

Recently, had a friend get a unit of wax from 2016 for 500 dollars. Really close to 1 dollar a gram. Think it was an oddity, but he said it actually looks really good. Think the BHO is really driving the market crash as well. No skill involved on the part of the grower, you can take absolute trash and turn it into BHO. Huge beaster factories, and slabs of polluted BHO. Colorado as well as some other states are closer to the east coast than Cali as well. The whole west coast is saturated, and now there are closer destinations. Friend of a friend, works in Colorado at a huge legit grow. Story was, oh ya... that 200 units molded we had to throw it away *wink*, as it goes out the backdoor, is pretty common. You have a factory over producing, couple choices, turn off the lights, or find another market and lower the price.



I'm from LA county where you have millions of people it's all about convenience, quality of product and price. These corporate cocksuckers don't run these LA streets. They can flood it with all of the pretindo $5 bullcrap they want it's a NoGo will be labeled as stress weed, bunk and they will continue to have to send that bammer to Michigan.

One more time...again..not a helluvalot of Cali weed here in Mich. We have our own thank you. I haven't seen nor heard of ANYONE with Cali import cannabis. Since Mich went med legal in 2008/09...we took it and ran with it. Everyone and they brother has some lights in a basement or a tent. And that's a fact. What they do with those lights varies greatly...but there is a shitload of domestic indoor grown Michigan cannabis pretty much everywhere. At all prices. You Cali growers are just growing too damn much. If you werent...this thread wouldn't exist. Fact.

Wendull C.

Active member
What's up Wendull C.

Told you you could find me bro, now lets get back on topic lest thet flame us both.

Faceoff og organic, perfect in almost everyway, and the high is top notch. 1700 on singles 15 once we do a lil mo buissiness. Many other top top shelf at the same price. On a cuff, he just needs it gone. He us from northern humboldt southern oregon.

He is happy, back home its 12 for the face off. I am an og motherfucker. His shit is as good as it was when og first came around too.....
Fact, fact, fact fuck you

Fact, fact, fact fuck you

One more time...again..not a helluvalot of Cali weed here in Mich. We have our own thank you. I haven't seen nor heard of ANYONE with Cali import cannabis. Since Mich went med legal in 2008/09...we took it and ran with it. Everyone and they brother has some lights in a basement or a tent. And that's a fact. What they do with those lights varies greatly...but there is a shitload of domestic indoor grown Michigan cannabis pretty much everywhere. At all prices. You Cali growers are just growing too damn much. If you werent...this thread wouldn't exist. Fact.

Fact 1- you have no business on here.
Fact 2- the most views on any Michigan discussion thread is less than 16,000
Fact 3- this thread has over 600,000 views and a handful of childish trolls are fucking it up.

It used to be that everybody I knew rented an apartment and had a tent and a few lights. Now we have farms and houses that are paid off and can produce pounds for a few dollars more than the cost of handtrimming, even less if we use our trimming machines.

Medresearcher is right. Town is dead. Tons of properties for sale at 10 year lows and no buyers. I only know 2 people going rec. Almost everybody are planning smaller crops and not hiring seasonal help. The gas station and grocery stores claim to be down by 40% compared to last April. And, sadly, almost no dirt trucks. It’s looking like it might get better for those of us that can weather the low prices.


Active member
Hello all,

Just asking, but has the ability to grow your own in Cali been considered in declines.

I personally grow my own and have not bought a single gram for better that ten years now.

So what I am saying is that perhaps a decline in sales/prices is due to self-production.



Active member
One more time...again..not a helluvalot of Cali weed here in Mich. We have our own thank you. I haven't seen nor heard of ANYONE with Cali import cannabis. Since Mich went med legal in 2008/09...we took it and ran with it. Everyone and they brother has some lights in a basement or a tent. And that's a fact. What they do with those lights varies greatly...but there is a shitload of domestic indoor grown Michigan cannabis pretty much everywhere. At all prices. You Cali growers are just growing too damn much. If you werent...this thread wouldn't exist. Fact.

I'm from Oregon but agree that the Cali market affects many out of staters and we may want to comment here if it is relevant.

However. Arguing the same point over and over again is obvs pissing some natives cali folks off. Curious why you keep repeating yourself? You've made your point, so... can we move on? It starts to seem like you actually want to irritate people, is why I'm asking, and it distracts.

I appreciate the contributors to this thread. This is important info for many of us, and your on-topic replies are helping keep us up to date. Keep it up, and thanks.


If possible, I am sure people grow there own to smoke. Many circles everyone grows some, everyone has fire, no need to buy anything.

Although for some people that just isn't the case. Maybe they live in a tiny apartment, with a strict landlord. Maybe they have a fantastic career they don't want to jeopardize, or they are so rich they pay people to do everything for them, including the landscaping. How many suburban home owners fertilize their own lawn?

I don't think the black market will ever die. People still sell cigarettes on the black market. Back in the day, brick weed was like 30 bucks an ounce, 10 bucks an eighth and the black market was booming.

Think for Cali, a lot will come down to how much of the tax revenue they spend on enforcement. I heard they will allow counties to render huge state fees, that make the current county fees look like nothing. Although if the politicians are as greedy as normal, they won't hire enough enforcement agents, just pocket the revenue with some bridge, tunnel, or road project.


PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Not the norm here and whoever sold it must of been desperate...and that was in portland...for an ounce...not really a wholesale ca topic

I mentioned it because there are wholesale volumes available at that price and because its Cali weed. People who pull .9/w can afford to sell that cheap if they need to, its a valuable data point for people who might be trying to imagine various possible future scenarios.

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