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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Well-known member
Everyone is entitled to they're own opinion and I was wrong about the size of the California economy. 6th in the world is all.

So it's a perspective thing. I'm sure after one starts growing they're circle shrinks and they see far less product other then your own. You always have to keep in your mind that everyone that grows they're own has "the best"....50% of the backyards in Colorado all have that top shelf coming out of them lmao. But then they say it's better then the store and most of the time it is but you should see it.

We will give Maine the best lobster how bout that


Active member
Yo give cali its props. We started the movement!! The flower out here depends on the g3netics and the growers skill. Itd be foolish to say cali has the best weed, we got the best genetics in the world but growing good herb is not hard! Read a book,watch a video and understand ur ph, npk and temps and ull get good flower inside or out. All this bull about we got this we got that is bs.Cali, Canada and Amsterdam for genetics. Ive been doing this for 17 yrs i think i know wat im talk8ng about. Shout out to them wash boyz they starting to create some danky funky exotic genetics!!!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Maui has the best outdoor due to the large hole in the Ozone Layer :)

G `day Stormy

Its even bigger in the southern hemi .
Oz has extreme UV . Us white folks get skin cancers all the time . kills a lotta folks .

Oz sits from 40 deg to 12 deg Sth .
Wanna grow ? Pick a climate .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Yo give cali its props. We started the movement!! The flower out here depends on the g3netics and the growers skill. Itd be foolish to say cali has the best weed, we got the best genetics in the world but growing good herb is not hard! Read a book,watch a video and understand ur ph, npk and temps and ull get good flower inside or out. All this bull about we got this we got that is bs.Cali, Canada and Amsterdam for genetics. Ive been doing this for 17 yrs i think i know wat im talk8ng about. Shout out to them wash boyz they starting to create some danky funky exotic genetics!!!

Actually the movement was thriving long before a cannabis seed reached the Americas. Just before prohibition Mexico was right up there then California and Kentucky started guerilla growing along with many other states. California was the first for Medical marijuana but CO was the first for recreational.

A lot of good strains originated from West Coast but good strains came from all over the US and many throughout the world.

California didn't start anything but they are equal to everyone in the world who's bred cannabis to make it better.


Well-known member
Doesn't Cali produce way more than they can consume every year? I don't see a good market strategy importing weed to an already flooded market.

That's exactly my point. If every other state was crushing it that hard they'd be taking over the market. But there's Cali weed everywhere.

As far as here in CO the price ranges per quantity. 900 for outs on large(machine trim). 1-12 on 5 or less.

Hand trim Deps are 16 and ID is 17- 18, with glues and kushes around 2.

But that's just high elevation/300 clear days a year herbs.

Or so I've heard but there's always the low ball brokers wasting people's time...but they'll get a couple suckers. Legalization fucked everything and there's alot of uneducated people with plants in they're backyard letting pollen fly, pm loaded and growing random bag seed. They all want to supplement they're income it seems and I assume the prices will be on the rise again after the new year.

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Well-known member
That's exactly my point. If every other state was crushing it that hard they'd be taking over the market. But there's Cali weed everywhere.

As far as here in CO the price ranges per quantity. 900 for outs on large(machine trim). 1-12 on 5 or less.

Hand trim Deps are 16 and ID is 17- 18, with glues and kushes around 2.

But that's just high elevation/300 clear days a year herbs.

Or so I've heard but there's always the low ball brokers wasting people's time...but they'll get a couple suckers. Legalization fucked everything and there's alot of uneducated people with plants in they're backyard letting pollen fly, pm loaded and growing random bag seed. They all want to supplement they're income it seems and I assume the prices will be on the rise again after the new year.


Im from Northern Indiana where weed is illegal. Cali weed, Michigan weed, and mids is what we have here. It used to be the Cali weed was fire and the michigan weed was hit or miss but the past few years the weed coming through the mail from cali doesn't smoke much better than mids, the quality in Michigan is much more consistent. I read someone earlier say cali exports their garbage but in 2012 i was getting weed from cali that put people too sleep.


There aint no cali weed in Michigan..not around the people I know...and I know alot of frikin people. Everyone I know has small to bigger sized operations cranking out pure fukin hell fire. Mostly indoor grown...whether organic soils..coco coir..rockwool..or water culture setups. DE Hps ..cobs..cmh all the latest lighting. I know a shit ton of growers (yes - ALOT) and none of them fuk with boo boo or have subpar setups or skills. The ones that throw a couple plants out and dont keep up on them...or kids with a hot lamp in a dirty tent growing spider mites dont last long at all. Matter of fact alot of real deal in the trenches growers buy up these jokers near new equipment on the web super cheap because the hacks arent getting the quality and quantity return in relation to that electric bill. Like I said..here in Michigan..the hacks dont last. With growing..especially indoor...you have to COMMIT. Anyone worth thier salt knows this.


Cali market has changed entirely. A lot of the really great growers have long retired, they sold enough while it was 3... 4.. 5k per. Some stuck around into the 2's. Few die hards left, either going big, or trying to grow boutique for the domestic cali market.

A huge amount of the growers in Cali now, are imported from other states and countries. They have markets back home where they grew up, NY, CO, OR, FLA, OK, NC, Bulgaria, etc.. so they bought property and start their own farms. Quality scales with quantity, it can be offset to some extent, but the quantity is so huge the quality all around is way way down. Add to that inexperience, you see a lot of garbage.

A lot of the mid cali weed you guys see in other states, is grown by people from those states.

Back on topic 9-12.



so even though it's being grown in Cali it's not really Cali because the growers aren't from Cali

Thats a bit of a stretch, but it does partially explain the quality going down.

Imagine a retail salesperson from NY moves to Cuba. They decide to farm tobacco and hand roll cigars. Technically its a Cuban cigar, but its not going to be the same quality that people expect from a Cuban cigar.

Some wine appellation's appoint a panel of testers. They test the wine to ensure quality before allowing the appellation's stamp to be attached to the product. Otherwise anyone could just move in, make crap, and piggyback off the hard work of the appellation.

I don't think we will see the day when its legal to export. Although if it was, I would assume there would be some minimal standards to meet in order to use a "Cali Grown" brand/appellation. At the very least pesticide/mold screening.

Within Cali, domestically. I think we will see appellation's pop up in the near future. Mendocino, Humboldt, some others as well. Went to a bunch of meetings locally about forming an appellation. Had the same issues, farmers with real quality, worried about someone moving in, growing crap, and using the same label running its reputation down.



Cali market has changed entirely. A lot of the really great growers have long retired, they sold enough while it was 3... 4.. 5k per. Some stuck around into the 2's. Few die hards left, either going big, or trying to grow boutique for the domestic cali market.

A huge amount of the growers in Cali now, are imported from other states and countries. They have markets back home where they grew up, NY, CO, OR, FLA, OK, NC, Bulgaria, etc.. so they bought property and start their own farms. Quality scales with quantity, it can be offset to some extent, but the quantity is so huge the quality all around is way way down. Add to that inexperience, you see a lot of garbage.

A lot of the mid cali weed you guys see in other states, is grown by people from those states.

Back on topic 9-12.


Again..Ive heard this before and it just dont jive. Especially outdoor. You guys seem to think that after a certain size of operation the quality goes down? "Quality scales with quantity".... I don't get that one at all. A skilled greenthumb with 20 plants outside or indoors of fire genetics will have a better quality than another skilled grower that puts same genetics in a bigger indoor setup or outdoor plot? You lost me. Lets just say..Especailly talking on a forum...that quality is seriously subjective. And relative for that matter. But I dont get when you all say quality suffers when you go bigger. Whats the cut off point? Lol. When that grower gets so big they cant personally tend to each and every plant for daily upkeep? Skilled Help? Whats the measuring stick here?? Lol. I know what your implying..ive heard it before..but iam not accepting it. No way. I need some kind of guage for the quality suffers when you grow quantity argument. Its bowshit until then.
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i totally understand just messing with you:biggrin: :tiphat:

Hah, hard to tell sometimes. It was funny, and a good point. :tiphat:

Rondon: Especially outdoor. You guys seem to think that after a certain size of operation the quality goes down?

I wouldn't say its linear, as in a very skilled and experienced farmer, that has plenty of skilled labor could offset the scaling. Couple examples, so many plants or so much canopy you cant examine every leaf everyday. So you will be slower to catch problems. Your not gonna notice a broad mite is on plant #400 out of 2,000, or that plant #66 is starting to mold in the last rain. So instead you spray the whole field over and over with insecticide, and you harvest early so you don't have to deal with mold. Hard to give individual plants exactly what they need, so you use more of a broad spectrum approach. Most huge farms irrigation will be split into zones. So if you have a mag def, on a couple plants in a single zone, they will load the irrigation tank with a mag solution, while maybe some of the soil in that zone already has to much mag. Not going to take 2000 soil samples. You take a variety of samples from within a zone, then mix it together, and hope that its a good sample of the average plant.

Harvesting, small farmer delicately stacks flowers to be hang dried then delicately hand trimmed. Pretty much impossible on a huge farm. Huge farm, smash harvests zones (your racing mother nature), either hang dries and uses machines or wet trims with machines. I have heard of farms having 100+ trimmers on site, but then again each trimmer trims differently, some better than others. Compared to having 2 or 4 trimmers, you can coach and direct. Shaving, chopping, leaving stems, not noticing a piece of rot, etc.. Most laborers, work, go home, relax, repeat. They wont care about quality like an owner, they get paid regardless. More workers you have, more chance you have people that just wanna get paid and go home. When prices were high, the pay was better for laborers, you could sift through them and find great help. On this scale, and these profit margins, eventually the laborers will be just like any other field worker making minimum wage.

I do agree it can be offset, but at some point quality will suffer. Just like almost any industry. Good example buy a desk from Walmart then buy one from a custom wood worker from New Hampshire, compare the quality difference.


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