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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Nice post Sur. I agree with much of that, I dont think black markets will go away so quickly tho.

Black market advantages are little to non existent overhead, established structure/clientele, uncle sam isnt trying to squeeze them.

The black market has changed more in the past year than I've ever seen. It will continue to do so. This doesn't mean its disappearing but the slackers are getting pushed out.

The days of people answering the phone saying hey whats up what do you need? ok let me call you right back. Then calling all their plugs to see if they can make a quick buck are gone. Those guys are out.

Phones are still ringing for the guys who are cool/ easy to deal with. Consistent, have product on hand, know what they have, don't bullshit etc.

In fact, some black market guys (in legal states) are actually cleaning up rn and doing better than ever.

Many phones have also stopped ringing.

Good luck


Those buds may have a 30 percent yield of pure rosin. Good rosin sells for bank.
Our rosin goes to Berkeley and sacramento

Curious how much you get for the rosin if you don't mind sharing? Also what color would you describe it as, and is it more shattery, oily, buttery?

Excited to make some some this year off really fresh and early material. Id rather just smash flowers into rosin than trim them. Stores better and smaller.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
$40 a gram. I think they sell it for $60

It is thick and sticky, and some plants produce a waxy rosin. Some produce a more oily(GG4)

Here is OGMango

Big Sur

Medical is going away in California (and probably in Oregon as well). So there will be no more medical clubs, dispensaries or patients. Marijuana is all being rolled under the new sister agency to the ABC in California, the Bureau of Marijuana Control. The only benefit for having a medical card will be no sales tax on rec weed in California. In Oregon they are considering doing away with the OHA medical MJ program, and rolling it all under the OLCC which regulates alcohol and rec weed in the state. Same deal here, the medical card will save you having to pay the 17-20% sales tax on weed, but that will be it.
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Big Sur

Glad I left the West Coast. Miss the Surfing, but not the additional 50 to 60 percent extra it costs to live there.

Ya, the COL here is getting insane. I left California because the COL there was too insane. Portland was the last cheap place on the west coast then, but that has faded into expensive oblivion as people are moving here from L.A., Seattle, NYC and other expensive places. Rents have all doubled in Portland in the past few years. Housing has doubled or even tripled in value. Its the California real estate bubble all over again. I think Portland has now eclipsed Seattle in average housing prices. *cough*


Quick update: Fugg the lying brokers, I was ready to give up and compost the flowers (really frustrated) when I got 18 for my goods. Took it, it was out of the blue, I gave a fat sack to a buddy, who gave some of it to a buddy and that person made an offer. I took him down though from 20 to 18 though.... Didn't want to get greedy, 18 is great.

I guess it's all about making good product but more important is having the right people sample your goods. There are a lot of snakes in this business!

I'm still learning, I've been growing for 25 years, trying to grow weight the last two or three. I'm done with the weight game, better as a hobby than a job. And selling is a Job!

It comes down to good cannabis, indoor or outdoor doesn't matter, even greenhouse. Organic OD vs chemical hydro ID doesn't matter so much to these folks so much. I just like the OD organic for my personal and that is all I will ever produce.

Wholesale prices? We wil see what the market will bear, right?
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Active member
Working with a few new dispensaries in the bay and Santa cruz.... Either I'm getting lucky or prices for outdoor are getting better. 16 for good outs and 24 for good ins.... A few places are making vendors get a sellers permit from the state... Anyone deal with this yet?


New member
I'm always traveling. I always made sure before I travel I search for dispensaries/vendors of that place where I am going to be staying for weeks/month and found the best prices of weeds.


Has to do with sales tax. Pretty easy to get one, and free. A lot of legalese to wade through though.

Only time will tell, but any dispensary that plans on being in compliance in 2018 will need a slew of paperwork from the grower.

Originally I heard speculation that the paperwork will be so great and hard to obtain it will create a shortage of legally grown product.

I imagine a lot of dispensaries wont care, and will operate like they have been until someone financially stops them. Same with the growers.



Active member
This is funny, seems everywhere that has past legalization laws, the people are going back underground due to the fact legalization is a $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CASH GRAB $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and bypasses the will of the people.
Oh,well. Live and learn I guess!


Good oz's have been around at dispos if you looked in the right places @big_sur Mercury Organics had 120oz fire back in 2014 even and before that also when they were grand in pb always test out every dispo!

Back to topic ftps are worth it, and you might hear a price you like when you vend to them. Broaden your markets before you decide
@ TrueReligion agreed. Some places are ultra-compasionate, but the standard seems to be around 10-12/g for returning patients on small amts. With that being said, 120oz pre 14 seems to be a very low price, but if it's for the patients, it's for the patients.