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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



I guess I was wrong. I am getting 13-14!for my outdoors. BUT, they had to be shaved down like indoor crop, and/or machine trim. I asked really? Yes was the reply. I do a connoisseur level trim where I clip each leaf by itself, it takes me for too long to trim up a single pound.

But then I have to go ahead and shave it down with scissors afterwards. Take 15% off of the potency maybe more who knows? But that is what the public wants. Maybe I will rent a machine to do the rest of my trimming for me, save me about two months worth of work.

The indoors are still around 15 to 16 in the Bay Area. Machine trimmed.....

I just wish there were some dispensaries out there, like the patients I have, who really care about quality and connoisseur level trim with excellent flowers.....

Such is the market in the bay area of California. Machine trim and who gives a fuck if it's organic, biodynamic or grown with miracle grow! We just want pretty, dense, flowers and we do not care what chemicals were used to get them that way....Spray them with chemicals! Other than the ones that are banned by the state...it's all good....... shaking head....

Sorry for the rant, I guess I am just upset that people can use miracle grow in their product and it is worth the same amount or more than mine...

I always trim completely I don't care about quality I want flowers not leaves and im sure its the same with them.

cali indoor at 14 if lucky...no matter quality or trim...snobby shits....this is SFV, so cal.
Jesus Christ man... I haven't gotten lower than 2k for indoor and Im in San Diego been at it for about 9 years


Is this guy saying he grows 120 pounds a year indoor and getting 32 each? I have to reread. (I guess if you have a 20 lighter year round/avg. 1.5/lt. = 4 30-lb. harvests/year)


I don't know what any of you guys are talking about I'm still getting 2 for og and i got 22 on some really nice cookies, no questions asked just pay me my money, in cash.


Active member
I won't let my black triangle go for less than 25 period, no negotiations. If you don't want to pay, you can pound sand. To many people cave for quick cash. Fuck that. I put my heart and soul in to my bud.


3rd-Eye Jedi
lol ironic people who cry the blues flood other markets

thankfully karma is its own reward


Active member
Pulling 22 in Oakland and Sonoma for the Guava Hashplant aka The Magic Carpet Ride. 1400 in so cal for ins is like "made in China" prices.


lol ironic people who cry the blues flood other markets

thankfully karma is its own reward

Flood other markets

What the fuck kind of view is this/

What do you think rec/medical states do to the rest of the country?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


Pulling 22 in Oakland and Sonoma for the Guava Hashplant aka The Magic Carpet Ride. 1400 in so cal for ins is like "made in China" prices.

Indoor prices? Kudos to you! Guava Hashplant is a Bodhi strain, correct?


I have 5 different bodhi strains in flower right now muahahaha


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Active member
Just got back from a bay area trip.... Outdoor seems to be getting harder to get rid of.... A lot of clubs saying before the new year was the time to get paid. I guess a lot of people held on to product thinking prices would be good about now.... They aren't. There's so much mid grade for 800 that its hard to find places that want A-grade for12- 14....but it can be done.your shits definitely gonna have to test clean,look and smell good. Indoor is another story. A-grade for 2500 no worries. Lots of guys asking for good rosin but they want it for so cheap.....
...says the indoor grower trying to hang on. Like people really want to pay $60 an eight. Steadily getting 15 to the grower and could dump it all, anytime, at 12. Just brokers and indoor growers trying to convince the %90 of growers to give them their weed for less than they can grow it for themselves. At some point the shit weed will be gone and the price will be 14+. Same thing every year. It only goes up from 12 from here.


So I brought down 3 units of tightly hand trimmed (retrimmed from what my normal is), machine looking, shear the outside trichomes off and knock 15% off the potency type of trim.
Very frosty, great nose, all Bodhi strains..

This is to a broker place in Oakland, mind you. I was looking for 14-15, yet happy to take 13 per unit, as to our agreement to tighten up the trim and buck down all the top colas. It sucks to take down colas, but if that is what the market wants, it gets, right?

So I did, cut up all the big top colas, trimming everything within reason and ended up taking off about 25 grams per unit. Do I get 13 per as offered? No, no, no......Offered much less. In comparison to the indoor they got that day...

It's 13 per for indoor GG4, with a loose trim and no nose as far as I could see and smell at this point in time. GG4 should smell up the room, but it didn't smell, like anything, other than hay.

I was offered 9.5 per and I walked, no sale. Sad state of affairs. They said the public (dispensaries) doesn't care about quality anymore, just price and profit margins.

Maybe it has to do with the big corporate cannabusiness looming here in CA, and the clubs just want to make as much as they can before they shut down in a year or two when big business comes in and takes over (or so they claim as the reason for lowballing).

I'll be trying an Berkeley, SF and another low key place Oakland next week. See if there are any takers for some quality organic outdoor.... BTW some of mine tested at 25.7% THC at Steephill Labs.... Strange days indeed....

I almost take it that wholesale/brokers want crappy indoor vs great outdoor. Easier to sell.

Worst comes to worst, I'll drop prices to my patients by half, as I charge 125 per z at the moment. Everybody wins.

Interesting how back 20 years ago I'd pay $60 for a descent 1/8th of green bud, and now one can get with an almost similar amount of cash (with the right people) and get an ounce....
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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Those buds may have a 30 percent yield of pure rosin. Good rosin sells for bank.
Our rosin goes to Berkeley and sacramento


Tell them it's greenhouse

Yeah, they do yield in the concentrate department.... The stems are frosty even.. I thought rosin prices were crashing too. $10/g I heard or less. That was the quote anyway. Cco

I guess I could lie, about the flowers being greenhouse, but it wouldn't matter. I think they are just hooks, lowballing and seeing what can be reeled in. This from a place that could broker 500 units (as I understand) two years ago...

Thanks though :)

Fuggit, Dr Purpur is right, try the greenhouse angle... Thanks!
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The lying, the tricks, has to stop. Do you see the issue? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Hard to be upset about "lowballing" when lying and games are encouraged to trick a client into a purchase.

That sounds very frustrating sorry to hear about that. That is also not right. If someone promised to take unit at 13 with a tighter trim then turned down because something cheaper showed up that day

Big Sur

Prices are dropping here in Oregon as well. For example, I bought an eighth of Durban Poison the other day for $13 an eighth, ~including!~ tax. That was seeded ( I wanted the seeds to plant), but still tested out at 19.5% THC and 0.1% CBD. I could have had the non-seeded Durban for $15 an eighth. That is $104-120 an oz. RETAIL, and taxed. I have not paid that low a price since the early 1980s for good weed like this. This is for indoor nugs, harvested early Jan, 2017, very tightly trimmed with no sugar leaves.

The paradigm is shifting folks. One main idea of legal weed in Oregon at least was to drive the back market for weed out of business with lower prices, and that is happening. As for indoor being better than outdoor and GH in California, I believe that paradigm and price point will change as well. I do not not see how you will be able to compete with the high electric bills growing indoors in CA (with the high PG&E costs) as compared to greenhouses in the coastal valleys (Salinas, Napa, Anderson, Carmel, etc,), or outdoor in the Central Valley or places like Temecula in SoCal. Weed is a semi-arid plant, and it likes HEAT and SUN!

No lighting configuration can cost effectively compete with the sun in California. Simple law of physics: Light intensity and energy falls off at the square of the distance from the source. Sunlight at ground level is ~virtually~ the same intensity as sunlight at 10 feet off the ground (because the sun is 93 million miles away and another 10 feet makes no measurable difference). However, a 1000 watt bulb output is 1/100th the intensity at 10 feet from the bulb as it is 1 foot from the bulb. Even at 2 feet from the bulb, the light intensity is 1/4 of what it is at 1 foot from the bulb. See, there is just no competing with sunlight. Now, in Oregon where overcast and outdoor temperatures are an issue west of the Cascades where most of the commercial weed growing is legal, and electric rates are cheap in comparison because of hydro (about 12 cents a KWHr), growing indoors makes more sense.

Also add in the fact that 6 western states now have legal weed and the novelty of legal weed is wearing off, at least in the west. Weed tourism is falling off in Oregon. Also weed sales are falling off in Oregon, currently to about 2/3 of the peak sales in October of 2016. Much of this is likely because of the ballot results in California and Nevada in November. Also add to that the fact that harvests in states like Colorado and Washington are greatly exceeding demand. The Washington grow is also mostly outdoors and in the eastern part of the state, and that is an example of what I believe will happen eventually in California. You cannot compete with sun grown!

Cheap weed is here again. Get used to it, unless the Feds come down hard and try to ban it in the 6 western states, 2 eastern states and DC. Black market prices are going away. And its about time. Back in the hey day of weed in Central California, we were paying $60-80 for full ounces of good sinsemilia bud from places like Carmel Valley, Big Sur, and the Santa Cruz mountains. Then along came the a-holes at High Times Mag, and they published what weed was selling for regionally. Then insto-presto, more a-holes started showing up from the upper Midwest and East Coast with suitcases full of money in NorCal and bidding everything up through the roof to 5 grand a pound. That is when I was forced to grow my own. Well, those times are over folks. Like it or not. The Mexican farmers have thrown in the towel on growing weed with the low prices. Which is good. Also in most states that it is legal, you can grow your own. So it all adds up to a downward cycle, and the pressure for lower prices on weed are going to continue. There is virtually no limit on supply in any state that it is now legal. With the law of supply and demand, that can only mean one thing. Everything points to lower weed prices in the near future pretty much anywhere that it is legal, and even likely where it is not legal.

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