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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
Hoping to see prices rise in 2017, it will be interesting to see what the new administration chooses to do with existing "laws".
Prices im hearing right now in Sac are straight up retarded. I think a lot of people fucked up this year and flooded the market with garbage and lo and behold everyones eating it up.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Prices im hearing right now in Sac are straight up retarded. I think a lot of people fucked up this year and flooded the market with garbage and lo and behold everyones eating it up.

well there are many reasons

first shitty weed still works and science can clean it up pretty well in a path to making concentrates

most people are custies who can't discriminate and are happy to smoke oil carts made from shit starting materials that is refined and has terps added

they are glad to save a few dollars and smoke something they can puff all day

and if you do find someone with a palate and the ability to discriminate many don't want to smoke what a grower puffs on all day long. too strong.

i am offered fronted packs of mendo outdoor organics for almost half of what I want for my indoor organics, not bad weed either, but not what I am running. The LOS soil still brings enough to the table to keep the value up for now, but to keep value close to what it was before legality which was 5k + I sell smaller packs and patient direct.

I will have to upgrade from my 2 lights soon though so if I want to move packs competitively, im sure I will get there eventually.


Active member
haven't been on here in forever....this is the worst market ive seen since forever.

in 2013-14 we had an influx of 1-1200 pounds, but having quality meant I was still able to get 14-15 locally and 2+ out of state.

then prices held steady for 2015 due to the bans maybe, still got 13-14 locally and 2 out of state.

2016 is a total shit show....there are 6-800 lbs of boof everywhere, machine trimmed, brown and oxidized, just shitty herb, a lot of it out of Oregon or norcal farms that were rained on for a month straight this October. most decent outdoor is a straight rack flat in bulk, maybe 11-12 if you are buying less than 100.

unless its cookies gelato sherbert or any fancy stuff, don't expect more than 1200.

whats even weirder is how bad the indoor market has crashed. most indoors regardless of strain only getting 18-2 in California, and ive been hearing 14-15 in Washington for commercial indoors.

also concentrate pricing has crashed, mostly due to the extreme flood of rosin everywhere. retail at 30a gram means wholesalers have been selling rosin for 10-12 a gram.

this market is totally flooded and fucked right now, until this mass inventory of outdoor boof gets eaten up we wont see a rebound anytime soon. I know guys who had to stop their trim scenes simply beause the packs weren't moving, thank god for my whales about 80% of my crop is moved but not at the prices I want by anymeans. I was getting 18 last October locally for Sours, and 16-17 this summer locally for basic greenhouse. now the east coasters don't want to pay more than 16 for anything shipped. there is still alotof bins of untrimmed herb and turkeybags just sitting in storage all over the place from farmers who cant move their crops or don't want to settle at 1k units and hope prices will go back up in spring...doubt it.

also at the farmers markets events in sacramento, $100 zips everywhere. the retail side is crashing too. lots of $20-30 grams of really good shatter/rosin everywhere too.
I've heard those go for 6 to 800 too and people are eating it up. I even heard 400-500...but I didnt see them or even ask about the details.

Shits crazy right now and the highway patrol is slamming people hard like always. Machine trimmed asian warehouse schwag, probably stolen power, flooding indoor market at almost outdoor prices. I've heard even lower than 18 but you know its gotta be garbage. Honestly I dont even remember what I heard but it was low enough to scoff at.


Nice 2 c u back prop. Hope all is well

Also nice to know I'm not going crazy because what you posted is exactaly what im seeing in So Oregon..

It seems a lot of recent posters were posting stuff that I am just not seeing but i stayed quiet because I have a small circle and mostly So Oregon.

Yea it looks bad out there. I know Multiple brokers in neighboring states who have called it quits, either moving to more indoor or other ventures. The quality is just too poor/inconsistent. Too many complaints and margins fucking squeezed like crazy. Almost unheard of to get anything more than a point per pack and this is crossing state lines.

Lotta broker cats just calling it quits. Others will only take the best of the best outs at the lowest ticket. Anything over 12 wont even be looked at.

Good luck all, i dont think the sky is falling but you gotta take a look around and accept what is happening and adapt
MedResearcher;7753341 [/B said:
Not sure what happened with it. There was a interesting article about an island off NZ or Australia that was going to be allowed to commercially grow and ship to Canada. If I recall, they were going to grow long flowering sativas since Canada doesn't have the climate for it.[/B]

Wouldn't shock me if your right Lazy. Although I hope someone, somewhere preserves and produces sativas. Commercially I like fast strains to. To much money wasted indoors, and not enough late season sun and temperature outdoors in Nor Cal to grow long flowering strains.

The old rumour was that Mexican Sativa use to be great. A niche in the market. Until someone brought fast finishing indicas to hybridize it and speed up production.

As a teenager in the 90's we use to go to Big Sur, and get some really great sativa leaning strains. The general consensus was that some of the old Mexican sativa genetics had landed and been isolated in Big Sur. Some really great stuff. I haven't been there for a long time now, but I wouldn't be shocked if its all Green Crack, Mr Nice, AOTA, etc.. now :p


I think the newspapers got a bit confused there.

The company was going to apply for a medical marijuana licence, to supply medical strains.

I wasn't aware sativa's were medical.

I think it was in reality high CBD strains they intended to grow.

Nevil was hired by them as a consultant.

I think the bit about them exporting to Canada was just put in as Australia didn't have a medical marijuana program at the time, so they had to come up with somewhere they were going to export it so they could get a licence.

Still doesn't have a medical marijuana program I think, but they were talking about giving people licences to grow cannabis for supplying companies that made cannabis capsules.

I'm sure Canada has all the cannabis it needs and doesn't need to import it from some island out in the pacific ocean.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
i see it around for any where from 1500 to 20000. Doesn't seem like it's changed that much. Am seeing a lot of shitty outdoor from up north pushing prices down a bit but top shelf seems to hold steady at about 2. That northern outdoor getting pushed for 500 to 900.


Active member
Looks like a pretty fair analysis to me. Growing good weed is not that difficult, probably about as difficult as growing tobacco. Prices got to drop.


Well-known member
The trend i saw in both Co and Wa: high prices to start as supply could not meet demand. Price plumit as the first outdoor crop came in. Same thing will happen in cali. Go check out @genefinderog on instagram, think about what competitive edge you can have on that kind of set up lol. Its gonna be like alchohol imo, people still bootleg in the south, people will still grow in the west. You wont outproduce budlight or coors, but you might be able to become a Russian River brewing type of grow. Taxes and fees on cannabis will keep the recreational prices high for at least a couple years.