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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


My .02 i agree with mountain sprout. The bud looks shaved and i see spots where the calyxs were cut. Im sorry but 4lbs a day does not happen unless you let them shave and certainly not the norm. .
5lbs in a day. and as far as shaving is concerned, we're going to have to agree to disagree. my trimmers were not cutting into the buds. maybe you prefer more leaf on yours. idk. im very picky about my end product, i would not tolerate any subpar trimming on buds that i worked so hard to grow to perfection


Part of the fun is making every nug look good so that it all looks good in the bag. A concept I'm teaching my trimmers right now.

Also using your tips isn't shaving or side shearing. Some nugs don't have grooves. The ones that do get shaped. Even the spiral nugs.

The trick is keeping your CPM's up like a machine. Having manual dexterity from over a decade as a musician helps.

my double jointed digits also help; don't ask how ; but they do!

and i feel trimmer uniformity ; i go a lil tight; makes everyone else look like shit! gotta find a better medium lol
i have no desire or respect for trim snobishness. just good enough to get it down the road is my goal. i recognize a differance between trimming and manicuring. in my world manicuring is an unnesasary activity.
in my eyes the only way i can add to its beauty is keeping it healthy. i dont hire anybody at this time and have never trimmed much more than a quarter myself in a day. i do trim at least a couple ounces 360 days a year tho and the occasional quarter. it adds up.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Different strokes for different folks.

I remember reading that some folks actually put a small percentage of trim back into the packs.

I guess just not trimming it all the way is more efficient.

Since I smoke like 80% of what I trim and I dont like the taste of leaf, I go super tight.


Active member
Anyone have current pricing on Cali outdoor? Prices with strain and quantities mentioned would be appreciated.

Happy Harvest Folks!!!!!
Most ,not all ,of the cannabis industry really bothers me money is not the goal for most here at this site , gardening is , so get use to a big difference in what is grown commercially and what we grown for ourselves . I bitched and bitched for years about a left wing political star politician and the Bank of America who ran the apple growers out of Sonoma Co. And now we are overwhelmed with grapes and some apple growers got hurt . In the Sacramento Valley were the real farmers live this sort of stuff goes on all the time , out with kiwis , in with trellised olives for oil . Ed Rosenthal and the owner of Harborside both have said ,and know that The Sacramento Valley is the future of weed growing in California . My best friend in 1973 bought 40 acres and a cheap truckload of redwood to build a house outside of Fort Bragg for 8 grand ,that is the main reason we have the famous Emerald Triangle , cheap land and isolation


im asking 1500 for my outdoors this year. was doing 1300 last year but quality is better now. 15 still seems a bit low but whatever.


i wonder how the market is going to change in cali after the first of the year when outsiders can no longer sell to medical dispensaries... messes me up a bit since they are usually oretty easy and safe to deal with... but whatever//
Just moved a six pack of outdoor Blueberry Hash Plant at $1500/unit. Didn't even leave the house

I was given the indication the buyer would maintain this price for all my strains this season.

OK, head down, trim trim.


Well-known member
Heads up everyone there was a counterfeit bust in placerville area. Apparently the older style 100s. Peace sdd


just checked with some of my so oregon peeps and stuff in 12-13 range saw some of the 13s which were very very nice.. 12s were ok... only posting here cuz its right around the corner, south oregon doesnt have a dope ass thread like this plus last time i posted most of you appreciated a heads up on your neighboring competetion

anyway most everything under 14... heard some 14 reports but havent seen them

re: fake 100s... that sucks but when someone comes through with excessive amount of all old 100s that should raise some eyebrows... who has bricks of old 100s lying around? do they expect ppl to think they have been burying them for 20+ yrs... hard to feel that sorry for the guy who took them that should have been a major red flag. how good were they?

most who cycle through crazy amounts of cash on the reg can just feel if a bill is not right so its really hard to get any by... maybe 1 here or there but obv there are fakes made overseas that even most banks cant tell are fake until they get to the federal reserve. google it, lots of interesting shit on fake currency.

I remember reading an article right before the new blue 100s came out that an extremely large shipment of new 100s was intercepted and they suspect by a highly organized overseas counterfeit outfit trying to get a jump start on counterfitting the bills before they hit circulation

lots of these A+ fakes in circulation. i probably have some unfortunately tbh, but they are so good they just get passed and passed. no one every notices til they get to the FED
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Active member
The first of 2016 outdoor just went out @ 16.... word on the street is a shit ton of immature weed from 8-10.... I had a feeling people would be chopping early because of the storms...


thought this thread would be poppin right about now, everyone must be busy. 12-15 is pretty much the range for anything worth getting

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