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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


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Hey Guys and Gals. Did not know where to post this and since we are talking pricing for products, I thought this may be a good place to discuss the topic since trimming affects the final pricing also.

What is the going rate on the West Coast these days? I am referring to hand trimming, not machine run commercial bud. Was going at $150 to $175 a unit last year and/or $15 to $20 an hour for the hourly workers. A good evaluation on the hourly pricing would be appreciated by those who use a mechanical trimmer to do a rough cut on the product, then finish up with hand manicuring.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and hope all are having a Happy Harvest.
We take off the big leaves with a light trim pro, nip em off the branch at $20 hr. Then 50 cents a gram to tightly MANICURE the bud. I got 50 cents a gram years ago and seemed sweet but fair then, and the job hasn't changed even though prices drop. 150 a lb sucks and the person paying that is not your friend.
Ive heard that before. 150/per # that persons not your friend.

I made more on a farm in 1 month at 15/hour 150/# than I did on a different farm at 20/hour 200/# working 2 months. Almost 15k compared to 10k.

I think its too circumstantial to say that. There are a lot of variables involved.


Active member
There is a group of Thai gals here in town that will hand trim all day long for $175 a pound and the product is very nice and they are fast too. They bag it up in turkey bags for you and give you the trim for selling or making into concentrates. Guess I will be using them again soon. ;)

Others have said the price is dropping on trimming and highest I have heard so far is $20 an hour for experienced workers and $200 a unit on unit pricing.

Just a FYI.


150/lb for proper hand-trimming, and 15/hr for chopping leafing and hanging. trimmers get weed and hash to smoke, one meal
per day, good stereo, wifi and bigscreen tv. "pound per day or you're on your way"


We take off the big leaves with a light trim pro, nip em off the branch at $20 hr. Then 50 cents a gram to tightly MANICURE the bud. I got 50 cents a gram years ago and seemed sweet but fair then, and the job hasn't changed even though prices drop. 150 a lb sucks and the person paying that is not your friend.

i'd love to see you pay somebody 50 cents per gram when they are tightly manicuring 2kilos+ per day

friend or not 150/lb is fair if the buds are big and heavy
I was just back in New Orleans for my uncle's funeral
My cousn's boyfriend is a narcotics officer in Mobile AL
We got to talking about weed and it was interesting to hear his take
He said good weed is going for $4k per pound wholesale
He's anti weed, thinks it's a gateway drug, but it's low priority compared to meth and heroine so they don't spend much time going after it
Said that some LEO from CA paid a visit to let AL know what's up with bho

I had a little lift from some edibles I brought and got paranoid bc I knew he knew hahaha
Nobody that I trust will work for less than $200/lb. I use friends that are all experienced. All of the trim crews that I know in Placer/Nevada counties are at that price as well, I checked. One of my friends that trims for me told me he had 4 calls in the last 2 days from people he has trimmed for previously and they all offered $200/lb.

Thats just what Im hearing around here. Im sure I could find someone to work for less but could I trust them? Probably not.
My cousn's boyfriend is a narcotics officer in Mobile AL
We got to talking about weed and it was interesting to hear his take
He said good weed is going for $4k per pound wholesale

Im sure you could find someone to pay $4K a unit down there but they are few and far between. Maybe a college kid selling out of the frat house. I lived and did business in the Dirty South for years and I haven't seen people that actually move good quantities paying that price in probably 4 or 5 years. Colorado, and to some extent people shipping from CA, changed the pricing structure big time in the Midwest and the South.


people paying 200 for trimmers are probably trimming sour diesel, something all trimmers hate and most people try to find blue dream or cookies to trim first then go back to the sour growers last because it takes twice as long per unit. with something like blue dream or anything heavy and chunky its easy to do a unit in 4 hours or less and theres no way in hell I'm paying 50 bucks an hour to a trimmer. the old pay scale for trimming was based on high prices, nowadays theres simply no way to justify turning over more than 10% of your crop to someone you've never met and is only there for a matter of days when you put in a whole seasons worth of time effort and money on a crop.


Well-known member
Trimmers deserve more credit than people give them.

I dont know any one person doing "2 kilos+ a day". Thats 4.5lbs +. Not ever seen anyone do quality that fast, even on the chunkiest of chunky.

175 plus food and accommodations seems fair in this market.

Europeans for the win. Best vibe. Full on lol


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
how in the hell you guys trust so many peeps to trim your buds Ill never know...

God bless the ones who don't screw ya though, they deserve that 150-200/day.

Thats what Im saying.

I used to trim for a buddy that did indoor but just hated to trim. I would get at least an 1/8 for each oz I did and it was just enough to keep me coming back. I doubt I would have made the trip for anything less. Sometimes I turned him down, most times I didnt tho.

Im talking about super tight, magazine quality trimming tho.
i'd love to see you pay somebody 50 cents per gram when they are tightly manicuring 2kilos+ per day

friend or not 150/lb is fair if the buds are big and heavy[/QUOTE

I don't want anyone tearing through 4+lbs a day. Zero- if you are paying low wages to people you just met, how much is being stolen?$150 lb is about 10%. They see all that weed and get thinking why does he have so much and I got so little. I'd rather fly friends out.

Besides, this might be the last big season and we are gonna have fun, either you're going to scale way back or get a license. We are gonna scale back. Either you're ready to retire or you're not. And ya, we did do a lot of the funkiest outdoor diesel but also some stuff that was rocks of trimmer gold so 50 cents works out.

We got mostly same crew for 3 years. Top guy gets $25 but he's got hustle in his step. Everyone, if they are worth having gets $20. The 50cents a gram is what about half the neighbors do, $150 lb is what the other half do and you get what you pay for.


We do have several returning people, some local, some foreign, but sometimes will take any and every person to get it done fast, they have to come recommended from a friend tho, no straight up strangers out of the parking lot. I make it pretty hard for anyone to steal anything but its always a possibility. Hourly isn't even an option, its by the unit or prorated if they don't finish but typically only full units accepted. They also get free food 3x a day and beers in the evening. I do pay 200 on indoor and even some outs, but something like blue dream thats easy and only worth 1200 they aren't getting 200 when they're doing 3+ units per day. Last year I had 4 permanent trimmers for 2 months straight, pretty sure I spent over 3 grand on food alone plus some of my own money for beer/wine and specialty items.
I pay 150/lb for tops, 200/lb for second and third cuttings. The 2nd and 3rds cutting are smaller in general but 80% of the harvest. So when i say tops i mean tops. 180/lb for greenhouse and light dep. they also get fed very well. Keeps them working and moral high. 20/hr for labor. Bad attitudes are cancer and bring the vibe down for everyone. Thats the easiest way to get the boot.


I've had some local snob trimmer chicks that are annoying, some overbearing dudes but mostly, the trim scene is fun and having all kinds of good folks living and working in one house for a month or so is what gives me the energy to make it through that last push. I've only ever had to kick one trimmer out of the scene and it was ugly. She was the most self entitled, self absorbed person I've encountered in a long time. I'm not going to name names publicly ;) It wasn't stealing though...as far as I know no trimmer has ever stolen a single nugget from me.

2012 was the last year I paid $200/lb. Ever since it's been $175 and I insist on very meticulous work done exactly how I want it. I'm actually very impressed by my trimmers..it's hard damn work.

ANYWAYS! Totally off topic... getting 15-16/unit for cookies crosses, sherbet, BLUE DREAM and, Afghooie. The flood hasn't hit yet--there's a void to fill--so these guys are actually getting a really good deal since the cookies especially is really good.


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