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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Saw some outs from Oregon for 800-900.. Pure Garbage

Saw Oregon Indoors for 1750 and they were as good as the best Light Deps from NorCal..

The Oregon indoors is good but not like the insane shit thats top notch..but still year round and a half level better than the best Deps is nice ...

100+ packs out of state 1x per week Im being offered the best outs of NorCal for 11-13 ... 13 for the best ones .. Once they are ready

Big Sur

There is good bud to be found in Oregon. Especially southern Oregon. Indoor or out. I have grown some exceptional bud here. Not for sale though, personal consumption only. Legal to grow here now, something I never thought would happen in my lifetime! I am currently on my 3rd legal harvest.

The current ballot propositions are likely to pass to legalize recreational weed in California, Nevada and Maine. Arizona is likely to fail, and in Massachusetts its a toss up. Things will change in CA in a hurry after that. Certainly the black market will survive, but mainly for export, as it has in Southern Oregon. This year the real pressure has come as commercial growers in Washington and Colorado have exceeded demand there, and recreational prices have dropped sharply in both states now. In Oregon that is likely to happen as well, after the November election opens or shuts the door on growing rec weed in various counties in Oregon. The southern Oregon growers are (or were) mainly medical growers until last year, and a lot of their bud went on the black market. There was an overlap for a year here for medical and commercial growing, so they have been supplying most of the legal rec sales here with their best stuff. However, now medical growers have to declare to grow rec or medical. Those declaring medical will go back into supplying the medical sales and likely a lot of it will wind up on the black markets again.

Also the laws changed here October 1 and all weed sold in rec stores in Oregon has to be tested for pesticide, mold and TCH/CBD content. The few labs that are certified to test it are swamped. So I expect the black market weed quality to improve from Oregon soon, as 1) tested weed fails and winds up there or in extracts and food products, 2) medical growers go back to their old world sales, 3) as CA legalizes weed and that market changes completely (as it has done here). They grow a LOT of weed in Southern Oregon. Not as reputable as the emerald triangle, but weed reputations have a way of exceeding reality, IMO. I have lived up and down the west coast my entire life, and I have been smoking weed since 1972. My 2 roaches worth.


Trimmers deserve more credit than people give them.

I dont know any one person doing "2 kilos+ a day". Thats 4.5lbs +. Not ever seen anyone do quality that fast, even on the chunkiest of chunky.

last yr i had 3 different people clean 4+lbs per day. one of them got over 5.


last yr i had 3 different people clean 4+lbs per day. one of them got over 5.

Would you please show us an upclose trimmed pound? I would really appreciate it. I wonder if we are talking about the same thing. It takes me 8hrs to trim a lb if I am focused. Sure some are faster but surely not 4x faster.

On another subject, has anybody heard of distillate. It was somehow purified from some dark, kinda inferior dabs and now has the exact consistency and color as bee honey. It is clear like honey and dabs cleaner than the usual shatter, but it is really strong. I took my first hit, after dabbing all day, and was noticeably higher immediately. Kinda set me back in my chair. Prices? Uses? A few hundred grams around.


Would you please show us an upclose trimmed pound? I would really appreciate it. I wonder if we are talking about the same thing. It takes me 8hrs to trim a lb if I am focused. Sure some are faster but surely not 4x faster.

On another subject, has anybody heard of distillate. It was somehow purified from some dark, kinda inferior dabs and now has the exact consistency and color as bee honey. It is clear like honey and dabs cleaner than the usual shatter, but it is really strong. I took my first hit, after dabbing all day, and was noticeably higher immediately. Kinda set me back in my chair. Prices? Uses? A few hundred grams around.

damn; for real!!

even if every nug was stripped from the branch; and they were all nice; i would be very hard pressed to get 2 done a day; sunrise past sunset; and i don't trim slow; pretty tight though. i flat out do not believe anybody is hitting 4 a day. thats some machine shit er somethin!


even if every nug was stripped from the branch; and they were all nice; i would be very hard pressed to get 2 done a day; sunrise past sunset; and i don't trim slow; pretty tight though. i flat out do not believe anybody is hitting 4 a day. thats some machine shit er somethin!
4lbs per day was pretty standard here last year, one guy did over 5lbs one day. trimmed for about 16hrs straight.

Would you please show us an upclose trimmed pound? I would really appreciate it. I wonder if we are talking about the same thing. It takes me 8hrs to trim a lb if I am focused. Sure some are faster but surely not 4x faster.
i dont have any pictures of trimmed lbs. but here's a pic of a bud after being trimmed.



4lbs per day was pretty standard here last year, one guy did over 5lbs one day. trimmed for about 16hrs straight.

i dont have any pictures of trimmed lbs. but here's a pic of a bud after being trimmed.

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holy shit; i have never seen anyone trim for that long; that is nuts dude! what a champion!

i would be way to baked looking for a nap at that point haha

Big Sur

They have machines that trim buds now, you know? I saw several at the last Cannabis convention that I went to. Expensive, but to avert labor costs? Seems worth it.

I can only trim for a few hours a day, which I have been doing for the last 10 days or so as I harvest this year's >>>now legal<<< crop. Then my fingers get so sticky they do not work any more. My house reeks of buds drying. Its... wonderful!


4lbs per day was pretty standard here last year, one guy did over 5lbs one day. trimmed for about 16hrs straight.

i dont have any pictures of trimmed lbs. but here's a pic of a bud after being trimmed.

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Sorry but that trimmer butchered your bud. Just shaved off the outside. Of course you lose weight tothe trim pile. Looks machined. I want 1 snip, 1 leaf. Others opinion? $150 seems about right. And I know, I talk but where's the pics of 50cents trimmed bud? I'll get some when I get home.


I don't think it looks butchered or shaved at all, definitely not machined, not even close. I do doubt every nug looked like that tho when doing 4 a day.


Sorry but that trimmer butchered your bud. Just shaved off the outside. Of course you lose weight tothe trim pile. Looks machined. I want 1 snip, 1 leaf. Others opinion? $150 seems about right. And I know, I talk but where's the pics of 50cents trimmed bud? I'll get some when I get home.

nope try again


Well-known member
I myself am.not trying to argue man, I believe you if you say it, but it just blows my mind. Are they only doing colas to reach 4 P's a day? Are they working with pre bucked up and deleafed thumb size minimum nugs?

I am just surprised bc in my 15 years of growing outside ive never heard of scenes where "4 plus is average" per day.

Maybe if you were just handed pre bucked and deleafed large nugs then maybe, but even on a 20 person scene the most I saw was maybe 3 a day and it looked like she rushed the job, lots of shaving ect. At that spot we didn't leave anything bigger than thumb size, as most the buys like quarter to 50cent coin sized nugs at most.
My .02 i agree with mountain sprout. The bud looks shaved and i see spots where the calyxs were cut. Im sorry but 4lbs a day does not happen unless you let them shave and certainly not the norm. The bud should end up with all its natural groves and knuckles not rounded and shaped. Now with that said if you client doesnt mind that look then go for it. It speeds up the trim scene and im all for that.

Shaving is for pussies.
I don't think it looks butchered or shaved at all, definitely not machined, not even close. I do doubt every nug looked like that tho when doing 4 a day.

Part of the fun is making every nug look good so that it all looks good in the bag. A concept I'm teaching my trimmers right now.

Also using your tips isn't shaving or side shearing. Some nugs don't have grooves. The ones that do get shaped. Even the spiral nugs.

The trick is keeping your CPM's up like a machine. Having manual dexterity from over a decade as a musician helps.

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