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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I'm hearing deps 15-17 from various sources.. saw some killer og deps dude was asking 15 only Cuz had to pay bills. I sense a little panick, I'm not sure if it's my imagination but it seems folks really trying to get shit off right now... maybe they sense another price drop. thoughts?


New member
This is just fantastic. I love how the article dictates quality but regardless prices are falling to sane levels and I've been waiting to hear this begin for decades now. People in the cannabis community scene only for the money being stuck with tons. Personally I don't feel sorry for a single one. I know people who know people who grow medical strains terribly here and still expect 40 an 8th when it's dry, airy and harsh. I have no love for anyone in the cannabis scene growing or in it for money reasons only. No love. People being stuck with mids or good bud they won't sell for less than a high amount deserve to be forced to sit on it. I personally love reading this as cannabis is a PLANT! NOT some chemical u need crazy expensive shit to make and process and pay for materials that cost a lot. The black markets finally getting hit and not the average grower or person that has a sane amount for themselves and maybe a bit extra to share not sell with others but your growing. People only growing to sell and flippers are finally being hit. I love it. I've never met a person who's sold any that cares about the people or their situation and grows to HELP others not extort them and up their piggy bank in the process.

The Cannabis Culture is NOT about money it's about freedom and the right to use gods plant he put on this earth for us as we need or want to. Everyone that wants it deserves access not only allowed it if they fill someones pockets. Any grower selling for more than it takes to produce and it's general gardening work same as with any plant just because it's a plant that's been lied about for years and falsely branded as a drug and a gateway drug at that when it's a mild herb no diff than sage or Basil or chamomole or garlic. I laugh at the people sitting on bags of it especially those who bought to sell for more. GOOD! Keep it up! Quality>quantity and bud should never have commanded crazy prices like it has been. I'm just glad to see the price start to go down and the people that use it as a means to make tons of money are starting to get outed and SOL. You wouldn't be sitting on pounds if u just give it to the people that could use it that are suck or poor than things would get better. At most recoup the costs of electricity, and soil and nutes and after that try helping people instead of being greedy fuckers. I knew this would happen eventually and I can't wait till it spreads to new England and the rest of the east coast and further. Weed should never cost what it has been. I'm glad to see common sense forcing people to stop growing or making it available only for personal profit. Every person on this earth if they so choose should have access to weed. It's the herb of God who put it here for our benefit. Let's weed out these greedy people who only grow or deal with it to make money and make it about the people not the money!

I hope I offended every person who just sells bud to "smoke free themselves" or to make money from people. Give those pounds to people that need them and offer to help instead of think only about yourself and you won't be sitting on anything. If I had a grow tent and could grow my legal limit of 6 plants I'd simply give away any bud I don't use or need, not sell it. I can't wait to see this trickle down to other states.

Free the weed!
Positive vibes to the cannabis culture and those that use gods plant to help not take from people. This trend will continue and weed will only be more available for far less than it is now. Especially connoisseur medical grade. Agree disagree I don't care it's my opinion/feelings and I'm sticking to it. It's about the people and gods gift not the money.
In case you missed it this threads about Cali prices. As far as I can tell you contributed nothing relevant with that long winded and off topic post. You want to give weed away have fun with that.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
This is just fantastic. I love how the article dictates quality but regardless prices are falling to sane levels and I've been waiting to hear this begin for decades now. People in the cannabis community scene only for the money being stuck with tons. Personally I don't feel sorry for a single one. I know people who know people who grow medical strains terribly here and still expect 40 an 8th when it's dry, airy and harsh. I have no love for anyone in the cannabis scene growing or in it for money reasons only. No love. People being stuck with mids or good bud they won't sell for less than a high amount deserve to be forced to sit on it. I personally love reading this as cannabis is a PLANT! NOT some chemical u need crazy expensive shit to make and process and pay for materials that cost a lot. The black markets finally getting hit and not the average grower or person that has a sane amount for themselves and maybe a bit extra to share not sell with others but your growing. People only growing to sell and flippers are finally being hit. I love it. I've never met a person who's sold any that cares about the people or their situation and grows to HELP others not extort them and up their piggy bank in the process.

The Cannabis Culture is NOT about money it's about freedom and the right to use gods plant he put on this earth for us as we need or want to. Everyone that wants it deserves access not only allowed it if they fill someones pockets. Any grower selling for more than it takes to produce and it's general gardening work same as with any plant just because it's a plant that's been lied about for years and falsely branded as a drug and a gateway drug at that when it's a mild herb no diff than sage or Basil or chamomole or garlic. I laugh at the people sitting on bags of it especially those who bought to sell for more. GOOD! Keep it up! Quality>quantity and bud should never have commanded crazy prices like it has been. I'm just glad to see the price start to go down and the people that use it as a means to make tons of money are starting to get outed and SOL. You wouldn't be sitting on pounds if u just give it to the people that could use it that are suck or poor than things would get better. At most recoup the costs of electricity, and soil and nutes and after that try helping people instead of being greedy fuckers. I knew this would happen eventually and I can't wait till it spreads to new England and the rest of the east coast and further. Weed should never cost what it has been. I'm glad to see common sense forcing people to stop growing or making it available only for personal profit. Every person on this earth if they so choose should have access to weed. It's the herb of God who put it here for our benefit. Let's weed out these greedy people who only grow or deal with it to make money and make it about the people not the money!

I hope I offended every person who just sells bud to "smoke free themselves" or to make money from people. Give those pounds to people that need them and offer to help instead of think only about yourself and you won't be sitting on anything. If I had a grow tent and could grow my legal limit of 6 plants I'd simply give away any bud I don't use or need, not sell it. I can't wait to see this trickle down to other states.

Free the weed!
Positive vibes to the cannabis culture and those that use gods plant to help not take from people. This trend will continue and weed will only be more available for far less than it is now. Especially connoisseur medical grade. Agree disagree I don't care it's my opinion/feelings and I'm sticking to it. It's about the people and gods gift not the money.




New member
I knew I'd be flamed why I wrote that.

I know it's Cali but it will trickle down as everything does. Look at gay marriage and people and how they we're perceived than MA legalized gay marriage and it's now accepted just about everywhere.

I was hoping to Gage how this board looks at things and how many low life people that ruin the culture and movement by not supporting it but hurting it by making it about money and not the plant itself. I care about ending prohibition, support killing of the black market and freedom in general simply put. I was happy to read about prices falling didn't know how old this post was but it's all good.

If you hate people here that hate dealers, want freedom and change as well as treating a harmless plant and herb I love how it should be and not look at it as a drug but an herb than ban me now.

Everyone treating it like a drug makes positive change harder. I believe in reform and like most all herbs want to see it available and treated like all other herbs and I'm against big business getting involved with the cannabis industry itself so yes when I saw the title and read about the change I got giddy to see people who grow for profit miserable. In my OPINION and I'm free to it weed should be treated like any other plant and herb and $15-$20 for a gram of a piece of a plant matter is insane. My state is voting for legalization this year and I pray it passes. I can't wait to see dealers stop selling it as after it does anyone can grow up to 6 plants more than enough. Than everyone growing to sell will be shit out a luck getting $250-$300/O which is insane for plant matter.

Disagree or agree it's an opinion. And yes I am friends with someone who I strongly disagree with about prices but it's all good.

The more plants are grown the less prices will be and the less it's portrayed as a evil drug that's what I want to see.

Sorry for making my post so long I feel I need to explain myself.


Well-known member
Bro start your own thread in the tokers den, this isn't a spot for YOUR OPINION, as you put it so clearly, on a subject which is irrelevant here. You come across like a guy who just doesn't want to pay more than 40 an eighth.

Who the hell do you think brings all this herb to the masses? The growers, buyers and countless others, who you just seemed to tell fuck off. Yea nice way to act to the providers.

This is a grower website more than anything, and most of us as growers do our part to contribute to this community both online and real life. Remember that next time your about to post here with your assumptions.



New member
You all are correct. As I'm new to this place I didn't know there was a special place u can simply post how u feel. I don't think before I type so my bad. I didn't see how long it's been up if I did I'd have said nothing.

Simply put I hate seeing bud treated as a commodity and believe it should be regulated and if u want it u should grow it yourself and if u can't, you shouldn't be forced to pay so much for it. I know some people that we're in it in the 60s and 70s and they can't believe how expensive it is now and what pricing is like...what it cost then and what ya pay now generally. Call me jaded call me an asshole but in the end Its got nothing to do with money just trying to say weed should be treated like alcohol and tobacco at most where you can make it yourself and have it more widely available. The more available the less it should be. I didn't realize not everyone here is from the states what I said doesn't apply to there and I simply read a few posts than made mine.
I'll never make the mistake of posting in anything that's more than 3-4 pages long in the future without reading the whole thing first.

I didn't know me just typing my feelings based on a headline of something I was happy to read would bring about so much love.

It's all about the plant to me. I came here because I thought this place was about growers who do it for the love of the plant and that help those they know who love it also but can't afford a basic tent 400w hps/mh setup. I thought most growers would want to share the plant they love and their techs with others. Not for profiteering reasons. I see my stay here being shortlived. Don't see myself making any friends but that's ok if that's how it plays out. I love the plant and what it stand for not the money hungry people that keep prohibition going and vote against legalization as it'll hurt their profits. THOSE are the people I'm referring to.



Active member
Cannabis has value.... It's bought and sold all over the world everyday.
Along with food, medicine, guns, booze, drugs, cars, bikes and whatever else.

I can't think of another industry where the producers are sometimes subjected to prison ....and/or guilt trips for selling their product instead of giving it away.


Active member
I am so sick, Lil kids who want to stick it to the guy who takes care of them.the big bad dealer you are crazy to think people need to make a living.

CanniDo Cowboy

Wake up and sniff the trichomes brotha. Cali is fixin to also cash in on the millions in rec sales. The "weed fo big money" train is already leavin the station and those who believe weed should not be about money will end up nothing more than baggage porters...cc


New member
If you suck at growing or haven't learned how to improve your crop over the years you deserve to be left behind as in most markets (unless you're a bank, car maker or an airline!).

The article highlights the fact that if you have superior product or charging reasonable prices you have nothing to worry about.

100% agree with this. I can't begin to tell you how many cut rate growers I have who have been whining their asses off.

They don't amend their soil, they don't prune, trim, fertilize, or treat their grows like they are their livelihood.

I had to drop prices at one point when a new flood of card holders were coming in with very little knowledge, but within two years my prices were all back up, even higher than I was getting initially.

Great article for sure.


people came out of no where to bash an idiot, feel free to contribute to the topic while you're here. this place has been a graveyard lately... hope everything is good with prop haven't heard from him in awhile


New member
Your right. I'm an idiot...so must be the the people that posted first about this. So many people that can't stand conflicting opinions... Sad. Simply because Im new saw the first page only didn't see the postcount and funny enough agree with many of your established users that also saw this as a positive thing.
Ignore me that's fine. I have a friend who sells and funny enough he don't ignore me because I've told him how I can't wait to see legalization cause people to like in Oregon grow because they enjoy it simply as pot shops are everywhere. It's treated like I believe it should be... Alcohol and tobacco. I will say I'm sorry so many people that love growing hate someone who strongly believes in the first amendment and freedom in general. I'm an ignorant bastard because I agree with every other person who sees it as a positive thing.
If agreeing with positive change makes you an idiot God help us all and I'm a huge one. Sorry I care more about freedom than consumerism.

Warning this was posted by one of the many ignorant idiots that see the cost of bud dropping and see this article as a good thing.
Saw a pile of last years outs go for 10-11. It was sad but the guy got to thinking he would get stuck with them and freaking out. So I ask my guy if he can work with them and he said people were asking every day for low priced stuff over the dep at 18-19. The road is now officially out of anything but deps so I say stay solid on what you are asking. Actual flood won't hit for another few weeks.

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