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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


just turned on HBO- alpha dog is on. the scene where true love asks for 7 from his dad then meets the hippy at the gas station parking lot.
truelove goes into the store and the hippie throws a duffle in the trunk - no inspections nothing to be looked at.. thats how it was everything was bomb back then
those were great times, everything was fire. couple words and a little description and you knew exactly what you were getting
now it's like every pack is inspected with a microscope. so much sub par shit on the market
and I'm not not some old timer shaking his fist at the sun screaming at the kids to get off my lawn.... I'm 28
I've noticed the decreasing quality ever since 2010 or so. Many folks nowadays cut early, flush with pk boosters, rough trim, and barely cure. When I get tired of my outdoor I'm usually going through dispensaries for quality indoor because the few remaining local indoor growers usually pump out garbage.
Most of the low priced 16-2 indoor around these parts is surprisingly decent, average salt fed indoor. Garbage indoor will run 1-1500. Our market is so saturated from the influx of Bulgarians, Hmongs, and others growing on a grand scale. They have a seemingly endless supply of good labor that allows them to pump out k packs.


Our market is so saturated from the influx of Bulgarians, Hmongs, and others growing on a grand scale. They have a seemingly endless supply of good labor that allows them to pump out k packs.

their business plan is to pump out thousands of pounds of skittles or whatever's popular and dump em for 800-1000 k asap totally fucking up local economy . no fucking respect! go home shitbags!


gasping for air.....
please let me blow up your 40 acres minds i so i can compete with unlimited $$$$..
trying to hold on for dear life...
oh damn,
too late :(
rest in peace max you no adaptable motherfucker.


Well-known member
Comparing someone who pays their electric bill to someone who doesnt is pretty unfair. Of course they can afford to drop k packs..

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I've noticed the decreasing quality ever since 2010 or so. Many folks nowadays cut early, flush with pk boosters, rough trim, and barely cure. When I get tired of my outdoor I'm usually going through dispensaries for quality indoor because the few remaining local indoor growers usually pump out garbage.

I feel ya man. Seems like quality and consistency don't go together anymore in this industry. Guys are still paying 4k+ around my neck of the woods for good OG/Sours..Problem is finding it, and keeping it consistent. Man I miss the good ole days....



So in one post you say most indoor is garbage, then you go on to say in another that its surprisingly decent, which is it? I've never even hear of someone selling ins in the teens anywhere in triangle, maybe canada....if people are getting more than that for deps then I'm failing to understand how that makes any sense whatsoever.


^^^ oh where you given a "life's fair" card when you where born? Well that makes a difference.

don't remember seeing the "market will correct it's self" last night, just adapt or die. then again i was on my second cocktail haha.
yeah i do have a life's fair card but the interest rate is killing me.
my close friend owns a successful business locally, one day this Bulgarian dude walks in and wants to talk to owner.
"i want 1000 gavitas and (however many i forgot) greenhouses at this price, also 10,000 skittle clones."
owner- i don't sell clones. so i sell you lights and gh's at this price you're gonna sell pounds at same price as everyone else?
customer- no we sell 800 to 1000, what problem? you make money no?
owner- no what i would do is smash people who have been here for generations giving you mega deals on product so you can move in and under cut locals and our economy...
customer- we give you 10 million dollars for store.
owner- haha fuck you get outta my store.

not sure where you live in norcal but around here it's all about respect.
these guys have no respect, they buy up all the properties with mafia money, cut in roads, flatten hills, poach water, etc. they get busted, so what , free trip back home. back next month.

i guess i'm just old school and believe in respect and integrity and most of all community.

i liked you better when your avitar said muff lover, at least we could agree on something.
Question all you want, I'm just quoting on the hill prices. A lot of the local indoor crowd consists of blue collar workers and seniors that are doing it for supplemental income, while career growers stay outside. Often times they are short on rent/power or want to blow some $$ but don't have the connections or time to market their lbs. They call up their broker and get cashed out.

tesserecting, if you are referring to my gavita gh harvested in june it tested at 23%. Sold for 15 rather than 18-2 because the buds were smaller from the reduced light and temp. Won't be going below 18 on any full term this year
I just remember seeing some nutelocked leaves which would translate to lower quality some months ago.

23 for cookie x ins to the grower.

Heard thru the grapevine a handful of calaveras sq ft growers plan on dumping massive weight during the flood at 9-11. I would love to shoot for 18 like you canna but that seems high at least during the flood. You trying to be the first one done? Holding onto it? I also wonder if what I was told was bs...but I doubt it.
Wow...1800 for outdoor. Even this time of year that seems steep. Many are getting 1700 for fresh dep right now. The market is going to do some real fluctuating is the next few years. Up at first and then down. There will also be a clear legal market and a black market instead of this gray market that mirrors the black. Those of us entering the legal market will see prices rise at first be it will be for nothing because of taxes we will be paying. As the legal price drops it will thin out the posers and those with bad business plans. Best to have an exit stategy.

Get it while you can.
Og grown with attention to detail on consignment. Hell even fair quality chem fed Og will go for 16 in the winter. It's all about what you grow and who you know.


Active member
Just curious, I've always followed this thread as it's really interesting -- how do you see prices this time next year? Mere months before MMRSA takes effect.
I see mmrsa or mcrsa raising the price initially in the system but i dont think it will really be fully enacted until 2019. Blackmarket indoor may drop as not just anybody off the street can sell to a dispensary anymore. Blackmarket outdoor may go up as it wont be as easy to hide behind 215 for full sun multi hundred pound gardens. Most jurisdictions are banning and those that dont will have a clear picture who is licensed and who is not. All this will happen after the 2018 season. I dont think 2017 season will be effected.

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