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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Good indoor still gets 28 or even 32 for the right cut in the right market. I find i ALWAYS get the best money by makin a strong relationship with a shop that loves your product. Ive found once they KNOW what they are payung for they are MUCH more likely to pony up that top dollar. Its gettin rough these days though clubs dont care about quality they care about profit margins.


Well-known member

Theres a guy last month who drove an extra 7 hours farther than he needed to get something of lesser quality at a higher ticket. All bc it was "his boy" .

Play this scenario out a hundred times a day and that's reality in Ca. Switch any variable in the above equation around anyway you want and those all happen hundred times a day too.

I think we sometimes underestimate the size of the industry


Active member
I think we sometimes underestimate the size of the industry

we post like ic mag is the omniverse at times. 99.99% of the cannabis community (especially including consumers) does not know ic exists.


Yea but the market is the market.
Although 99.9% of it doesn't know about icmag everyone is still playing within the same market. Prices shouldn't vary that much from poster to poster as long as we are talking about the same regions and time periods (time of the year). This all assumes ppl are gathering/giving accurate information


Active member
So on this one page, we've got a person claiming they're getting indoor for cheaper than most people are selling deps/outs right now, another saying they're getting more for green cracks than ogs, and yet another saying deps going for more than indoors....im confused to say the least.
many different universes and paradims here in CA

Theres a guy last month who drove an extra 7 hours farther than he needed to get something of lesser quality at a higher ticket. All bc it was "his boy" .

Play this scenario out a hundred times a day and that's reality in Ca. Switch any variable in the above equation around anyway you want and those all happen hundred times a day too.

I think we sometimes underestimate the size of the industry

excellent thread and probably nailing it pretty close overall.

great posts.



excellent thread and probably nailing it pretty close overall.

great posts.

Right. Which is why I question some of the stuff posted but you have to weed your way through some of the info.

Granted in this type of market there will always be extreme outliers (ppl buying/selling too low or too high) but it should all average out to a mean. The deviation shouldn't be super extreme from farm to farm. Where it gets hazy is when brokers get their hands on it.
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Noonin NorCal

Active member
We got 18 for the first round of light dep, 4 weeks now into the second run. probably could have gotten more if it wasn't for dude that bought it, he new it was dep. and he probably hawked it as indoor.

CanniDo Cowboy

A lot of stoner-like bedtime stories here ie; - Some scary, some funny or happy and some stories are like 'Oh can ya just shut up, I'll count sheep...cc
Couldn't find out from last year under 15, regardless of quality. There just ain't much around. Most of it is not as good as it used to be. Deps
are exciting.
So, people are buying and people are selling. What are in triangle, cash pickup for outs from last fall getting to the grower? I've not seen any but hear 18-22 for deps. Did peeps that held back till summer for better prices get 16+? There is still stuff around but little choice and not 12-13.


17-2 for deps.. a friend found someone with some last yrs outs.. wants 14 and 15 for some. I sawa picture but quality was hard to tell. probably not great
Still working trough the bottom of some bins from this winters indoor and some of last years outdoor. Peps I know will take about anything right now...and pay a surprising ticket! Don't compost it. Offer it up, even for head smoke.


I don't run in the deepest of circles like most of you but man its rough out there for buyers.

my boy grabbed some outs @15 that I would turn down at 900-1k around harvest. ppl are complaining about them when he brought them back - even with nothing else around right now ppl will basically take anything but still complaining about these

saw some ok deps at 17 nothing to write home about.

ins at 19 that were pretty nice. 9 lb hammer


whos choppin deps next couple weeks??? my boy sayin' "ahh we gotta get rid of everything asap! in 2 weeks the market will be shit with everyone else's deps comin down"
I disagree, and think that the collective dep harvey wont come close to satisfy market demand(not enough to cause a "glut" anyway). From what mountain sprout quoted we undersold. Last year my homies were gettin 19 for shit that went through a wet machine and never got touched up at all in early sept. burleys and crow feet and all.. it was fugly and it flew.


If you're just getting deps to market you're behind the crowd and people will start to hold out for october. Powder mold caked OG for 17, good ones for 19-2, ins 23. to grower