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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Well-known member
Yep, it's not leaga shipping across state lines, so they will keep falling.

How would you suggest I "handle" my entire market ?, you sure can't "handle" yours or you wouldn't be shipping it this way. You fools are dropping the price on your own produce, nothing like taking a pay cut from ignorance.

I'm not hating, but because it's legal in your state then sell it there...stay out of mine Cookie :tiphat:

Wow you insult on every thread and every conversation. Interesting.
Most of the decent $1,000 lbs seem to be sold out. Saw some decent blue dream for $1150.. og or sour deps and outs are maintaining around 14-2. Looks like the flood is subsiding.


iTroll dropping in for a second, nice...

My outs are almost gone, been giving them to friends for 13 but could easily get 15+ this time of the year. In a month or two people will be desperate for anything good in the teens


Active member
iTroll dropping in for a second, nice...

My outs are almost gone, been giving them to friends for 13 but could easily get 15+ this time of the year. In a month or two people will be desperate for anything good in the teens

Always get as much as possible for your hard work, don't give it away :tiphat:
iTroll dropping in for a second, nice...

My outs are almost gone, been giving them to friends for 13 but could easily get 15+ this time of the year. In a month or two people will be desperate for anything good in the teens

generous prices for what looks like top grade buds bro


Always get as much as possible for your hard work, don't give it away :tiphat:

My people need to eat too, I make plenty for now

Fuck the weed game today everyone acting like the Dali lama but taxing like obama. We have a disconnect with reality where everyone wants to get rich but I would rather make enough to live and give the rest away


Active member
My people need to eat too, I make plenty for now

Fuck the weed game today everyone acting like the Dali lama but taxing like obama. We have a disconnect with reality where everyone wants to get rich but I would rather make enough to live and give the rest away

You're right, unfortunately in some states the penalty is sooo high for growing & possession you have to charge high rates...or never afford bail :biggrin:


New member
Off subject a little, but do you guys think that the current drought that the west coast has been experiencing will have any effect on the industry in the short or long term concerning supply?


Active member
shits drying up fast in norcal, even though we got a fuckton of rain! heres some pricing reports ive seen from homies up here in ban county northern cali.

but seriously...all of last seasons stuff has creeped up a few points. 15 is the new norm for most last year stuff that is well cured and still looks somewhat fresh.

popcorny subpar trimmed B grade outs, bad cure stale and moist 1100

same batch of buds but larger sized and cleaned up a bit better, bad cure kind of stale and moist texture like they rewet, overall shitty grade that i wouldnt pay more than 1k for usually...but they went for 1400 to shippers

nice blue dreams big colas well trimmed well cured @ 1500, flew FAST...probably could have gone for 16

sungrown kryptonite from last year but very well cured, very nice dense frosty colas, could almost pass for indoors, grower got 15 and after a few layers of brokers eventually sold for 17 to shippers

indoor kryptonite from same grower, kind of commercial quality not too much flavor but decent look 18, not alot of action on them they are still sitting afaik

indoor cocogrown gorilla glue very nice frosty colas but some smaller peices, no PGRs used so the nugs are kind of light texture, not hardball 22

indoor girl scout cookie, looks awesome but i think it might be a hybrid pheno because it didnt have full cookie smell. also not as dense as normal cookie cuts. first they were 23, then dropped to 22, then to 21. last i heard he shipped them out for 28.

rosin and BHO slabs at 5-6400 per LB depending on quality, mostly on color. all the kids just care about color. a light colored slab testing at 1000ppm butane and tasting like shit will sell quicker at 6k, than a 7 day purged, 0ppm slab that has dark color for 5. pretty fucked...

what are people getting at norcal clubs for grammed up Rosin? just got my press running, we have two grades, one im asking 20 a gram for and a nicer grade that is 100% on the same look and taste as most high end shatters that i would love to get 35-40g.


what are people getting at norcal clubs for grammed up Rosin? just got my press running, we have two grades, one im asking 20 a gram for and a nicer grade that is 100% on the same look and taste as most high end shatters that i would love to get 35-40g.

30 a gram for nice stable hash rosin


.....standing in line waiting for Darkheart clones bro told me he kiefs up his trim then presses it into rosin...10k unit no haggle. Guess that's around 20 bucks a gram.....imagine it would depend on the rosin just like with bho people want it to be light colored and smell good. Is it possible to mass produce, though? Those presses I've seen that require an air compressor look like they have less than 10"x10" of pressing space.


Active member
.....standing in line waiting for Darkheart clones bro told me he kiefs up his trim then presses it into rosin...10k unit no haggle. Guess that's around 20 bucks a gram.....imagine it would depend on the rosin just like with bho people want it to be light colored and smell good. Is it possible to mass produce, though? Those presses I've seen that require an air compressor look like they have less than 10"x10" of pressing space.

with a 2x3inch area i can produce an oz every hour from just flowers no screening

with hash results are silly fast

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