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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I've got my 20 ton press rolling and I've been squishing buds all week. Haven't really seen too many people pumping out rosin, not sure how much I should be asking for it at the clubs.


Active member
if its anything close to shatter than easy 20-30wholesale. people dont want dark poopy rosin or half melt rosin…gotta melt just like shatter on the nail and have light clarity for the snobs.


Heady scene in So. Oregon for sure. From what i saw they werent on the dep yet, and barely even greenhouse. They stick to their numbers and dont get fucked with like here. Wouldnt be surprised to see a new wave of growers head up there from the banned counties.

better than coming to my county


Active member
What would the rate be for 10 a shot and sent on its way east

Trying to see if I'm in the right park for the game b+ in/green


Active member
Benchmarks is showing a big price plunge this week, due to continued outdoor supply. Thought it would all be gone by now.
The market is strong. 2 buyers who buy based only on the lowest price showed up a month earlier than usual and are at 16. Hell, I even heard hmoungs in the pines we're getting 11!


. Hell, I even heard hmoungs in the pines we're getting 11!

My friend from florida flew out one time with his buddy to get a large order, we ended up in eureka sitting in a living room with an old Laotian couple negotiating with us through their grandkids who were translating. They had hundreds of packs laying around in contractor bags and kept pulling out different samples to show us. It was all shitty weed but the Florida guys loved it.

Such a weird scene up there


Active member
Benchmarks is showing a big price plunge this week, due to continued outdoor supply. Thought it would all be gone by now.

I hope it dries up soon, the legal states flood has killed our market..can't get the price they want at home, then fk up our shit here. Driving the price down isn't good for anybody fools.
I hope it dries up soon, the legal states flood has killed our market..can't get the price they want at home, then fk up our shit here. Driving the price down isn't good for anybody fools.

Produce and diary farmers had this problem. The government intervened and makes farmers destroy surplus crops that exceed quotas. Coming to weed soon.. lol


I hope it dries up soon, the legal states flood has killed our market..can't get the price they want at home, then fk up our shit here. Driving the price down isn't good for anybody fools.

then you should handle your market. dont hate.... the times they r a changin. it will only get worse for you i fear. that is the way the cookie crumbles


Active member
Produce and diary farmers had this problem. The government intervened and makes farmers destroy surplus crops that exceed quotas. Coming to weed soon.. lol

Yep, it's not leaga shipping across state lines, so they will keep falling.

then you should handle your market. dont hate.... the times they r a changin. it will only get worse for you i fear. that is the way the cookie crumbles

How would you suggest I "handle" my entire market ?, you sure can't "handle" yours or you wouldn't be shipping it this way. You fools are dropping the price on your own produce, nothing like taking a pay cut from ignorance.

I'm not hating, but because it's legal in your state then sell it there...stay out of mine Cookie :tiphat:


Yep, it's not leaga shipping across state lines, so they will keep falling.

How would you suggest I "handle" my entire market ?, you sure can't "handle" yours or you wouldn't be shipping it this way. You fools are dropping the price on your own produce, nothing like taking a pay cut from ignorance.

I'm not hating, but because it's legal in your state then sell it there...stay out of mine Cookie :tiphat:

i guess your market is mine


If the "mmj dispensary" treated it as a farmers market and had a set fee per day/week/month for a spot to "share" your wares... Whatever you want to call it ;) LOL

Could also have a monthly MMJ cup... The top of the list get the best spots in the place... And... You know what happens to the rest :tiphat:

great idea. Maybe one day