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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Seems to be a trend across the board.
Growers know what buds retail for & feel they're getting screwed by brokers/buyers. The middle men are the problem. They do very little to gain a lot. It's no different than any other business where distributors are used.

On the other hand, my perspective could be totally wrong.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

word brother- i'm glad to hear everyone's not just crumbling.:huggg:


Well-known member
Premium user
From what my real farmer friends talk about once every where else legalizes and the rural farmers get involved the price of a pound is projecting at $1.82. Hurry up and legalize so we can help out ourselves and all those poor rural farmers out there.


This discussion has been done to death BUT.....I think middleman often put in a decent amount of work and risk to get their pay out.

I've had friends get pulled over with 7 lbs in Sacramento and, even with the Dr's rec to support having that much, they're still getting slammed by the legal system--product taken, probation and huge lawyers fees to be dealt with going on three years from when it went down. Something growers often forget is that selling cannabis is illegal! There is risk to personal freedom involved. Also, sometimes middlemen will find themselves in dangerous parts in-country--dealing with people whose minds are totally twisted who would turn them into fertilizer over a heated exchange. There's a lot more that middlemen do that I won't get into but, when you break it all down, a lot of the time, not all the time but, a lot of the time, they're putting their work in for their money. Middlemen get a bad rep--a lot of people call it meddling--but, next time a middle man drops off a duffle bag filled with vac sealed twentys try and remember, they're people too ;)


i've had friends get pulled over with 7 lbs in Sacramento and, even with the Dr's rec to support having that much, they're still getting slammed by the legal system--product taken, probation and huge lawyers fees to be dealt with going on three years from when it went down.
Whats the point of an expensive lawyer if they got fucked anyway?

From what my real farmer friends talk about once every where else legalizes and the rural farmers get involved the price of a pound is projecting at $1.82. Hurry up and legalize so we can help out ourselves and all those poor rural farmers out there.
I heard it will go down to .02 cents per pound. And then Later, we will be actually paying people to smoke


Shcrews; I heard it will go down to .02 cents per pound. And then Later said:
It's called Farm subsidies

I feel with the holidays, everything was shut down for a while...
Do people even in cali even care about a good final trim job. Been seeing a lot of piss poor jobs this year. Sad to see what the wholesale seen looks like next year.


Do people even in cali even care about a good final trim job. Been seeing a lot of piss poor jobs this year. Sad to see what the wholesale seen looks like next year.

It depends on the farmer. They may use machines to trim, or trimmers who will work over 3 units a day....

I myself hand trim everything and it takes me a long time to get through a unit. Maybe I'm an idiot for taking so long, but I have a ton of self pride in the Meds I produce :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
This discussion has been done to death BUT.....I think middleman often put in a decent amount of work and risk to get their pay out.

I've had friends get pulled over with 7 lbs in Sacramento and, even with the Dr's rec to support having that much, they're still getting slammed by the legal system--product taken, probation and huge lawyers fees to be dealt with going on three years from when it went down. Something growers often forget is that selling cannabis is illegal! There is risk to personal freedom involved. Also, sometimes middlemen will find themselves in dangerous parts in-country--dealing with people whose minds are totally twisted who would turn them into fertilizer over a heated exchange. There's a lot more that middlemen do that I won't get into but, when you break it all down, a lot of the time, not all the time but, a lot of the time, they're putting their work in for their money. Middlemen get a bad rep--a lot of people call it meddling--but, next time a middle man drops off a duffle bag filled with vac sealed twentys try and remember, they're people too ;)

Thanks for your perspective...
For the sake of clarity:
Middle men are certainly necessary for nearly any business to succeed in todays economy.

As far as dangerous folk are concerned...
Most bark a lot louder than they bite, ime.
TomHill said:
always have some food present and ready to go to work... if you see trouble coming,, stuff your mouth with food at the airport in the car wherever does not matter,,, chew,, chew with your mouth open,, let them have a full and disgusting picture of your open mouth mastication while you are communication... This fucks with people on a subliminal level puts knives in parts of their brains they do not even admit exists and they want to get you out of their face asap and get the fuck out of there,, pass,, move along,, i am not the droid you are looking for... That is some inner circle smuggler old school shit right there :p


im cringing right now.
Cannabis Benchmarks is now charging $60 for their wholesale weekly price report. That sucks. Guess we better just go back to discussing wholesale prices ourselves... What are people getting?
We are still at 15 and it is steady but slow as always at this time of year. Things always pick up for me in late feb-march as the low price stuff gets gone. Seems like the only thing buyers are looking at is price. First the 11's go, then the 12's, and so on. Big growing neighbor said his guys told him to just hold on to it and they would be up to get it in the spring for 17-18. He has been at it 40 years and dont fuck around.

Seems crazy that wholesale prices are so low back east when it seems so much riskier to get stuff to there than it used to be. Wouldn't want to be those guys shipping or driving.


New member
Just to clarify the Cannabis Benchmarks pricing....its $60 per month, not per report. It comes to less than $14 a week. Totally understand its not for everyone. Hoping the insights and analysis provided will more than offset the weekly cost of the report. If one report helps negotiate a better deal, the value could far exceed the annual subscription cost.


Active member
Just to clarify the Cannabis Benchmarks pricing....its $60 per month, not per report. It comes to less than $14 a week. Totally understand its not for everyone. Hoping the insights and analysis provided will more than offset the weekly cost of the report. If one report helps negotiate a better deal, the value could far exceed the annual subscription cost.

'It's not for everyone' is the understatement of the year. Frankly, that price will be their downfall. It is definitely a fantastic product, but absurdly overpriced. Anyone who has the money to afford that fee has enough connections to already know what's happening on the market.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it. I already know several commercial folks who laughed and said they won't pay it.
Holy sh@t! I seriously thought it was $60 for the year and thought about it and decided 1.25 a week just wasn't worth it to read what I already know. If I really want to know what prices are I just ask 3 neighbors from 3 seperate roads. It might be useful to throw in a growers face by some clueless buyer but it wont help a grower get more money. They are also offering a report for $200 a month (which I also thought at first was for a year)! Too bad cause it is a good read but more like a friday morning bathroom read than a negotiating tool.
not sure but that post "clarifying" may have been a response to my email to them telling them they are crazy even though I liked there product and mentioned it in this forum with it's 400,000 views. They probably thought "hell, were getting thousands of page views, we're rich!" Turns out it was just a bunch of kids on the east coast checking to see how hard their "bros" in legal states are screwing them. You got have like a million dollars to pay $720 a year for some emails.
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I'm seeing 1300 for fire outdoor Blue Dream. Some Sour Diesel that is frosty, smells great with beautiful calyxes still isn't fetching the 15 that's being requested...Got offered 1350 but, I'm not having it. 5500 a lb for light colored crumble pretty much regardless of the strain -- 3650 for full units of dark colored stable crumble and pull n snap more snappy than pully.

I have a few neighbors that take their time harvesting and trimming up because they have no intention of involving themselves in the rat race that is the flood. It's kind of like netflix...Eventually, you're going to see all the newest movies and get your kicks, you're just going to be 4 to 6 months behind everyone else. After a while you don't even notice that you're in a different time frame than everyone else. ;)