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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I gotta say, part of the envy I have for you outdoor growers dies knowing you gotta struggle to get even 2 for a bow.

My least potent/airy buds still gets 25 sometimes 26 out here while the best still gets 32 depending on the time of year..most up north growers setup greenhouses and you can not tell the difference when the bring it back down...

God bless you guys, mofo's like shcrews and mendo make me work harder every day, especially knowing the prices will be like that here soon, I gotta step my game up next year and get outdoor! Thanks for the input everyone.

The dude paying 25-26 for low quality airy buds is taking it with no lube.

Brokers middle guys get shafted and stuck with bad packs all the time... I see a lot of complaints about brokers lowballing etc - fine, don't sell.

I see these guys get stuck with bad packs/hustled all the time... recently saw an out of state guy come for 10... guy said all he had was 5 sub part units and wanted 16... out of stater begged for more or something different - dude shrugged and sighed said take it or leave it. Not wanting to leave empty handed he took it shook hands and exchanged cash..... all of a sudden Ps of super bomb stuff started showing up in his closet or at the doorstep from friends to fill out the order. And no exchanging the original sub par


100 dollar bills are 100 dollar bills, take it or don't

Bomb ass light dep og isn't always bomb ass light dep og

Lot of shit looks ok or acceptable on first glance but when you actually go through it thoroughly you realize you got stuck and sometimes you have to do all the leg work and take a L on the buy. If you haven't experienced that and you've been in this game for some time consider yourself lucky

Brokers do lose money on deals occasionally
Anyone have very recent prices for well grown indoor here in Nor Cal? Looking for numbers on OG'S, GG4, Sour D etc.

Broker price, Dispensary, whatever you got. Thanks for the heads up!


Anyone have very recent prices for well grown indoor here in Nor Cal? Looking for numbers on OG'S, GG4, Sour D etc.

Broker price, Dispensary, whatever you got. Thanks for the heads up!

indoor things like that are going for around 24 in santa cruz


New member
2800 for A-grade grape ape indoor and 16-1800 for A-grade outs.Although my indoor price has stayed the same since summer, the outdoor prices seem to be quickly rising. I think people are spending money again now that the holidays are over...
Anyone have very recent prices for well grown indoor here in Nor Cal? Looking for numbers on OG'S, GG4, Sour D etc.

Broker price, Dispensary, whatever you got. Thanks for the heads up!

2800 is about the top of the line at collectives, except for GSC crosses or some ogs. 2200-2400 is probably what you would get now, if they even bother to see you. Most places have so many vendors right now that they don't want to see more. This is in the Sac area FTR.
Seeing packs in LA go for 25+ for commercial grade indoor OGs that smoked kinda crappy in my opinion. Over fertilized. Everybody knows they can take the drive up north to get packs for 12-15 but they won't so they take whats local. Going for 13-18 in LA for mid-grade outdoor/greenhouse. Nice outdoor still going for as much as you can get...... Its the BHO market that interests me. Units locally going for around 5.5-6 grand for beautiful golden yellow crumble. Ive heard people paying as much as 7 locally but who knows how much you can get if you have the right club. Seen 100 a gram a dispensaries all the time.


I have yet to try Rosin....I have a whole bunch of kief and a hair press I guess I should just set aside an hour and make a personal stash. That's it, I'm doin it!!!!

I haven't heard anything encouraging on the greenhouse/outdoor front lately. If you look back in this thread, four or five months ago, we were all speculating that with the outdoor bans, more than normal mite issues, big busts and, the increased demand that the market would be totally different this year. I haven't seen that..in fact, I have one broker who has pretty much decided he's out of the brokerage game--says, "the out of state buyers are expecting more for less and the growers are standing firm...no money to be made." Somehow, more ganja than ever was grown this year! 'course, that's just one point of view and February could be different. I sure hope so!


ICMag Donor
I have yet to try Rosin....I have a whole bunch of kief and a hair press I guess I should just set aside an hour and make a personal stash. That's it, I'm doin it!!!!

I haven't heard anything encouraging on the greenhouse/outdoor front lately. If you look back in this thread, four or five months ago, we were all speculating that with the outdoor bans, more than normal mite issues, big busts and, the increased demand that the market would be totally different this year. I haven't seen that..in fact, I have one broker who has pretty much decided he's out of the brokerage game--says, "the out of state buyers are expecting more for less and the growers are standing firm...no money to be made." Somehow, more ganja than ever was grown this year! 'course, that's just one point of view and February could be different. I sure hope so!

Seems to be a trend across the board.
Growers know what buds retail for & feel they're getting screwed by brokers/buyers. The middle men are the problem. They do very little to gain a lot. It's no different than any other business where distributors are used.

On the other hand, my perspective could be totally wrong.
Please correct me if I am wrong.