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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

indoor prices have crashed pretty hard back east...only a few certain hotspots where you can still knock commercial grade cali vacpack bud for more then 3. I've heard from multiple brokers in new england area that there are lots of commercial local indoors (or possible stuff from CO, OR, MI, WA) that are in the mid 2s.

the indoors selling for 25+ in CA are usually very high quality, and staying local. CA still has a huge demand and huge population of smokers. sure some of those 25s might still be getting sent for 32, but not nearly as much as 12-13s outdoor packs are shipping for 18-2.

also lots and lots of light dep or very well grown outdoor being sold as indoors in non med markets as well. so when a batch of light dep Glue or Sour sells for 16 here in CA, gets brought to non-med at 24-25, all the indoor growers in that non med start complaining that "they got indoors for 24 now damnit" when everybody is getting deceived.

Yep. This is exactly what I am seeing between here in CA and the Dirty South. Great post Prop. On point as usual.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Yep, been there done that :)

I go to the West Indies every year for a month, travel with my own...their product sucks down there.

BTW:How do they grow outdoors by the equator ?...it's 12/12 light all year,,,you could never veg the plants.

G`day BW

Jamaica is at 18 deg Nth .
Nigh on the tropic of cancer . not 12/12 there year round bro . The longest day of the year is 13:04 long and the shortest day is 10:55 long.
The longest day is 2:09 longer than the shortest day.
Hawaii 21 Nth .

Old school sativas grow at least 2 months before setting flowers . Then continue to grow as they flower .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
lat 20 here in Hawaii...pop your beans on 420 for the long season,they'll stretch in early July.It's good to grow something with a 12 week flower get them to bulk up


Active member
G`day BW

Jamaica is at 18 deg Nth .
Nigh on the tropic of cancer . not 12/12 there year round bro . The longest day of the year is 13:04 long and the shortest day is 10:55 long.
The longest day is 2:09 longer than the shortest day.
Hawaii 21 Nth .

Old school sativas grow at least 2 months before setting flowers . Then continue to grow as they flower .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Hi EB,
Appreciate the info, I should have been more specific about the region. My friend lives in the West Indies, and the shortest day is 11:07,,,longest day 13:09 ...The growing span for veg would be very short, but if the Sativas can do it, something to look into.

Of course you could veg inside, then flip to outside also,,,right ?

Thanks again.


Well-known member
indoor prices have crashed pretty hard back east...only a few certain hotspots where you can still knock commercial grade cali vacpack bud for more then 3. I've heard from multiple brokers in new england area that there are lots of commercial local indoors (or possible stuff from CO, OR, MI, WA) that are in the mid 2s.

the indoors selling for 25+ in CA are usually very high quality, and staying local. CA still has a huge demand and huge population of smokers. sure some of those 25s might still be getting sent for 32, but not nearly as much as 12-13s outdoor packs are shipping for 18-2.

also lots and lots of light dep or very well grown outdoor being sold as indoors in non med markets as well. so when a batch of light dep Glue or Sour sells for 16 here in CA, gets brought to non-med at 24-25, all the indoor growers in that non med start complaining that "they got indoors for 24 now damnit" when everybody is getting deceived.

my sun grown GG tested at 27.7%, that was freaking higher than the 24% my indoor coco run tested at!

While true prices are down quiet a bit, all the stuff I have seen for 25 is not the same quality as the stuff we aim for. It's good, got plenty of trichs and smell, however lacks the mouth coating qualities of top shelf stuff. The stuff @ 28 is better, almost there but still not true top shelf, It's sure passed off as such to most people though.

Definitely a lot of outdoor getting sold as indoor. But I think that happens every year. Either way gotta adapt to stay with it. Or have something better than everyone else and the customers/brokers lined up that want it. I have a guess that about 90% of smokers don't care. Or rather care more about price than anything else. They might care some, but they dont wana spend a significant amount more for the nicer stuff.

Oil prices seem to be pretty stable, although this is really depending on quality and what circles you are in. I know people selling oil I wont dab for 600 an oz, and I know people buying oil for 1500 that is really good.


i have a bunch of shatter from this years harvest . most dispensaries want it pre-packaged and i dont really want to do all that. sell it black market i guess or else get envelopes and parchment and start going door to door. I would sell it for 10 a gram if i could find a buyer to take bulk, but will probably ask 15 once its all packaged up

most outdoor/greenhouse i have seen lately is ranging from 1500 all the way up to 2k for super loud well-grown/trimmed name-brand strains. My outdoor flowers still going for 13, might bump it up to 14 or 15 after january.


Just seen some real nice PK from Seattle here in the Midwest for 24. And some GDP from Santa Rosa from another guy at 24. Both sources said it was indoor and they look the part for sure. The GDP was the winner hands down, about 75% purple 25% neon green, super skunky with grape undertones.


Active member
Found some greenhouse candyland from seed.No purple highlights but dense, light green and grapey smell.He wanted 15 per but offered him 48 for 4. Got 18 a piece for them here in the bay. My boy jus dumped his indoor bluedream for 1750


Active member
Found some greenhouse candyland from seed.No purple highlights but dense, light green and grapey smell.He wanted 15 per but offered him 48 for 4. Got 18 a piece for them here in the bay. My boy jus dumped his indoor bluedream for 1750

I'll take 10 please :) Fuk that's cheap, we'd go broke at those rates...insane


knew someone cranking out killer indo bd like clockwork. they let em go 2 per all year. really backfired though cuz now that its the season, peoples FS/GH bd looks just about as good if done right and is under 1.5. to that point...I saw some excellent GH no spray-water only BD and Sour for 1.4 from someone else. bulkier requests would be cheaper id imagine. the GH bd looks good enough to be called indo. if theres a door on the GH that's true right?


If its worth $14-15, why not sell it for that?

Stuff I'm doin for 17 now will still be 17 in Febuary. Same goes for the 19 stuff...which are discounts against the same quality from other sources btw and my 17 is some fire Glue I do. Its funny people run higher yielding stuff and want higher prices still yet...mooks

This is knowing what I know.
Reference below.

"The simple average price for outdoor grown, greenhouse and indoor grown was $1,617, $1,775, and $2,061 per pound, respectively. "

These guys doin outs and greens for the same price as me need to be shamed.

i have a bunch of shatter from this years harvest . most dispensaries want it pre-packaged and i dont really want to do all that. sell it black market i guess or else get envelopes and parchment and start going door to door. I would sell it for 10 a gram if i could find a buyer to take bulk, but will probably ask 15 once its all packaged up

most outdoor/greenhouse i have seen lately is ranging from 1500 all the way up to 2k for super loud well-grown/trimmed name-brand strains. My outdoor flowers still going for 13, might bump it up to 14 or 15 after january.


i'm not doing the leg work. trappers gotta trap

You mean you aren't earning the profit but extracting it from other people that work while you don't work?

That doesn't change the value of the product. A=A

Some outs are going $2200lb right now in my state > Why aren't you pullin that? Erhem, I mean, why aren't your lackeys pulling that for you?

If your stuff were worth 22, you would charge 22 unless you were trying to undermine other producers like myself.


If its worth $14-15, why not sell it for that?

Stuff I'm doin for 17 now will still be 17 in Febuary. Same goes for the 19 stuff...which are discounts against the same quality from other sources btw and my 17 is some fire Glue I do.

Weird, you said this 2 weeks ago

So, here I am with the cut from the Progressive Collective, and I can't sell it as authentic 'Gorilla Glue' #4

That makes it not worth any other cut. The vendor made me dump the stuff for $1100/lb indoors top shelf


You mean you aren't earning the profit but extracting it from other people that work while you don't work?
Rewording something to make it sound more complicated doesnt help anyone. Why would i extract their profit? and why do you think i dont work?

Some outs are going $2200lb right now in my state > Why aren't you pullin that? Erhem, I mean, why aren't your lackeys pulling that for you?

If your stuff were worth 22, you would charge 22 unless you were trying to undermine other producers like myself.
Looks like you answered your own question :)

I'm not sure if you are trying to insult my intelligence, my business ethics, or my weed. hopefully none of the above.

Seriously though, i dont ship out of state. I give my stuff to old friends who broker (lackeys, as you call them), i hook them up cheaper than normal and let them do the leg work and make the extra profit. makes my life easier and helps out my people. I dont know what they sell it for and I dont care, I'm getting 13 which is called priced to move . You can call it undercutting or undermining or sabotage or stupidity, whatever...



Active member
I'm not sure if you are trying to insult my intelligence, my business ethics, or my weed. hopefully none of the above.

Seriously though, i dont ship out of state. I give my stuff to old friends who broker (lackeys, as you call them), i hook them up cheaper than normal and let them do the leg work and make the extra profit. makes my life easier and helps out my people. I dont know what they sell it for and i dont care, cuz i'm getting 13 which is called PRICED TO MOVE . you can call it undercutting or undermining or sabotage, whatever...

I do the exact same thing, I don't have time to grow & run an operation...and run around like a mule on deliveries :biggrin:

My rate is 32-34 right now,,,,was 38-42 1 year ago. The outdoor product from across the state lines is killing our rate, but it will dry up soon.