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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

The Revolution

Active member
Was picking them up from socal for 13 for decent outs (Super Skunk, beat up OG, Bluedream) 15 for highgrade Cherry Pie, and BCS.. Anyone ever heard of betsy? or Betsy Ross? Been picking it up 14-15. Nice tight green buds..


Sold some goat mulch for 600 a pack. Had a plant that herm'd that I pulled way early, still got a little over 2lbs from it, barely trimmed it. Sold faster than I thought it would. What are people paying for trim this year?

The Revolution

Active member
Betsy is an old San Diego cut if I'm not mistaken.

And A LOT MORE people smoking in this country

Revelution - There's 'old Betsy'. Pretty good herb.

Thanks guys. Possibly the same cut..? First cpl bags came labeled Betsy Ross, the rest have just been written 'betsy'.. Really nice herb nonetheless.. whatever she is..
Suppose it could be anything, but was just curious if anyone knew anything about it.. Been getting lots of Cherry Pie units coming across. Found a few seeds in them.
Old betsy has a very distinctive smell to it. Tough to describe but I have heard poopy baby diapers more than once. Lots of big trichs. Most people love it but is finicky grower.

Moved a few "mistakes" at 11. Nothing bigger than a dime and cost .65c to trim but everyone was happy.


Selling four finger zip locks of good seedless shake out the back of my van. $15.

Word I'm hearing is most are expecting to pay between 15-17 in huge packs for the best outdoor this year....I'm very curious to see what happens with the guys that say, "yea, I never pay over 13"
Selling four finger zip locks of good seedless shake out the back of my van. $15.

Word I'm hearing is most are expecting to pay between 15-17 in huge packs for the best outdoor this year....I'm very curious to see what happens with the guys that say, "yea, I never pay over 13"

He dies.. Big bank takes little bank.


Active member
I'm seeing some cheaper stuff in the 13-14 range but its all very mediocre. prices have fallen a Pt or two generally for the off brand stuff. OG was still holding at 18, but lots of other stuff is at 16 now in NorCal. i let off a few off brand stuff from my own garden, (bland seed phenos that look nice but just didn't have much of a nose) for 14 in the bay area just to help pay the trim/labor bill.


Got rid of some frosty and loud, yet still a little fluffy GH @ 16. It was off brand as well. Probably could have gotten 18 if I wanted. Just happy it moved so easily and quickly. Out of state buyers are extremely hungry this year
What are cbd flowers going for? Both trimmed and untrimmed...and just straight trim as well. Ive heard prices from 2k for trimmed to 700 for untrimmed. Does anybody have any actual numbers?
Some nice, dense Trainwreck with a good nose at 15 to local flippers here in the Foothills. Packs were less than dime size all the way up to chunky tops. Will probably be at 14 next week...


you prolly wont wanna hear this, but in my neck o the woods, 12 to 13 for the best. there are folks round here that are doing 800 still. guess thats what happens when you r in a county that is very "non-banned". half these folks never grew b4 and are happy with anything at all

dont fret, lol, im doin my best to bring the prices up. its all about telling the brokers to fuk off, and come back when they want to pay more. im sure the price would be higher if people were more patient and not worried about storing 100s o units till may. but hey, its easier to hide cash than fluffed up nitro-sealed potatoe chip bags peace
the first green cracks and cherry pies went out. only 5 because we haven't discussed the price change in person so I let them go at the last outdoor price we did at 15 but told him if he wasn't getting 17, just to sit on them cause its going 16+ and he acknowledged that after shaving 1 bill a year off wholesale prices for years.


Active member
I'm seeing some cheap pricing on mid grade bud….decent amount of ban county panic herb that was picked early and paclo'd out, super dense rock hard nugs with barely any smell or flavor, straight work bud for low teens, most of this stuff you can't even tell what strain it is its so basic. seen some stuff for 1k that was super mediocre jack herer that was early too…these are all from amateur growers who dont give a shit about quality or patients….straight backyard boogie.

so yeah, if you want to buy sell and smoke mid grade you got plenty of options.

my OGs and GSC baylien crosses just went for 18 to a kid who's taking them down to socal. my tangies are still at 16-18 and are being rebranded lemon tree by brokers lol…

i did let off some random alien kush hybrids for 14 because the nose wasn't too strong but great look. I'm giving my workers and trimmers good deals on stuff and I'm amazed at what they are able to squeeze off down in the bay area. one trimmer managed to charge a guy 1800 for blue dreams last week lol….


Active member
fluffy premature sours with decent nose and some beans for 12, broker sending for 2+

rock hard paclo bud, no smell, decent frost but straight hardball dense. 11-12 depending on how many, rack each if you take 100. a buddy moved a bunch of these to an LA buyer for 14.

nice high end banana OG for 15, frosty as hell, random fruity cream soda nose, 10pack+

grass valley afghoo from my greenhouse going for 15, hardball, very frosty, light green and a funky old school glue berry smell.

some SUPER fire stuff from my homies in mendo going for 18 right now, really gives indoor a run for its money, exotic strains mostly from the aficionado seeds camp, cookie/og/kush crosses with purple tint and so much flavor. my boy bought a bunch at 18 and is sending them as indoors for 28+….shit is some power, made me want to do the captain morgan stance when i smoked it. some is going to berner for his hawaii birthday party. one of my favorites was the "SIC" aka secret indica cross that is made with cherry limeade and the f1durban from cookiefam, it tasted like the zkittles with lots of doughy sugar cookie taste. another heater were some "coogies" which was a solid OG/GSC cross. i thought 18 was very reasonable i could have seen these fetching low 2s a month ago.
some SUPER fire stuff from my homies in mendo going for 18 right now, really gives indoor a run for its money, exotic strains mostly from the aficionado seeds camp, cookie/og/kush crosses with purple tint and so much flavor. my boy bought a bunch at 18 and is sending them as indoors for 28+….shit is some power, made me want to do the captain morgan stance when i smoked it. some is going to berner for his hawaii birthday party. one of my favorites was the "SIC" aka secret indica cross that is made with cherry limeade and the f1durban from cookiefam, it tasted like the zkittles with lots of doughy sugar cookie taste. another heater were some "coogies" which was a solid OG/GSC cross. i thought 18 was very reasonable i could have seen these fetching low 2s a month ago.

This sounds nice