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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
I hear you on outdoor taking over. Some of the coco light dep I am seeing is nicer then a lot of indoor.
Its costs me around 450 give or take to create each unit. 600 wouldn't even be that bad. It would if your moving your units for 1700 haha. I'm not sure where you are but warehouse rent is LA is expensive. Some guys try to charge 2-3$/sqft. Electric is expensive and you better hope its not so cal Edison or your paying .42/kwh and until my recent change to jacks, nutrients are expensive. Add a staff of workers and over head adds up, but you already know all of this.

nice move on the jacks. shit rules.
i hear you on rent and elect. its different here, 0.50-1.00 a square here and 0.09-0.12 kw. hour i think.
so what i disagree with is overhead vs price and employees. my payscale goes up with new employees. if im running 30 lights by my self and i add up a part time employee for 400 a week. then i add 20 more lights and add because there are two of us and another it becmes 3 or four folks running 100 lights at a cost of 1200 a week in labor, i think youre doing better the more help you pay out. extra 70 lights for at most 24 thousand bucks per round.

CanniDo Cowboy

No one seems to wants to talk about the elephant in the room - The outdoor scene, as more lucrative and economical as it has been, is changing rapidly but not for the better. As more states go recreational, its not hard to see that the outdoor growing in these same states by anyone other than those with proper licensing/permits etc is being more controlled, which is to say, minimized or full out banned entirely. Its not rocket science - to insure the state rec programs are successful (tax revenue), they need you to be buying, not growing. Research Colo, Oregon and Washington -For the average personal & private gro-schmuck, what is now the average outdoor legal plant count in these rec states - 6? Most states will be happy to give you that but for some who like to roll a bit stouter, that aint shit...Ya know what I mean Vern?

Outdoor growing of any respectable size, at least on the W Coast is becoming a dicey proposition. Ban counties are springing up left and right and as far as these counties are concerned, greenhouses are, unfortunately for us, usually seen as a free entry pass to your property. Light deps used to fly under the radar but not anymore. It didnt take these ban counties long to figure out the early and often crop strategy. With counties now using the local nuisance violation ordinance as a way in, its not so much about the risk of jail time. Its simply a strategy of "abatement" -taking your crop - damage done, check and checkmate...cc

So the bottom line is now, to do the outdoor thing is a high risk. Higher than ever. The choice is pretty simple - Dial in & up your indoor game or go outside and dance with the devil in the broad daylite...cc


No one seems to wants to talk about the elephant in the room - The outdoor scene, as more lucrative and economical as it has been, is changing rapidly but not for the better. As more states go recreational, its not hard to see that the outdoor growing in these same states by anyone other than those with proper licensing/permits etc is being more controlled, which is to say, minimized or full out banned entirely. Its not rocket science - to insure the state rec programs are successful (tax revenue), they need you to be buying, not growing. Research Colo, Oregon and Washington -For the average personal & private gro-schmuck, what is now the average outdoor legal plant count in these rec states - 6? Most states will be happy to give you that but for some who like to roll a bit stouter, that aint shit...Ya know what I mean Vern?

Outdoor growing of any respectable size, at least on the W Coast is becoming a dicey proposition. Ban counties are springing up left and right and as far as these counties are concerned, greenhouses are, unfortunately for us, usually seen as a free entry pass to your property. Light deps used to fly under the radar but not anymore. It didnt take these ban counties long to figure out the early and often crop strategy. With counties now using the local nuisance violation ordinance as a way in, its not so much about the risk of jail time. Its simply a strategy of "abatement" -taking your crop - damage done, check and checkmate...cc

So the bottom line is now, to do the outdoor thing is a high risk. Higher than ever. The choice is pretty simple - Dial in & up your indoor game or go outside and dance with the devil in the broad daylite...cc

Depo only stands out in counties were there's an abundance of growers. If you go to a county that has alot of farming, but little to no growers, people are going to assume the greenhouse is either for growing food, or storing hay. The trick is to blend in with your surroundings, look like a farmer, not a pot grower.


Active member
if yall wanna make some money, invest in a vocational school for out of work pot growers to learn new trades in places like humboldt county, williams, shasta , mendo etc.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
The worst part about growing outside/depots is security ...

Having to be strapped and ready to blast someone who might come rob is you is not for everyone...

Especially myself... I like to deploy ultimate stealth at its finest.... hear no evil ..see no evil


Active member
if yall wanna make some money, invest in a vocational school for out of work pot growers to learn new trades in places like humboldt county, williams, shasta , mendo etc.

what do you mean we gonna start a grow facility cleaning service for failed growers to still work around growing.:biggrin:


Active member
No one seems to wants to talk about the elephant in the room - The outdoor scene, as more lucrative and economical as it has been, is changing rapidly but not for the better. As more states go recreational, its not hard to see that the outdoor growing in these same states by anyone other than those with proper licensing/permits etc is being more controlled, which is to say, minimized or full out banned entirely. Its not rocket science - to insure the state rec programs are successful (tax revenue), they need you to be buying, not growing. Research Colo, Oregon and Washington -For the average personal & private gro-schmuck, what is now the average outdoor legal plant count in these rec states - 6? Most states will be happy to give you that but for some who like to roll a bit stouter, that aint shit...Ya know what I mean Vern?

Outdoor growing of any respectable size, at least on the W Coast is becoming a dicey proposition. Ban counties are springing up left and right and as far as these counties are concerned, greenhouses are, unfortunately for us, usually seen as a free entry pass to your property. Light deps used to fly under the radar but not anymore. It didnt take these ban counties long to figure out the early and often crop strategy. With counties now using the local nuisance violation ordinance as a way in, its not so much about the risk of jail time. Its simply a strategy of "abatement" -taking your crop - damage done, check and checkmate...cc

So the bottom line is now, to do the outdoor thing is a high risk. Higher than ever. The choice is pretty simple - Dial in & up your indoor game or go outside and dance with the devil in the broad daylite...cc

indoor will be the only commercial crops, no way regulated crops will be left outdoors for increasing the crime rates via theft and robbery, sorry just not going to happen. already so many counties are banning outdoor larger grows 12+. you would have to own some serious fenced in private land with surveillance and armed foot perimeter controls with dogs.

shit better be like a prison. even then people are gonna come at you with drones with fucking clippers and claws lol


Actually was clowning on you brah. 16 to 18 fresh loud packs. "Wholesale prices plummet, now there starting to get better"
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nice move on the jacks. shit rules.
i hear you on rent and elect. its different here, 0.50-1.00 a square here and 0.09-0.12 kw. hour i think.
so what i disagree with is overhead vs price and employees. my payscale goes up with new employees. if im running 30 lights by my self and i add up a part time employee for 400 a week. then i add 20 more lights and add because there are two of us and another it becmes 3 or four folks running 100 lights at a cost of 1200 a week in labor, i think youre doing better the more help you pay out. extra 70 lights for at most 24 thousand bucks per round.

Those are great prices. You don't get .50/sqft here unless its 50,000sqft or way out of LA. I used to have a location that was .12/kw my current is closer to .20 though. I have 10 acre property near LA I was thinking about pouring a 5000sqft concrete pad and doing a completely sealed automated dep greenhouse. Just so much stress being out in the open. Currently trying to move my way to to 100kw, then 200kw and onwards. My logic is even if it got ridiculously cheap and there was only 500$ profit per unit it would still be great income.


Also, Ya im loving the jacks so far. Do you add anything on top of it in your mix. Any amino's...hormones... vitamin.. pk boost..


Well-known member
Finally starting to see some outdoor prices come through. Heard 14 for some og but never got to see the sample i requested....

I know that the market differs highly depending on your locale, but As production gets stiffer for medical growers and big business gets involved and the feds eventually figuring out how they want to tax cannabis.....well I don't think the price is gonna go down to these crazy lows unless it's to flush out the mom and pop and small growers or beat the competition , similar to how gas prices are "dropping". I still think in the future it's going to be more closely resembling tobacco beer alcohol and pharmaceutical industry markups, not subsidized corn or hydro lettuce like we see in big agriculture. The markup on bottled beer and distilled spirits is insane. 400%+... Pharmies are also an insane markup. Moonshiners may not be as prevalent as pot growers but they are still out there and make good money. People don't usually make money brewing their own beer, but that has more to do with quality and consistency and volume. Several of the local beers here that have won international awards are from garage recipes conceived by young potheads..
I believe that breeding, pollen chuking, or finding accidental seeds of the next gsc or gg4 or og might make you a multi millionaire in the future vs growing thousands of pounds. Trademarked genetically mapped varieties just like Monsanto does will unfortunately be a reality..
Who's gonna stop growing because they dont have a license? Black market isnt going anywhere. Biggest drought in years last summer and its looking to be bigger next summer.


There is no way there won't be a drought after new years. Too many folks waiting on 100+ with cash in hand it's crazy. Sure a lot of farms have pooped up here but nowhere near enough to fill that cali gap in production.


Active member
still seeing at least 16 for most fresh full seasons that aren't anything too special. wannabe dream and crack maybe a little premature, airy sours, hardball flavorless strains are in this range.

just trimmed up my SFV OG full seasons and they look dank! will be entering market at 18 to my regulars…feel like i could probably squeeze 2 but 18 is the hill price if they drive up and i dont have to do any work moving them.
Been getting 25 for cookie packs. 18 has been standard for top shelve outdoor, nugs bigger than a nickle, ext. 12 for b grade or small nugs.

However I think the demand is higher than the prices show right now. Might be able to pull even higher prices.

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