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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Personally I have had my crop creeped on in the middle of the night. When your out in the middle of nowhere alone with a couple dogs and a Mossberg and you see headlights facing your crop with three different people creeping through the woods from different sides it feels like a bigger risk than the guy getting it from point a to point b..

I take your point, but there are way more incarcerated brokers than there are dead growers.

CanniDo Cowboy

in all fairness, weed profits have never been tied to labor. we dont work for our money, we risk for it, as do middlemen who drive through very inhospitable zones for the pay. we grow in increasingly very hospitable zones with relative safety from prison. if it were as dangerous as it were in the nineties wed get 5000 a pound because it would be hard to get.
it aint.
if you need more dough, grow more weed. if your swinging cahoneys across the country you need to get paid. people getting the worst penalties are going to be in highest demand and will get a higher risk pay day.
lets face it, you dont want to get paid for the work you do as a farmer. 12 hour a day farmer pay is a fraction of weed grower pay. i know farmers who dont grow weed. they would puke if they saw what you and i call a hard week of work. our over head to profit is crazy low and our hourly input per dollar is insane compared to a small farmer who hires himself as part of his work crew. we get paid as unrestricted grey/ black market dealers who happen to grow it. we are very seldomly convicted or do time when popped in the west compared to drivers dealers out east.
id rather learn efficiency and get the same pay now as i got 10 years ago for a third of the weight and be almost entirely free from the risk of gettting charged and sentenced than to roll the dice transporting and selling dozens of pounds at a time on the east coast all earned with your own money paying out 2000 for every 1000 earned. losing a shipment is a real huge financial risk considering that you could only earn 50k from risking 100k . if it would be like if it cost us 150,000 to earn the equivelant of 30 pounds worth of net profit.
thatd be like getting into 6 figures to make the same net profit one might make off 5-10 outdoor plants. if you think they are getting paid too much compared to you im curious what you think it should pay. they get stuck with unforeseen shitty pounds occasionally they have to figure out how to dump, lost packs etc tehy have to make more than they need to make to make it worth it if you consifder lost wages too missed mold, seeds, theft in post etc.

Def some great points but here on the W Coast, the hospitable zones are only in front of hospitals. We are getting hammered from one end of the state to the other with everything from Ban wagon counties getting in line one after the other: Code Enforcement violations, abatement processes, unwarranted property entry etc, not to mention that recently Ca Fish & Wildlife and the CA Water Board have clamored on board to get their prime cuts from the mj cash cow. I should also mention that in my neck of the woods, LEO has put in for a government surplus anti mine unit because and I quote- "the growers around here can be dangerous..." As if all that aint enough, the new proposed legislation (3) threatens to squeeze us even more...Hard to feel any hospitality in all that...cc
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Active member
Def some great points but here on the W Coast, the hospitable zones are only in front of hospitals. We are getting hammered from one end of the state to the other with everything from Ban wagon counties getting in line one after the other: Code Enforcement violations, abatement processes, unwarranted property entry etc, not to mention that recently Ca Fish & Wildlife and the CA Water Board have clamored on board to get their prime cuts from the mj cash cow. I should also mention that in my neck of the woods, LEO has put in from a government surplus anti mine unit because and I quote- "the growers around here can be dangerous..." As if all that aint enough, the new proposed legislation (3) threatens to squeeze us even more...Hard to feel any hospitality in all that...cc
I hear you. That's crazy shit. It's true. The hospitable zones seem to be changing and I haven't personally faced that. There's a real danger in plopping down on a property only to have the area turn into butte county suddenly. My heart goes out to those folks in the fire areas as well. As snarky as I was I actually have no criticism and it could be me at any moment. But without the brokers we are marketing our wears and getting it across the country ourselves.
All I mean is that they are doing a job that deserves recognition for what they put in the game. They have considerable risks to face both legal and financial and I respect what they have to face. We ain't better or worse it's a risky business for all of us. I think it's fair to say we wheel and deal with them and it can get cut throat but it's the hustle. We all deserve to be paid for our dedication to a risky line of work. Low ballers are not appreciated but passing shit weed to a broker who doesn't notice at first is also rude. i am good friends with the a few of the buyers i deal with. i know thier familys and when they make good money it makes me feel goo that i got the going rate and my homies that bought my herb made a good wage on the deal too. they got kids and family to care for too and i dont envy their craft. ive dabbled all sides and i prefer our job though its a lucrative gig to hustle. i saw a bad ass homie that is a broker loose his entire life savings making good on fronts he took and lost on a very well hatch large load brokering scheme. it was a freak thing and i felt it for him and helped him get back on his brokering feet because i care about him. i know if i got busted and he could prioritize my herb to help me the next season he would. its much smarter to drop the "us and them" and build relationships of love and respect with the brave people selling our herb for us. i see them as contractors whos help is indispensable. its cool when the brokers like you btw. if i can do anything to help them make more that doesnt cut into me making what i deserve too, i will. im honest about the quality and they like that they get deals on having to hustle a less than perfect unit from me and i like that i can sell a mistake at a fair price with an honest handshake and know they are glad they can do it for the pay it takes to move budget pounds. when they sell your hiccups they deserve the extra scratch they earn doing that. their job os sales and shitty weed translates to extra work and they deserve to get an extra couple points for moving a bad seed pheno. i dont loose my shirt, i actually still pull a decent profit. especially when it means they are feeling safe making deals with me and dont try lowballing to make up for shit happening as much in my company. they actually buy from me first til im out because its a good buy amd im a straight shooter in business. being mutually altruistic in business attracts good people and i dont have to deal with brokers who suck and my brokers in turn are glad they have some contacts like me so they dont have to buy the hidden mold dealers' and seeded weed sneakers' wares as often. they can get most of their load from me. its a collaborative venture and should be respected as such. when you have broker homeys and you both want each other to do well, you both win.


Active member
Def some great points but here on the W Coast, the hospitable zones are only in front of hospitals. We are getting hammered from one end of the state to the other with everything from Ban wagon counties getting in line one after the other: Code Enforcement violations, abatement processes, unwarranted property entry etc, not to mention that recently Ca Fish & Wildlife and the CA Water Board have clamored on board to get their prime cuts from the mj cash cow. I should also mention that in my neck of the woods, LEO has put in from a government surplus anti mine unit because and I quote- "the growers around here can be dangerous..." As if all that aint enough, the new proposed legislation (3) threatens to squeeze us even more...Hard to feel any hospitality in all that...cc
and you will get paid as that translates to weed availability and your financial preparedness to weather the glut and sell at the much sooner dry period that will come and reward your success. the brokers dont set the price. its market forces. the price is set by the most desperate growers in the earliest part of the season trying to ge t their herb in to get some cash out early to pay bills. even at a loss. if its going for 14 but your herb is trickling out as buyers pick the best at first, you start making deals to get the amount you need to be able to hold out on the rest. the brokers shop with them first. i would too. just like growers switched to blue dream in the 08-10 era and werent being all "i dont deserve the twenty percent extra yield i see because i found a beast strain." no, those growers savvy enough to get the cool new specialty beast strain before it was played out were rewarded for being current enough to grow it first. no one complained about that. i didnt. they bought it for extra and i yielded extra until it played out and became the redheaded step child of the weed game.


Active member
Blue dream was already played out by 08. But i agree wit everything else

in oregon. it was a new thing to my markets til late 09. was still viable til 2011.
i had someone ask for it the other day. but they were an out of touch buyer from a very far away place with no other access. they were mentioning strains they liked like gsc and blue dream. i had trouble not chuckling.


xxxstr8edgexxx, I have been doing this for over a decade, growing as well as wholesale distribution. Now I do agree with you for most stuff I would rather just do a 50 pack at 18-22 but most of the stuff I am focusing on currently in my own gardens is the connoisseur quality and would be completely irresponsible to move for those price ranges. I can move 50 pack of the conne stuff for 26-28 all day and that's in LA. I mean if its going for 15/g 45-50/1/8th its justified. Also I pay workers to vend when I am busy. Everyone has to remember that we need to preserve the prices or eventually this will not be very profitable unless you have 2-300kw location. I used to give units out for great deals and then people would still try to ask for lower prices. Why, when they are retailing for those figures. Don't even get me started on what this stuff sells for on the east coast.
This would have been a great year to grow bd. Heard of some nice Bds for 1600, Slightly down from last week saw an early c99 cross at 17. Og is still holdin up guys are havin no problem gettin 19+ even when very commercially grown.
blue dream moves as easy as it ever did for me. and im in ca to boot. i dont sell to clubs

Yep. Fer sure BD not bringing the $ that some strains do these days but the yield helps make up for that imo. If you deal with out of state brokers, I still see plenty of demand. Some kid in Iowa still hasn't smoked it so...

All that said I would like to interject into the discussion that CO has totally reduced the prices for units in the Midwest and Dirty South. So easy now to drive from Missouri, Texas, whatever to Denver and get on Craigs list and drive back with units to flip for cheap. In 36 to 48 hours tops...Not the quality I see in CA in general but it has made a significant impact on prices. Still peps that want the Nor Cal stamp though.

And that contributes to the pricing structure for brokers going there. Fact is the price aint what it used to be there so...Peps in CA talk about running the gauntlet on the 101, lol. Try running the real gauntlet on I-30, I-40, I-70, I-80...Thats scary shit.


Active member
yeah man those mother fuckers are good at interdiction. it sucks how many homies i know whove been popped on those stretches. each bust was really well hidden, good cover, with really sane looking people. they were on it like white on rice from what the descriptions i heard in each case.
ive heard cases where the driver refuses a search and it actually worked really well. they were passed on so the cops could continue the hunt to bust the next car that would consent. they said they received a lil bit of intimidation over saying no. a dog was brought, but they didnt signal and the cops didnt fake signal. they just chatted and let the person go in one of the stories i know. there was a ton of well smell concealed herb. the cop let him go. there was another story i heard very similar west bound. they refused and the cops got mad, insisted on a search. they repeatedly said no, the cops let em go. then another story where cops made a fake signal. took westward version of the product. wont give it back without the defendant doing shit his lawyer advised him against. dont consent. at least you have a leg to stand on when building your case. the feds dont want to unravel a case thats less than 50 pounds if you have a good argument. pleas bargains will be generous if you take them to task and had held a legally defensive position in the arrest. or its at least your best bet.


Active member
i have no, none respect for shishtery middle men, fuck em, i hate their greedy lil tactics of trying to always get my price down, shit aint changing for me on my end, ele and shit is still all the same price. as soon as these guys are gone the better.

we now have drivers and a website to order from fuck you middle men, fuck you fuck you

oh and just so you guys know, most robberies against growers is MIDDLEMEN scheeming, get a clue, never let paranoia down on these asshats


Active member
saw some friends on the hill in the sierras, 800 for blue dream larf popcorn packs barely trimmed looks like just stripped off branches probably good for concentrate guys. 16 for nice sour deps but just a bit on the fluffy side, great smell and frost though. 18 for some top notch Tangies that have big dense buds and frosty as hell, super nice texture and cure.


We need to stop allowing these low indoor prices. The fact that top indoor and top outdoor are only 3-600$ apart is despicable. Outdoor overhead on a unit can range from 25-150$ indoor overhead can be from 450-1000$. How does that make any sense.


Active member
We need to stop allowing these low indoor prices. The fact that top indoor and top outdoor are only 3-600$ apart is despicable. Outdoor overhead on a unit can range from 25-150$ indoor overhead can be from 450-1000$. How does that make any sense.

it doesnt thats why indoor is going to disappear. when its legal itll get so cheap to provide outdoor compared to indoor the customer wont be able to justify the price and will buy outddoor high grade and buy concentrates when they want high potency. why would joe the plumber (90% of your market) buy 300 ounce when a 75 ounce of outdoor is just dank as fuck. its the end customer too who sets the price too. if you spend anywhere near 600 on production of a unit you need to fix it or get a day job and call this a hobby.


I hear you on outdoor taking over. Some of the coco light dep I am seeing is nicer then a lot of indoor.
Its costs me around 450 give or take to create each unit. 600 wouldn't even be that bad. It would if your moving your units for 1700 haha. I'm not sure where you are but warehouse rent is LA is expensive. Some guys try to charge 2-3$/sqft. Electric is expensive and you better hope its not so cal Edison or your paying .42/kwh and until my recent change to jacks, nutrients are expensive. Add a staff of workers and over head adds up, but you already know all of this.


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^yup part of the reason I'm not too sad my 40kw is sitting empty right now, overhead through the roof and you can produce very comparable quality in light dep greenhouse, especially when i yank some of those epaps out and put them into my cold frames next year!!

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