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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
It costs $30 to amend a 200 gallon pot, 1yard, for 99 plants that's $3000. An additional $3k on foliar and fertigation to keep things happy.

Drying costs? Costs to build drying room but once it's set up minimal cost I'm 100% of solar.

Harvest cost? Me and wife do all of harvesting so no cost in the budget.

We pay $150 a pound, or $.33 a gram

I will have 1 helper who earns about 25k during season and then will also trim, that 25k is included in that $.84 and under $.50 per gram. The only thing NOT included in those numbers is our salaries, but that is really just the difference between our price per pound and cost-that's how I do my budgets at least, I have them fully planned out 3 years in advance. My $.84 budget for 2016 is super fat with investments and donations so I really cannot fathom how someone could be spending over $1 a gram for outdoor/lightdep/tunnel greenhouse but if you are it is not sustainable 5+ years out, we have time to transition but as small farmers we are in a good position to compete on price because we don't carry the baggage and unneeded infrastructure of larger operations

G`day MZC

Are water , land and buildings accounted for in your estimations ?
Also who works for free ?

Thanks for sharin



Active member
G`day MZC

Are water , land and buildings accounted for in your estimations ?
Also who works for free ?

Thanks for sharin


Hey Elmer

Water is from my well which is already built so yes that is free.

Land/buildings: this is where I live regardless if I was farming it is my home so I do not include that expense (a big + small farmers have over commercial operations)

Additional buildings/infrastructure investments are accounted for in my $.60-84 cent budgets. My "operations" bare bones budget is at $.50, but it would be uncomfortable for sure.

Who works for free? Well what I pay myself depends on how well I do and on so many different factors that it would just make the budget less clear. At the end of my budget is what is left over, and as long as it is "reasonable" at union wages for the amount of hours I put in all year then that's what I pay myself. Whatever's left over gets reinvested.

I do my budget like I'm a small farmer, not like I'm a small businessman.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Hey Elmer

Water is from my well which is already built so yes that is free.

Land/buildings: this is where I live regardless if I was farming it is my home so I do not include that expense (a big + small farmers have over commercial operations)

Additional buildings/infrastructure investments are accounted for in my $.60-84 cent budgets. My "operations" bare bones budget is at $.50, but it would be uncomfortable for sure.

Who works for free? Well what I pay myself depends on how well I do and on so many different factors that it would just make the budget less clear. At the end of my budget is what is left over, and as long as it is "reasonable" at union wages for the amount of hours I put in all year then that's what I pay myself. Whatever's left over gets reinvested.

I do my budget like I'm a small farmer, not like I'm a small businessman.

G`day MZC

K , so no taxes on your land ?
No registration or maintenance of your vehicles ? No repairs or maintenance of tools or buildings ? No compliance fees ?

I do think you are leaving out some over heads in your estimations .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
G`day MZC

K , so no taxes on your land ?
No registration or maintenance of your vehicles ? No repairs or maintenance of tools or buildings ? No compliance fees ?

I do think you are leaving out some over heads in your estimations .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Taxes on my land comes out of my salary, just as it does for any other American. This is where I live. Same thing for my vehicles. Maintenance on buildings/tools is in budget.

Here is my 2018 budget

3k: amend soil
3k: foliar/fertigation
1.5 k: soil microbes
1k: pest prevention
$650 Plant support
3 k Tunnel greenhouse maintenance
$400: 20 trimming scissors
$500: cutting/seed pot maintenance
$500 additional 1/2 gallon mason jars for curing
$1400 on boveda packs
$750 vacuum sealed rolls
1.5k Irrigation maintenance
3k: mother plant/cutting room operation/maintenance
119k on hand trimming
25k: part time helper
3k: drying room maintenance
20k: government fees to operate
20k: miscellaneous

I think I got all the costs written down above, my budget says a total of $197,000 in annual costs.

Total yield would be 700 pounds total from two 99 plant tunnel greenhouse harvests in 200 gallon pots.

197k costs/700 pounds=$281 cost per pound.

$281 cost per pound/454 grams=$.62 cost per gram.


Well-known member
My collective can be quite successful longterm at $300 a pound, and will thrive at anything close to $500.

Sorry I'm not agreeing with your math....

How many people work in your collective??

If your projected cost in 2018 is $281 a pound at $300 a pound your making 13,300 a year for 700pounds.... That's 1,108.33 a month....that's no living wage for one person let alone a collective. At 500 a pound that's a decent wage for two people..

don't forget about gas expenses to go get all your supplies and distribute product
vehicleso that need to be maintained oil changes tires etc
Food and tp for trimmers
I think your probably leaving a few expenses out...

1k for pest prevention is not much. I spend over 1k a year on swirskii mites and I don't produce 700 pounds.


Professor Organic Psychology
When I read these big numbers it kind of freaks me out. Know that I come from Colombia and my whole life I have been near crime and corruption.

Take for instance the Mexicans now. They go through an amazing amount of trouble and expense to get marijuana and drugs Into the USA, the biggest market.

Now you have smarter criminals just growing the marijuana in the USA in the southern states in parks and other places like that. It makes sense as the risk is similar to growing in Mexico minus the trouble of smuggling into the USA.

Since gangs have always fought for control of markets and stolen just about anything they could, what is to stop them from robbing larger marijuana grows from people that have spent all the time and money to make the crops. And since it is a cash business still that is even worse. Legally you are not supposed to put money into banks that comes from marijuana and lying about it is called money laundering.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
25k: part time helper
20k: miscellaneous

i need a part time helper to assist with some of my miscellaneous.. or you know,, i need to re-adjust my budget to accommodate these things .. Sounds like fancy maths for whores and blo in the off season... i'll take those,, and let you know your research budget is grossly absent,, i for one am extremely expensive when i put on my engineering hat too.


Active member
I am trying to offer u people some free advice. Whether you like it or not big business is coming, they will be in every legalized market. I apologize I have offended some by offering a way to compete, if u would like to be driven out of the industry with business as usual then so be it, but some people would like to do this long term.

This could all be done on 7000 square feet. The new medical laws describe small farmers as under 10k square feet in square footage. Their will be people with acre sized warehouses and I'm the bad guy? For what? Looking at the future, seeing the obvious, developing a plan to compete with big business by providing quality at a fair price and then I come and willingly share that information all over icmag.....I am a pretty bad guy..

I will be asking $200 over my prices last year with a legal dispensary.

In a few years you won't have to worry about posting across the board price info because most of you will no longer be in the business...I do apologize for misassuming this would be the appropriate place to discuss what wholesale price is possible. But just because u don't want to talk about it, doesn't mean big business large greenhouse operations are conniving to drive u all out of business with better quality at a lower price.


From what I've seen and experienced it's pretty standard to get 1 0z per square foot in a successful greenhouse grow...more if you're killing it and/or growing blue dream...

so, 7000 square feet minus %20 for walkways, equipment, etc. 5600 square feet would be 5600 oz or 350lbs. A little less than your figures. Or were you talking about two 7000 square foot greenhouses?

I appreciate the info, MZC. I think people get scared and defensive right off the bat when these things are discussed after all, we're talking about our continued way of life. Imagine what it's like for the guys who have been shoveling dirt and pulling tarp as a helper for the last three years or more to earn capital to start their own scene only to find the landscape has changed and the opportunity isn't quite what it was. Hopefully, we can all try our best to be chill when discussing this. No matter how long we've been in it or what we have planned we're growing beautiful, fragrant, flowers that make you feel great, expand your mind and, heal the sick wtf. This is a very high grade job.


Active member
Hey Mt Zion, don't get mad. I think what you are doing is very important. Your analysis and methodology could work and deserves respect. I am very concerned about the big pharma, big tobacco, big booze aspects of so called legalization. That's all just more consumerist Bull Shit. Teach folks how to make it work for the little guy.
seen OG light-dep for 17 up in humboldt.....
in LA the same herb would fetch 21-23 comparably to the indoor scene.

There is a major difference between commercial indoor and the smaller grows of organic herb. I will admit that strain has a huge part of it but the fact is that it still varies batch to batch and even down to growing style. Strains behave differently and you can't always count on a good crop even with indoor. The fact that some strains just don't produce is another factor and you can't always put a price on a single batch. A lot goes into just developing and breeding these strains and you can't just say its worth the same price as corn.

While there is the outdoor OG and light-dep that come in at around 15-2 the indoor scene is still going strong at 23-27+ for anything really good. Ive still heard people pushing 3 for gsc and more for some other rare dank. I hope the price goes up for high quality. For outside theres so many variables that if something actually comes out good it deserves to get the same price as light-dep.

500 a LB would be way to low for light-dep OG. What if you have to battle some crazy mold or get taken out one season by bugs..... At the lowest the price will drop to 1000 and that will be for commercial quality
the craziest thing about it all is the end user still pays $40 an 8th regardless of what the grower sells it for. The market has really only swayed for the middle man and shops