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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

What are people hearing for starting prices of fresh October outdoor? I have heard 14 and 15 wholesale for in-triangle cash pickup. That is up from 10-11 last oct.
I guess code enforcement and drought did have an effect on last years output. With the fire losses this year it can only get worse. Everybody should raise their price a buck this year and take back some ground finally.


Active member
I've seen some early picked full terms that are kind of basic green bud go for 16-17. anything fire is still 18-2 on the hill and hearing crazy numbers in the cities on stuff. have heard 25 for light dep glue and cookies from multiple different sources. importers are desperate they are taking anything they can because its still 3-36 in non med states right now. same with dispensaries, just visited that cookies shop in SF (which is a pretty subpar dispo imo) and they had a bunch of light dep zkittles and cookies on the shelf for high prices.
I've seen some early picked full terms that are kind of basic green bud go for 16-17. anything fire is still 18-2 on the hill and hearing crazy numbers in the cities on stuff. have heard 25 for light dep glue and cookies from multiple different sources. importers are desperate they are taking anything they can because its still 3-36 in non med states right now. same with dispensaries, just visited that cookies shop in SF (which is a pretty subpar dispo imo) and they had a bunch of light dep zkittles and cookies on the shelf for high prices.

Prop, offtopic but, is there a nice shop in SF?


Active member
i dont really like any of the clubs in SF or the bay area for that matter, my favorite shops are in sacramento and LA. Cookiessf does have some good top shelf but the storefront and vibe are super ghetto. I've heard decent things about 1944 ocean so i might check them out soon. boycott green door and Blum in oakland they were run by corrupt pieces of shit.


Well-known member
i dont really like any of the clubs in SF or the bay area for that matter, my favorite shops are in sacramento and LA. Cookiessf does have some good top shelf but the storefront and vibe are super ghetto. I've heard decent things about 1944 ocean so i might check them out soon. boycott green door and Blum in oakland they were run by corrupt pieces of shit.

What's this about Blum? They're the most convenient for me but I'll not go back if shady tell me more?


sometimes I think this thread gives a myopic view on prices being that we're all prettymuch a cross section of growers that like to use the internet and post about prices...but..I just came from a meeting with a totally random broker who just came from the mendo area and he was complaining that the prices are ridiculously high there due to fires, raids, PM, mites......I have a feeling this year could actually be different. I'll never forget october 2011 walking into one of the dozens of dispensaries in mid town sac with some super fire hand trimmed green crack and being offered $600.


Active member
What's this about Blum? They're the most convenient for me but I'll not go back if shady tell me more?

Blum is the club jointly owned by two prominent people from the reformca scandal, those club owners were attempting to find ways to destroy their workers unions rights and make sure they couldn't organize. both some banker background assholes with no real roots in this culture, just assholes trying to grab med licenses in different states to finance vacation homes and yachts fuck them.

just heard someone getting 22 for anything fresh OG right multiple dispensaries in SF to Sac.
~20-22 on deps with supplemental lighting or growers with skill - Indo for out of towners
~18-2 'mersh indo
~15-18 Smart people with early work
~11-14 Tacos

Wendull C.

Active member
And light dep passed off as indoor to anyone not astute enough to know the difference.

Patients/out of town buyers deserve more honesty than that. In fact so does everyone involved in any business transaction.

You should treat your customers as you would like to be treated. Not a smuck to trick. Just my .02


Well-known member
quality vs nomenclature....I've seen great deps better than most indoor, but if ya call it deps people automatically associate a price with it based on it nomenclature instead of its quality.

For some people the nomenclature is the quality while it's really not a good gauge. It's indoor=it's high quality dank, it's outdoor=it's mass produced and cheap..this is not always the case but I have seen it time and time again..

The grower/broker wanting to get the most for the product while the buyer is trying to get the best deal. This dynamic is why people will call dEps indoor


Active member
HCurrent costs of big greenhouses is $1 per gram, the new goal is $.50 per gram of gh operations.

I'm currently at $.84 but in 2 years when I'm fully invested will be down *EDIT: just over* $.50 a gram for greenhouse, hand trimmed, cured, organic etc artisan quality not commercial-machine trimmed-fast dry-no cure crap. It really doesn't cost that much to produce clean Organic cannabis and it's not that hard to perfectly dry and cure hundreds of pounds at a time for someone who cares about quality. This Ab266 distraction will save prices for awhile if it passes, but for people who don't have a get rich scheme and are looking to do this long term the quality expectation will increase, and don't expect any of your pounds will sell for over $1000 after a few years of a recreational fully operational market in Cali

My collective can be quite successful longterm at $300 a pound, and will thrive at anything close to $500.
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Current costs of big greenhouses is $1 per gram, the new goal is $.50 per gram of gh operations.

I pay trimmers $.50 a gram. Always seemed to me to be fair for the work. wouldn't be so proud of shaving pennies on the gram at the expense of my workers. Even if you are paying .35, that only leaves about 60$ to grow, harvest and dry per lb.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
quality vs nomenclature....I've seen great deps better than most indoor, but if ya call it deps people automatically associate a price with it based on it nomenclature instead of its quality.

For some people the nomenclature is the quality while it's really not a good gauge. It's indoor=it's high quality dank, it's outdoor=it's mass produced and cheap..this is not always the case but I have seen it time and time again..

The grower/broker wanting to get the most for the product while the buyer is trying to get the best deal. This dynamic is why people will call dEps indoor
Yup, my indoor hydro is organic too! Keeps the price high, and nobody can tell the difference!


Active member
I pay trimmers $.50 a gram. Always seemed to me to be fair for the work. wouldn't be so proud of shaving pennies on the gram at the expense of my workers. Even if you are paying .35, that only leaves about 60$ to grow, harvest and dry per lb.

It costs $30 to amend a 200 gallon pot, 1yard, for 99 plants that's $3000. An additional $3k on foliar and fertigation to keep things happy.

Drying costs? Costs to build drying room but once it's set up minimal cost I'm 100% of solar.

Harvest cost? Me and wife do all of harvesting so no cost in the budget.

We pay $150 a pound, or $.33 a gram

I will have 1 helper who earns about 25k during season and then will also trim, that 25k is included in that $.84 and under $.50 per gram. The only thing NOT included in those numbers is our salaries, but that is really just the difference between our price per pound and cost-that's how I do my budgets at least, I have them fully planned out 3 years in advance. My $.84 budget for 2016 is super fat with investments and donations so I really cannot fathom how someone could be spending over $1 a gram for outdoor/lightdep/tunnel greenhouse but if you are it is not sustainable 5+ years out, we have time to transition but as small farmers we are in a good position to compete on price because we don't carry the baggage and unneeded infrastructure of larger operations


Active member
early girls of flavorless varietels going for 16-17, nothing special but its fresh green and frosty and well trimmed.

expecting 18+ for everything with any kind of kush nose to it.

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