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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Oily dark bho from last years machine trim = 5 (felt lucky to get it)
anything better than that = 10
my people wont pay more than 10 so we don't put too much effort into it.


Active member
so seems like most people have pulled and sold their july august light dep crops, which means they are either reloading for a regular full season harvest or totally done. do y'all think supply will go DOWN now? i mean how many people plant their light dep to harvest in early to mid september compared to july-august? i have a feeling its going to get dryer and dryer until october 1st when the early girls start coming to market..

i dont know what the shitty BHO is selling for but the nicer stuff is more. got quotes from 12-15a g for nice light colored crumbles and such. maybe 15-20 if its stabilized light colored shatter.


25 yesterday --prices are going to be in the 2's until early october. kush's & Sd's will enter full season market at 15. If you hold them until feb 1. 18....... you heard it here first


Active member
shiet i was getting 14-15 last year when most folks were only getting 12…I'm hoping to squeeze 16 in norcal for all kush/SD full seasons, maybe 14-15 for off brand. a couple points on top for the LA trip…LA is super thirsty for cheap packs right now to fuel their huge demand for nug run concentrates. my buddies are buying light dep at 2 just to blast into "premium nug run" for their concentrate brands..guess people in LA dont like smoking trim run lol


I don't see how it can be anything but a major drought for the upcoming year. Between the fires, weather, fucked up restrictions, and the normal yearly increase in demand, prices are going up and staying there. I would not be suprised to see things @ 16 in October and 2k by April.
I can see the market in general up a buck from this past year.

Plenty of people running 3 deps and getting the last on down in september. Great scheme. You end up done with your season before rain and unload it at late summer prices.


shiet i was getting 14-15 last year when most folks were only getting 12…I'm hoping to squeeze 16 in norcal for all kush/SD full seasons, maybe 14-15 for off brand. a couple points on top for the LA trip…LA is super thirsty for cheap packs right now to fuel their huge demand for nug run concentrates. my buddies are buying light dep at 2 just to blast into "premium nug run" for their concentrate brands..guess people in LA dont like smoking trim run lol

Thats pretty insane. I smoke enough herb to medicate an elephant. I could not imagine dabbing all day.


guess people in LA dont like smoking trim run lol
Its a status thing, most of them folks couldnt tell the difference if you gave them both side-by-side. Trust me i'm from there, it never gets old hearing the socal pot snobs who have never grown a plant or made a gram of hash. It's always "my boy told me..."

a lot of them have money though.. so they get their nugrun


I have been in the trade for 25 years and a superintendent for 20
maybe you should start your own thread then, and let this one stay on topic

on topic: hella dry right now, but everyone around here knows that. Im still hoping to get 15 for my full seasons in a couple months. Otherwise i unload what i can and store the rest for spring. Anything i harvest that's not AAA will be made into concentrates.

What kind of concentrates are currently / will soon be in highest demand? seems high-grade bho, rosin, and ice-water hash are all wholesaling at a decent price. Seems like rosin is usually the first thing to go these days or is that just me? And is there any demand for dry-sift or is that usually just pressed into rosin lately...


If your not talking about California you're in the wrong sub. Thanks for staying on topic Schrews :)

Harvesting my depo at the end of the month, I'm seeing some guys are getting 2+ for their depo right now, do you think that will still hold up for the end of September? Or will the early full season drive the price down? I'm thinking I'm going to use all my trim this year to make sift and I'll split that between making edibles for the local collective and pressing the rest for rosin.


Active member
dump them as quick as you can, usually over the years things hold steady price wise through september, its october and halloween-thanksgiving where we see a considerable price drop. i remember chopping green bud early girls on sept 15th and selling them for more than the nicer looking bud that was harvested 2 weeks later.


Active member
The concentrated areas of growing in Calaveras county are totally up in flames right now, I can see the flames from my mountain it is crazy, lots of farms are either gonna get burned up or dried out since it's all evacuated and may be for days so won't be able to water, especially the guys with dried wells needing water brought in, humidity is like 15%, this area was already hit hard with the mites this season some commercial farms losing 30%, 60% just from them, crop insurance is a must I really don't know How many farmers will be able to make it thru a total loss, another sad tough situation brought on calis ganja farmers 2015 has been a tough year
Sorry to hear that fire is so close to you MZC. Stay safe.

Damn! Im seeing the same in Placer/El Dorado/Nevada counties. Lots of crop failures or compromised harvest from Mites/ dry wells/ fires/ enforcement...

Prices are high for fresh deps in the area (good looking product though). Ballin' if you got any indoor. I think peps are in a rush to get the full sun stuff done ASAP.

Lots of Bay Area folks hanging around...
I took a trip up to southern oregon last week and judging from the amount of grows i could see from I5 and backroads id say they will have a bumper year. I think they are still behind as far as dep and general greehouse design but they will figure it out. Most ghs i saw had the covers off for heat. Nice area and good scene up there by grants pass. No cops really.


The concentrated areas of growing in Calaveras county are totally up in flames right now, I can see the flames from my mountain it is crazy, lots of farms are either gonna get burned up or dried out since it's all evacuated and may be for days so won't be able to water, especially the guys with dried wells needing water brought in, humidity is like 15%, this area was already hit hard with the mites this season some commercial farms losing 30%, 60% just from them, crop insurance is a must I really don't know How many farmers will be able to make it thru a total loss, another sad tough situation brought on calis ganja farmers 2015 has been a tough year
wow this is bad. so many people who had to evac their properties. what an awful year for cali growers.


Active member
yea calaveras is getting hit hard, many fellow ICmag guys on here lost their gardens. sad fucking shit…CV was one of the last "wet" counties in the sierra foothills for growing and now they got wiped out.

more raids going down in butte and shasta too, really ramping up enforcement.

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