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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

So i heard all to trinity pines burnt down from a cop as well as various news sources. Can anybody confirm this? I find hard to beleive that the whole sub division burned. I know at least some of it did. The forest service didnt help from what i hear. They wanted to see it burn.

Wonder if it will effect price any? I bet locally it does since so much is grown there.


Active member
So i heard all to trinity pines burnt down from a cop as well as various news sources. Can anybody confirm this? I find hard to beleive that the whole sub division burned. I know at least some of it did. The forest service didnt help from what i hear. They wanted to see it burn.

Wonder if it will effect price any? I bet locally it does since so much is grown there.

why were you talking to cops?
Because he came to check in with us who were trying to save somebodies house and cut a line to save a bunch more. This was two nights ago before there were any proffessionals on the scene. Is that ok?


Active member
Because he came to check in with us who were trying to save somebodies house and cut a line to save a bunch more. This was two nights ago before there were any proffessionals on the scene. Is that ok?

just fucking with you homie. lol
sounds fucking intense honestly. hope everyone is ok and staying safe. well everyone except your new friend. :laughing:
glad you are ok.
Pineapple sunrise


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i also heard that trinity pines got hit hard, 20 structures burned.

also big fire over near my homie in mad river….and the fire in lake county is huge and threatening some of my homies that way too.

theres no way CA prices bottom out this year….with all the code enforcement, water and environmental cops, big raids, drought and water issues, and now fires all over the place, everyones gonna be asking a few extra points.

prices are real high for those who are surviving though, I'm estimating 1/3 growers is getting hit so the 2 that make it are cashing in big time. in my circle i know a few guys who lost properties, can't crop, and the ones who pulled are taking their customers. seeing 18 for pretty mediocre sungrown/dep right now, stuff that just looks commercial. but seen some really nice deps going for 19-22 depending on strain and quality.

i know another guy who just pulled a bunch of old stale larfy sours out and got 13 for them, and another guy who had some really nicely stored blue dreams from last year that went 10 for 15ea...
20 structures might have burned but 25% of the pines burnt according to the post mountain fire chief. That could be 200+ properties and grows cause there is about 1000 lots out there and very few permitted official structures. If you count campers and rv's, maybe 100's burnt. I heard Hmongs and Bulgarians were battling the fire side by side and not a single paid fire fighter showed up until 3 days later. With road closures and mandatory evacuations for so much of the county, many people cant get water deliveries that they rely on even if the fires aren't threatening their grows. From the maps, it looks like the entire 360 degrees around Ruth lake is going to burn.
Nothing much to say about prices other than I got hit up today by a guy who has been here 2 weeks trying to put together a 10 pack and willing to pay up to 18 for dep. I am asking 2 for chems, sours and og's but cant get trimmers up while the fire situation is what it is...
The fire maps are really useful and show the direction and progress and fireline from thermal imagining aircraft.
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I think when its legal nationwide, the outdoor shit though is what new comers will smoke, it will cheap and get low tolerance smokers high. Only weed snobs are gonna care about terpene aroma, asethetics (was is top colas or fluff?) and flavor. If you puffing on your joint trying to taste it or complaing what the bud looks like, your the likely fallin into the new wine snob culture based around weed. lol
Oh ya, and Trinity County Board of Supervisers held an unannounced meeting about medical marijuana yesterday at 9am, the same time as the hayfork town fire meeting. Cant imagine anything good happened there. Their days are numbered.


Active member
trinity pines seems fishy, that area is just so insanely blown out, easily the most congested area of all of california. no idea how they havent all pumped their wells dry or have cops up there every week. it does seem like the county is purposely skipping that area, they figure it saves them a couple hundred K raiding it later this year.

also before the recent swedes fire here in butte, code enforcement was spotted driving off the exact road about an hour before fire smoke was spotted in the sky.

is this their new tactic, burn the growers out?
I think when its legal nationwide, the outdoor shit though is what new comers will smoke, it will cheap and get low tolerance smokers high. Only weed snobs are gonna care about terpene aroma, asethetics (was is top colas or fluff?) and flavor. If you puffing on your joint trying to taste it or complaing what the bud looks like, your the likely fallin into the new wine snob culture based around weed. lol

Sounds like another indoor grower that has never seen or grown light dep greenhouse bud. Sorry your world is crumbling. My light dep cost me about $12.50/lb to produce before trimming and harvest costs. The replant will pretty much be free as my soil still has plents of nutrients.
I think when its legal nationwide, the outdoor shit though is what new comers will smoke, it will cheap and get low tolerance smokers high. Only weed snobs are gonna care about terpene aroma, asethetics (was is top colas or fluff?) and flavor. If you puffing on your joint trying to taste it or complaing what the bud looks like, your the likely fallin into the new wine snob culture based around weed. lol

You think people will still smoke weed commercially in a legal or decrim market? Sure a few will smoke the GPC's of marijuana. But when you can grow 1000 plants and put them all into a machine that will sift the heads from the hemp and divide them neatly people will smoke keif/hash/whatever. Newbs smokers will just take a tiny dab or a pinch of hash/solventless/ice wax/jewce that is medicine for what ails them.
In the Pines

In the Pines

trinity pines seems fishy, that area is just so insanely blown out, easily the most congested area of all of california. no idea how they havent all pumped their wells dry or have cops up there every week. it does seem like the county is purposely skipping that area, they figure it saves them a couple hundred K raiding it later this year.

At the last Board of Supervisors meeting the sheriff said he has not cut any plants or even written 1 citation in the pines this year because he has not received a single complaint. Pretty cool.:tiphat:


Active member
that area is just insane, I've never seen anything like it. so the biggest plot in that area is only a few acres? i was wondering how so many people were running 5 99 plant gardens in such close proximity to each other. i would steer clear of that place it makes island mountain look spread out lol….
you have to pay yourself for your time otherwise you cant use the $12.50 reference. :comfort:

This is simply the cost of any input for the grow. Basically nutrients, electricty, new medium. No labor, trim, or havest expenses included. This is simply for comparison to indoor inputs, not a total cost per pound.

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