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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I think when its legal nationwide, the outdoor shit though is what new comers will smoke, it will cheap and get low tolerance smokers high. Only weed snobs are gonna care about terpene aroma, asethetics (was is top colas or fluff?) and flavor. If you puffing on your joint trying to taste it or complaing what the bud looks like, your the likely fallin into the new wine snob culture based around weed. lol
except weed actually tastes good. nobody drinks wine for the taste.
Sounds like another indoor grower that has never seen or grown light dep greenhouse bud. Sorry your world is crumbling. My light dep cost me about $12.50/lb to produce before trimming and harvest costs. The replant will pretty much be free as my soil still has plents of nutrients.
weird tone. whats the point of telling random people your production costs? are you trying to inspire or are you just boasting. why dont you tell us your annual net profit while yer at it
Machine trimmed og deps from Humboldt - 18
High quality deps (og's and diesel)- 20-22
Any old outdoor- 14-15 maybe more if anybody actually had any
Many grows have burned so far and others are wilting from water trucks not being able to get in past evacuation roadblocks. Everyone I know has russet mites to some degree whether they know it or not. 900+ code enforcement actions in Butte and bans in Shasta and Tehama. Tough year so far...

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
We're seeing prices of 2k on most nice deps, and OG deps at 22. Everything is getting snatched up as soon as it's ready. There doesn't seem to be anything left from last year, and if someone has some basic deps they're at 17-18.

The combination of these bans, and enforcement are definitely pushing prices up.
weird tone. whats the point of telling random people your production costs? are you trying to inspire or are you just boasting. why dont you tell us your annual net profit while yer at it

This is simply the cost of any input for the grow. Basically nutrients, electricty, new medium. No labor, trim, or havest expenses included. This is simply for comparison to indoor inputs, not a total cost per pound.

I seem to need to repeat myself.
So is all the Cali herb gonna smell like bonfire this year??

Some peoples dep will be. Full season buds arent developed enough on most strains. If its like this in a month id be worried where im at. It depends a lot on where you are. Mendo didnt get any smoke until late last week. It also needs to be pretty thick and smelly for the smell to stick. A haze in the sky wont have an effect smell wise.

I gess a good question would be what will forest fire weed go for? I have seen some in the past go for 700.
Been selling last years outdoor for 14 to 17, and its dwindling. The outs are just about gone. This is the dryest it's been on availability in at least 5 years in NorCal. Deps are 17 for ok ones and 22 for fire but deps are not available near as much as years past due to bans. I'm expecting the highest prices in years during the flood. You'd be a fool to do full sun at 900 to 1100 this year. I'm thinking 1200 will be the bottom in the absolute thickest part of the flood. Lots of brokers are already trying to set up and prepay for full sun to secure their load.


Well-known member
I have heard of lots of pre pays also. Some brokers I know are SOL because farms that they have been dealing with for years are already spoken for, entire farms.

Not sure if prepay is actually paying, or simply reserving the whole harvest at a price ....I'm more inclined to believe the later because there are to many variables for someone to actually prepay....robbery weather raids etc.

Either way this drought on the west coast is applied to more than the water table.


Well-known member
I hear what your saying, yet Front = post pay for me.

I front you now, you pay later. Later= post

Either way it's gonna be an interesting season.


Well-known member
Machined trim blue dream....1950

Deps 14 - 16

different mentors. yours is not of much use to me. there is no such thing as mutiny on family island.

That's only 15% right, mentors can be students, Captain is always Captain.
lessons and experiences can be used or learned. The same tool can be used by a master or a novice the end result will be different.


Active member
code enforcement is raising up prices big time…

also getting alot of prepay offers from desperate brokers. one of the cocky asshole brokers i know his trinity plug got hit by the fire this year and he came to me offering prepay, but I'm remembering all his lowball BS last year so i declined. had the audacity to offer me 1200 when i clearly told him i was getting 14-15 from everyone else…i remember shit like that and it pisses me off seeing these brokers living the high roller lifestyle while I'm in the field getting dirty, so FUCK OFF!

theres some down sides to prepay, it only works for those consistent guys. what if broker gives you 100 up front the then sheriff chops it all down? or he prepays for good sours/ogs and then you get wilt or some other random disease that brings the quality down. what if they prepay at 1400 and then market value is around 1600 and other brokers come out the woodwork offering more, but your stuck selling to the prepay guy and his shitty contract numbers.

I dont want to take prepay just yet until i know exactly what i have, what the market is, etc…I'm expecting 15 for all full seasons this year even in the flood. only the huge lot guys might take 1200s for 100s but they would be wise to try and squeeze more. the entire grow community as a whole needs to stand up and say NO to lowballing brokers. we have drought, fires, and code enforcement like crazy this year knocking out farms left and right…dont go through ALL that risk and BS just to let a broker make more $$ sending your LB out of state than you did growing it.


Active member
code enforcement is raising up prices big time…

also getting alot of prepay offers from desperate brokers. one of the cocky asshole brokers i know his trinity plug got hit by the fire this year and he came to me offering prepay, but I'm remembering all his lowball BS last year so i declined. had the audacity to offer me 1200 when i clearly told him i was getting 14-15 from everyone else…i remember shit like that and it pisses me off seeing these brokers living the high roller lifestyle while I'm in the field getting dirty, so FUCK OFF!

theres some down sides to prepay, it only works for those consistent guys. what if broker gives you 100 up front the then sheriff chops it all down? or he prepays for good sours/ogs and then you get wilt or some other random disease that brings the quality down. what if they prepay at 1400 and then market value is around 1600 and other brokers come out the woodwork offering more, but your stuck selling to the prepay guy and his shitty contract numbers.

I dont want to take prepay just yet until i know exactly what i have, what the market is, etc…I'm expecting 15 for all full seasons this year even in the flood. only the huge lot guys might take 1200s for 100s but they would be wise to try and squeeze more. the entire grow community as a whole needs to stand up and say NO to lowballing brokers. we have drought, fires, and code enforcement like crazy this year knocking out farms left and right…dont go through ALL that risk and BS just to let a broker make more $$ sending your LB out of state than you did growing it.

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