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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
^ I feel better now. :)

been thinking about it. don't really feel that much better. :( :)

potential paper trail to the feds for the alcohol, butane etc.... is my real concern for larger batches.

the rest of the process is ok. but the feds treat concentrates like meth mfg. in some areas.


Professor Organic Psychology
The feds enforce their laws differently in some places? That is a new one on me.

I do know that there are two farmers markets in Seattle that I go to. There are up to 40 tables loaded up with huge jars of bud, that the vendors are holding out for you to smell and touch. There are also piles of BHO of every consistency everywhere and various other concentrates and edibles. They will let you try a dab in the store or give you a piece to take with you if you are driving or something. People can rent a space in the markets for 250 a day, 6 days a week, and make whatever they can make. If you have a nice looking lady that is aggressive you can make thousands a day. Those guys are Always looking for quality. Big tits only go so far in this business. If I had a decent reliable connect I might consider giving up my day job and spending the day getting loaded in the market. I got half a pound of Cenex I think it was for 700 at the club as a regular consumer. I had to haggle with the guy a few minutes but got what I wanted because I told him I only had 700 and was about to go to the next table.. It was great quality, nice trim, and not too much shake or small buds. It was like a bag of golf balls. Point is, that is the retail price for a half a pound. I guarantee I can do that any day of the week, by just playing the tables against each other. You can get clones. Now this is all MMJ of course. The rec stores have set prices and they are kind of high. They cannot just buy from any person. There is a paper trail for the weed from seed to joint almost.

You can smoke some bud and if you like it you may be able to buy a clone of it.

That is what it is like in a legal place with mmj too. Weed is cheap and not worth risking getting mugged or fed charges. The state legeslature is trying to tighten it up tho. If they have their way there would be no medical because they don't get taxes ouf of it.


Active member
washington and colorados med markets are about to get big wake up calls. i bet they start doing the code enforcement thing that cali is doing too. its the easiest way for counties to go around the traditional criminal warrant process.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Well growing pot isn't a criminal trip any more and is being handled like a civil issue now ... Hard to play both sides of the fence in that regard


Active member
Well growing pot isn't a criminal trip any more and is being handled like a civil issue now ... Hard to play both sides of the fence in that regard

Right growing pot isn't a criminal trip. However illegal possession of a schedule 2 prescribed drug is a big criminal trip. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.


Active member
Anyone know of the rough cost per pound for efficient warehouse operations? A Canadian company who applied for a license in Canada said their cost per pound for indoor would eventually get to between 500-800 on a very mass scale. But this company also said they were going to grow a million pounds of bud in one year, and then got denied a license after purchasing a $12 million spot haha (CEN Biotech)


Anyone know of the rough cost per pound for efficient warehouse operations? A Canadian company who applied for a license in Canada said their cost per pound for indoor would eventually get to between 500-800 on a very mass scale. But this company also said they were going to grow a million pounds of bud in one year, and then got denied a license after purchasing a $12 million spot haha (CEN Biotech)

While I will take the question as how much does it cost to produce flower all the residuals aside. In the Sonoran and Mojave on a 72 day cycle of flower $300.00 -automated water and climate control Indian Free Enterprise Zone. No state taxes or federal. No property tax state license fees. Labor burden is nil really. Agriculture chemical supply chelating compounds custom mixed by the lug free water I bet they can get it down to $150.00 when perfected


Active member
Im interested in what is happening right "now" as in the living present...at most something within the next year that has to do with wholesale operations who are "currently" in operation in a medical or recreational state. And specifically my question was about warehouse or large "indoor" operations with lighting not greenhouse operations.


OK..conspiracy theory:

Medical users want heavy consumption to be more common than obesity...the want the price of fire to be such that a person living on $15k per annum can be "cannabis obese"

The plan is to flood the market with halfassed growers who refuse to give up based solely on market prices that don't really effect them due the fact that they grow.

Meanwhile, we should all be shooting for $280-320 oz on the shelf fire and the grower gets 65% of the take. Retailers shouldn't be growin either.

If the thread is about wholesale pot prices we should prolly try to keep it about wholesale pot prices.

Obviously their are a million different directions this legalization thing is going to go and this thread will become useless if all we talk about is conspiracy theories that aren't "directly" even related to wholesale pot prices.

Here in Oregon, legal meds are $1800/lb top shelf ins lest you got the super fire, then maybe $2200.

No one is counting labor in that $150-300/lb cost. Thats electric and nutes for the most part. Harvesting and being a room manager is labor..the time you spend scheduling is labor...every minute counts against your profits. Investing less time cuts yield and quality over the long run.


Why is Oregon's biggest grow owned by Californian's then?

Why is Oregon's Patient/1,000 ratio 17:1 and California's 14:1?

Why is California's Patient/Grower ratio 10:1 and Oregon's 1.5:1?

Oregon is exporting...maybe its the OMMP grow regs. I think its the cost of electricity and water.

1 wet fall up here, and things will go up...that will happen with in 5 years..then Cali will get its water back (the El Nino shows the way)

California has 14 cities with >250,000 and Oregon has 1. Completely different markets


But the question, what is the value of that extra care?

Currently, its looking like there is still significant downward pressure on legal prices here in Oregon despite the season and the pending flush of legal transactions. We have had news of rec sales through the medical system to cover for the rec system set up lag. That would tripple the sales burden on the sales dispensaries. It looks like prices have only increased by 10% but the price range has widened and the increase appears to be from adding small amounts of higher end options to menus which were flush with low price items.

It looks like the dispensaries are hard on $1800-2000/LB cash and $2200 max consign...Microbe counts 500-5000CFU.

I'd imagine you might find $2200/lb cash if you had that 30% THC with good flavor and a proper finish. You could probably pull the same bumping 20% CBD's and the same. I haven't seen a benefit to rocking +1% CBG or CBC/other.

I agree. If you dont give the crops the tlc they deserve yield and quality will suffer.
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Active member
here is a question for you. what is interest. what does it mean to hold onto weed. its borrowing your future pay out to get a better price or holding a non liquefiable perishable commodity as a massive piece of your financial portfolio. thats exspensive. loans are expensive but not as expensive as not doing busines you could be if your money was in a cash form in january. each peice of this is a job you dont have to d o all of them. the value of weed is the value of weed. if its low quality its the price of low quality weed if you front it its still worth as much but you may be getting paid extra for doing some high risk loan aka a front. out of state now youre a smuggler or at least your pay is dependant on that smuggler being good at getting it where it goes.

dont fool yourself.
you dont set the price and holding out for a better price only works if you do your new job. store it well. storing weed is a precise task. if done like an ammature you wont get paid for the effort like a pro.

be on your game now more than ever.

genetics, grow aptitude, harvesting and handling, being easy to do business with, all these set the stage as to how much you profit per hour selling herb, if you show it a hundred times to get it sold and you lose one or two a year to bad fronts etc then you get paid waaaaay less per hour for your efforts. if all you do is tell someone your harvesting x strain in a week and they start calling in exactly 7 days asking when they can stop byu with cash to pick all of it thats available, then youre killing it in the sales part of your job. but youre only going to get that kind of attention if youre the easiest way to get quality at a good price.
so is it worth the effort if you only get paid in market positioning.
when i bring my herb to town it goes to the front of the line at any "pick what you want reject what you dont" type of sale to a buyer patient disp.etc.
i sell at the high end of bulk, no front at the current price, but i never wait and i can sell it or not as fast or slow as i want. thats worth a point per unit to me maybe even more.

i never have herb any more.

i dont store weed. thats worth a point or two a unit., i dont wait to get paid. thats worth a point to me. i dictate the terms becuase they only look for other herb once theyve bought all mine that im willing to sell them. thats worht a point as well in my opinion.


Active member
i just mean that it pays to produce dank.even if it doesnt get reflected in the sale price. the best shit may only get favorite as a bonus. price fixed on a lot of buyers but being liquefiable in a pinch easy at good prices is well....priceless.


The value is the value of the unit because if you DONT put that work in you wont even be getting that measly 2200

i just mean that it pays to produce dank.even if it doesnt get reflected in the sale price. the best shit may only get favorite as a bonus. price fixed on a lot of buyers but being liquefiable in a pinch easy at good prices is well....priceless.

Being an "elite" grower isn't worth "shelf space."

Its worth being paid more than other growers for the same money, time, and effort invested.

It also isn't worth being an "employee" to a lesser grower.

here is a question for you. what is interest. what does it mean to hold onto weed. its borrowing your future pay out to get a better price or holding a non liquefiable perishable commodity as a massive piece of your financial portfolio. thats exspensive. loans are expensive but not as expensive as not doing busines you could be if your money was in a cash form in january. each peice of this is a job you dont have to d o all of them. the value of weed is the value of weed. if its low quality its the price of low quality weed if you front it its still worth as much but you may be getting paid extra for doing some high risk loan aka a front. out of state now youre a smuggler or at least your pay is dependant on that smuggler being good at getting it where it goes.

dont fool yourself.
you dont set the price and holding out for a better price only works if you do your new job. store it well. storing weed is a precise task. if done like an ammature you wont get paid for the effort like a pro.

be on your game now more than ever.

genetics, grow aptitude, harvesting and handling, being easy to do business with, all these set the stage as to how much you profit per hour selling herb, if you show it a hundred times to get it sold and you lose one or two a year to bad fronts etc then you get paid waaaaay less per hour for your efforts. if all you do is tell someone your harvesting x strain in a week and they start calling in exactly 7 days asking when they can stop byu with cash to pick all of it thats available, then youre killing it in the sales part of your job. but youre only going to get that kind of attention if youre the easiest way to get quality at a good price.
so is it worth the effort if you only get paid in market positioning.
when i bring my herb to town it goes to the front of the line at any "pick what you want reject what you dont" type of sale to a buyer patient disp.etc.
i sell at the high end of bulk, no front at the current price, but i never wait and i can sell it or not as fast or slow as i want. thats worth a point per unit to me maybe even more.

i never have herb any more.

i dont store weed. thats worth a point or two a unit., i dont wait to get paid. thats worth a point to me. i dictate the terms becuase they only look for other herb once theyve bought all mine that im willing to sell them. thats worht a point as well in my opinion.

I don't see why anyone would want to store given that most of us have "medical" cards and are not on the WA or CO rec markets.

I sell at harvest and usually have bids on interest before cropping. No "cures." They can do that since dispensaries have "unlimited carry"

Really, if you accept selling your product for the same price as lower tiered growers in exchange for "simple priority purchasing," I think it undermines your long term position. They will low ball you to the point where you work more than average growers and earn less than average growers. Let average growers work more and earn less....thats what they deserve (I include things other than just product as qualifications for being a better grower since giving big profits to a dumbass that got lucky on some fire would actually not be a good thing for the over all scheme of things).