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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
lot of tokers actually define their social status by what kind of weed they smoke. there will be a strong connoisseur market and ppl will pay.


See, that's where you're mistaken, a greenhouse takes tons of additional energy to run, especially year round. And the product differs greatly from run to run unlike indoor. Again, that's something you would know if you ever grew anything at all. I mostly grow outdoors btw.

And no, those aren't 'STATS' they are averages from what 500 growers claimed they were getting, before i502 was even implemented, when they were trying to figure out how much square footage they were going to permit. Again, something you would know if you read the whole report not just spouting off wild claims.

Your full of it Greenhouse grow operations take tons of energy in regional specific locations. energy produces heat, and the opposite is true too, heat produces energy. The Central Coast is not conducive to greenhouse operations. Other regions are



Already going on in AZ in a res. amperage load 26amps peak max supplemented with parabolic centered heat turbine. getting ready to start 5 more and the processing plant for extraction and packaging is in design with a contractor from Chicago that does water & sewage plant design. All paid cash from this one location paid off in 9 months estimated 2 years. They are bringing a University prof from Israel to help on the design of a testing lab and standards to go with it.


Active member
Two types of greenhouses.

Since Californias outdoor growing season is so temperate and the sun is so strong you can run one season tunnel greenhouses with no energy at all and as long as it's processed properly will be of high quality.

The rest of the United states (minus parts of the southwest) are not conducive to tunnel greenhouses or outdoor cultivation because the humidty is way to high during flowering and the sun is way to weak...resulting in lower quality flowers, at a higher cost of production with increased mold problems. Everywhere else def requires high energy greenhouses that can manage the climate and add supplemental lighting. The lighting is what's gonna drive up the energy usage for year round and that doesn't matter where u are.


Active member
The rest of the United states (minus parts of the southwest) are not conducive to tunnel greenhouses or outdoor cultivation because the humidty is way to high during flowering and the sun is way to weak...resulting in lower quality flowers, at a higher cost of production with increased mold problems.

^ post. :)


Two types of greenhouses.

Since Californias outdoor growing season is so temperate and the sun is so strong you can run one season tunnel greenhouses with no energy at all and as long as it's processed properly will be of high quality.

The rest of the United states (minus parts of the southwest) are not conducive to tunnel greenhouses or outdoor cultivation because the humidty is way to high during flowering and the sun is way to weak...resulting in lower quality flowers, at a higher cost of production with increased mold problems. Everywhere else def requires high energy greenhouses that can manage the climate and add supplemental lighting. The lighting is what's gonna drive up the energy usage for year round and that doesn't matter where u are.

Supplemental lighting in the Mohave desert and still enough sun to operate a parabolic steam generator for supplemental power. the cost compared to the rest of the regions is single digit. Even I Dec you have 8 hours to supplement for 4-6 hrs

portable chiller towers a very cheap and super efficient with humidity averages in the single digit and 340 days of sun on the average atmospheric controls are monitored by the minute can maintain a constant or variable. The Biosphere is here the technology is readily available.

The key is here is the ability to maintain a constant inside a non public building with extremely limited access. The next step is to go semi subterranean. Idea being designed heating and cooling the exterior wall with already existing steam generator and chiller tower. Well water very high in calcium & trace minerals.
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Here is an opinion take for what it is worth. Operations like I have stated don't want to compete with local growers at this time. Local growers and the markets that being established by them are setting a standard of commodity value per pound. So why would they want to cut their margin doesn't make economic sense. My belief is that they are setting up be the purveyors of a market standard that will be implemented when the FEDs change the classification. That cant happen till the international trade talks are set to be renegotiated in 2016. As it is the United States is binding to keep Marijuana on the schedule 1 list because of pervious trade talks. After the news rules will be redrawn relating to marijuana the DAM will break why do you think the GOP saved the fast track Pacific Trade talks. I think we will see concentrates only anyone caught with flower well it can be made illegal again by civil law and the percentage of Cannabinol tightly controlled. Since they are colorless and odorless and can be isolated we will have brands like Marlboro & Camel made up of different kinds of terpines and strains. All marketed for your vap pen or favorite consumable flavored celebrity endorsed. It could very easy make a rule if you have flower then you need to produce the license you have to grow it. So am I a fucked up paranoid ?

The average Tobacco farm is 10 acres
Here is an opinion take for what it is worth. Operations like I have stated don't want to compete with local growers at this time. Local growers and the markets that being established by them are setting a standard of commodity value per pound. So why would they want to cut their margin doesn't make economic sense. My belief is that they are setting up be the purveyors of a market standard that will be implemented when the FEDs change the classification. That cant happen till the international trade talks are set to be renegotiated in 2016. As it is the United States is binding to keep Marijuana on the schedule 1 list because of pervious trade talks. After the news rules will be redrawn relating to marijuana the DAM will break why do you think the GOP saved the fast track Pacific Trade talks. I think we will see concentrates only anyone caught with flower well it can be made illegal again by civil law and the percentage of Cannabinol tightly controlled. Since they are colorless and odorless and can be isolated we will have brands like Marlboro & Camel made up of different kinds of terpines and strains. All marketed for your vap pen or favorite consumable flavored celebrity endorsed. It could very easy make a rule if you have flower then you need to produce the license you have to grow it. So am I a fucked up paranoid ?

The average Tobacco farm is 10 acres

Fucked up AND paranoid? I kid i kid...:huggg:

You make some good points but the reason for any business to lower prices is to increase market share. The Tribes have little to no market share currently. By establishing a price floor they will gather up the lowest price consumers.

If you really want to get crazy in the opposite direction, optimism rather than pessimism, maybe all the Tribes herb will be used to make clear and edibles.

Either way we need to protect the prices for the long term. Once people realize that CO weed has the reputation it does because of Colorado itself; (dry air, low biodiversity of microorganisms, and bad technique.) Then people will start to realize how important terroir is.

We need laws like they have for whiskey, or dare I say, tequila. Why does Champagne cost more? Why does Russian Caviar cost more? Why is Texas Barbecue better? :peacock: Why do people prefer Kobe beef? New York Pizza, bagels, Sour Diesel?

Its all terroir....


Professor Organic Psychology
The Pinot Noir is grown in a mild climate, like Oregon. California can have the Merlots and other heavy reds.


Active member
The Pinot Noir is grown in a mild climate, like Oregon. California can have the Merlots and other heavy reds.
^ gets right to the heart of od genetics; matching the genetics to the selected grow environment. cali (for example) was considered a joke by much of the world re wine production until the different grow regions in cali found the right grape varieties to grow in their select regions. now cali is highly respected in the global wine community.


The Pinot Noir is grown in a mild climate, like Oregon. California can have the Merlots and other heavy reds.

Paso Robles wine need to be considered for it's white wines the Chardonnays and Sauvignon have world acclaim. Oldest vineyards in America I have been told


Active member
Hammer on nail. Someone get this guy a cookie.

Here is an opinion take for what it is worth. Operations like I have stated don't want to compete with local growers at this time. Local growers and the markets that being established by them are setting a standard of commodity value per pound. So why would they want to cut their margin doesn't make economic sense. My belief is that they are setting up be the purveyors of a market standard that will be implemented when the FEDs change the classification. That cant happen till the international trade talks are set to be renegotiated in 2016. As it is the United States is binding to keep Marijuana on the schedule 1 list because of pervious trade talks. After the news rules will be redrawn relating to marijuana the DAM will break why do you think the GOP saved the fast track Pacific Trade talks. I think we will see concentrates only anyone caught with flower well it can be made illegal again by civil law and the percentage of Cannabinol tightly controlled. Since they are colorless and odorless and can be isolated we will have brands like Marlboro & Camel made up of different kinds of terpines and strains. All marketed for your vap pen or favorite consumable flavored celebrity endorsed. It could very easy make a rule if you have flower then you need to produce the license you have to grow it. So am I a fucked up paranoid ?

The average Tobacco farm is 10 acres


Active member
Flowers will be crime and bubble gum flavored THC infused VG will be the furure. And anything "Medical" will be coming from your pharmacist being paid for by your insurance.


Well-known member
Premium user
Flowers will be crime and bubble gum flavored THC infused VG will be the furure. And anything "Medical" will be coming from your pharmacist being paid for by your insurance.

And to continue that last sentence.

....in repeatable, consistent, know quantities and qualities of THC, CBD ratios, screened for contaminates of heavy metals and pesticides. Even quite possibly certified organically grown. Held to standards just like any Medician given approval to treat a disorder to insure public safety.


Active member
redacted as non topic related. :)



I thought even on a cloudy day in the west outdoor daylight measures much brighter than any indoor light.i was under the assumption that even a 1000 watt hps was only about 40 % of an average day .


Active member
If the thread is about wholesale pot prices we should prolly try to keep it about wholesale pot prices.

Obviously their are a million different directions this legalization thing is going to go and this thread will become useless if all we talk about is conspiracy theories that aren't "directly" even related to wholesale pot prices.


Active member
^agreed, the whole legalization "what should we do" debate was somewhat interesting back in 2010 but now its just tired because we all know whats going on. I'm so tired of hearing "but but but…il be craft and people will still pay for weed grown in 4kw bedrooms"

lets keep this about wholesale pricing please.


just moved some good looking trim-run shatter and bubble for 15/gram. have some darker stuff that hasn't moved yet even tho its cheaper