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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
saw some native american bud out of humboldt the other day, really mediocre quality but god damn the price is cheap. and they are scaling up production, they are truly trying to hit that low end market that is opening up. brick pack prices for a hair or two better smoke.

it was basically last years OD, somewhat oxidized and drab green. not alot of smell but still get a skunky stink off it if you leave a turkey bag out. looked a bit premature too not alot of blind. under 1k if you buy enough, around 1-12 in smaller amounts. compared to the higher grade sun growns that have nicer nugs, better smell, better trim that are easily in the 13-15 range right now in bulk.


I love my life
the constitution doesn't protect shit anymore.

The constitution is a "concept" and it is we that must protect the "concept" from tyranny.

The constitution does the same today as it did the day it was ratified. All that is different is how the tools in charge state to interpret the constitution as they go about their business of being tools.


Double F

yea i fully expect to see an influx of reservation weed in 2015 outdoor since they dont have to deal with any ordinances, flyovers, DEA raids, etc. plus i even heard that they have paperwork allowing them to drive 100lbs at a time which is just insane.

they truly got the green light while the locals get the middle finger.


I love my life
yea i fully expect to see an influx of reservation weed in 2015 outdoor since they dont have to deal with any ordinances, flyovers, DEA raids, etc. plus i even heard that they have paperwork allowing them to drive 100lbs at a time which is just insane.

they truly got the green light while the locals get the middle finger.

Let them drive millions of lbs where ever the fuck they want.

The immoral law against me doing so, does not make it moral to arrest anyone, so fuck'em..

drive on Indians make a shit ton. Can I hear Indian Express to all reservations, treaty of nations. Then all Indian nations openly selling everything, including fire works. Freedom will be within driving distance of EVERYONE, and the Indians owning superior ground as usual.

I want a fair and just world, but not at the expense of anyone's rights.



Ripped since 1965
yea i fully expect to see an influx of reservation weed in 2015 outdoor since they dont have to deal with any ordinances, flyovers, DEA raids, etc. plus i even heard that they have paperwork allowing them to drive 100lbs at a time which is just insane.

they truly got the green light while the locals get the middle finger.

sum bitches, just because we stole 264,836.79 sq miles of their land and tried to exterminate them, they think we still need to give them special privileges :biggrin:


Just because someone offers you 18-19 for ins doesn't mean that's what it's worth, it means they think you're a desperate shmuck. Seeing 22 for sours and 24-5 for og ins, 18 for good OG outs in the mendo/sonoma region, if you aren't getting at least 5 points higher for the same thing in socal well then maybe it's time to consider a career change...:tiphat:


Active member
^truth, dont let the desperate schmucks ruin the pricing scheme. i know of a desperate scmuck grower who just unloaded his PGR laced, spider mite infested, shitty machine trimmed indoor gorilla glues go for 14. it had duck feet and stems like a MFer, because they are so ugly they won't sell local and someone has to ship them. so some schmuck might say "hey indoor glue for 14" when thats not the whole story. il bet the bank those "indoors for 18" in LA are low grade schwag, probably cured shitty and still moist, premo picked and run through machines and tumblers. and il probably see the characteristic yellow spotting on the fan leaves from their spider mite infestation.

z-ro market analysis is spot on the money for the smarter growers/brokers in norcal who know where to unload product. now the only stretch might be the 5 pt margin in socal because prices have fallen, but i still see a 2-3 pt margin between north and south depending on what exactly the situation is. i do know of a friend in SoCal who is getting in very nice sun grown OG for 18 in bulk. but this sun grown is top notch and damn near better than alot of indoor i see, must be nitro sealed because it looks as fresh as august light dep. and he's buying by the 50-100 so thats where the price break is, he claims he's breaking them down for 2-22 in socal to most collectives.

still see 15 for most basic sun grown in socal, maybe not as good as the 18s but still nice loud smell, good trim, frosty, and little to no oxidation. same outs are maybe 12-13 in norcal depending how much you buy but i can see those tickets going up soon.


Registered Non-Conformist
MDO is and always was/will be filled with desperate schmucks. Cost of Living is enormous, it must be expected.
what yes4prop215 said is exactly what I am seeing in norcal. 14-16 wholesale. That means that most kids buying to ship are paying are paying more than that for good bud, like 16-18. Even the guys that grow but have never smoked and machine trim the shit out of it are getting 12 now. The cheapest stuff is gone for this year, just like this time last year. If you are a lowballer, have you noticed that your calls are not getting returned?


Just Say Grow
I don't know exactly why, but I hold some resentment towards those that grow for a profit and don't even smoke occasionally...I can't explain it, and some of those types that I've met were cool people that I got along with well too...


I love my life
I don't know exactly why, but I hold some resentment towards those that grow for a profit and don't even smoke occasionally...I can't explain it, and some of those types that I've met were cool people that I got along with well too...

I have a dislike for phony people. Lots of real people in this game, when you spot the phony and you use cannabis your stomach turns. That is the simple explanation.



I don't know exactly why, but I hold some resentment towards those that grow for a profit and don't even smoke occasionally...I can't explain it, and some of those types that I've met were cool people that I got along with well too...
i totally feel that. people should use or have experience with the stuff they produce/sell ,otherwise it seems like they are being sneaky
People who don't smoke are just in it for the money. I can't really fault them for that. They don't last because their heart isn't in it. They will never have the quality of a grower who samples his or hers own product. Money is good but the satisfaction of creating something special that you and others enjoy drives a ganja farmer and the ganj to higher levels.
i totally feel that. people should use or have experience with the stuff they produce/sell ,otherwise it seems like they are being sneaky

The growers that I know that don't smoke are are our neighbors that were there long before us. I'm talking about people that didn't even know people who smoked before us. They have been extremely tolerant of our group, even sold us land. Since our county rules are enforced based on neighbor complaints I sometimes buy units off of them in November. Talk about putting a smile on an old mans face! That said, the best growers are the ones that smoke heavily.


Registered Non-Conformist
Your outlook on mendo is narrow to your own limited experience. Mendo is bigger than just the coastal cities and more diverse than the hedonistic douches that inhabit them. Perhaps you wouldn't have gotten chewed up and spit out had you made better moves. Just had to be close to the ocean? How close to the ocean are you now? Your bitterness towards the ET is because you failed here. Plenty of stories of success out here.

You're a twat. 10 years is not getting spit out, Brah.

Might wanna look inside to see Why do you take it personally..? Weak. Freud would have a field day.

I am much better off with people who do what they say they will. People are SOLID here, you'd not understand. Californians HATE it here. Being "other-directed" is not the way-of-life. Friends are FRIENDS..! Imagine that. People are helpful, and considerate. More confident, better upbringings. Deal with it.

Mendo Coastal sucks, people wise. According to my friends Still there. And my experience. It's A FULL SHIT SHOW. 90% of the growers (even good old school ones) are suffering now. Rents are through the roof. Mortgages unreal in cost.. Electric bills 60% higher.. I am referring NOT to the inland part of the county, which is less exclusive. People are losing their houses to Money from Marin, Illinois, etc. You have illustrated my point. Dissing people is nothing on the arrogant Trust-fund-baby coast that used to be less gentrified, more hippified. Unless there is money to be made, frenemies is the best one can expect. It's local's only, ignorance in full effect.. I am referring to the coastal situation, gleaned after a decade. Have lived all over the world. Seen more than You.

I don't care what you - an invisible bunch of unkind keystrokes from another angry Californian thinks of Me..! I'm over it, finally - and simply carry on..! Can afford to travel and buy land..! Oh how stupid of me..! Soon to be in the countryside, which except for a paucity of Oceans is "superior," in My view..! yuk yuk..