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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
i move all my outdoor to a small hobby field in the mountains of kyoto. way better priice even with 3800 a lb transport cost. 100 pounds 1,000,000 equals 620000 thats 570,000 more than i get here. plus it's cash up front. fuck new york.


10 seconds of ACTIVISM!

This only takes 10 seconds out of your life folks! Super easy way to send a message to your senators if you are into progress and supporting the new US Senate Bill in support of medical marijuana!

Use a legit address of a hotel in your state to keep your privacy if you're old school like me

Seriously takes 10 seconds to do this. Every baby steps counts, and if senators are flooded with messages they will listen to their constituents, they want to be reelected. Just the provision for helping our veterans is alone is worth supporting it, these guys need help now!

Also all the states that have a flood of marijuana and can't get rid of it will now be able to transport it across state lines without fear of federal prosecution, helping to raise wholesale prices!

Almost all small and medium towns in the new Med states still have a complete drought of Kind bud... And in some cases even the big cities have a total drought of high grade Cali KB.

So with being able to cross statelines the price would go down dramatically since the risk is gone ! no thanks :biggrin:

support your local gardener

not everyones meant to grow so all those washington dudes that jumped on thinking it was going to be easy money

think again. got way to greedy and money hungry

like i said support your local gardener not these big ops


all for the vets just didnt like the stateline idea



Active member
10 seconds of ACTIVISM!

This only takes 10 seconds out of your life folks! Super easy way to send a message to your senators if you are into progress and supporting the new US Senate Bill in support of medical marijuana!

Use a legit address of a hotel in your state to keep your privacy if you're old school like me

Seriously takes 10 seconds to do this. Every baby steps counts, and if senators are flooded with messages they will listen to their constituents, they want to be reelected. Just the provision for helping our veterans is alone is worth supporting it, these guys need help now!

Also all the states that have a flood of marijuana and can't get rid of it will now be able to transport it across state lines without fear of federal prosecution, helping to raise wholesale prices!

Almost all small and medium towns in the new Med states still have a complete drought of Kind bud... And in some cases even the big cities have a total drought of high grade Cali KB.

Link dead....


Active member
No more a police state than the U.S. gaijins are viewed with suspicion however.

US is a police state for sure, but at least we have constitutional rights and a bunch of ways we can fight the system in court. Japan has zero rights like that, they can detain you for no reason and hold you in jail 3 weeks without ever charging. they are allowed to pull random people off the street and search just for looking suspicious. i got a crash course in Japan police state system when me and my girlfriend were approached by plain clothes officers in a busy train station, we were taken into an interrogation room where they searched her purse and searched through my pockets for no reason other than we were foreigners.

but yeah back on topic….only herb going for 18 in Socal is mid grade commercial indoor BS. i get 15 for high grade sun grown all day down there. but honestly i can get that same ticket in the bay area to the right people too.


New member
I was thinking the same thing and types out a decent response...

But, I didnt want to be a dick...

what do u consider the price in socal to be then? 18 months ago I was getting 32 on 40-50 packs. 12 months ago it was 2800. two months ago 2400 for a 57 pack. that's a huge price drop in just over a year. maybe I need to network to new connects but this is from lock solid reliable clubs and brokers that have got such an influx up lower quality but cheaper meds. we shall see the true market here in a couple weeks. what do you consider to be fair for top 1 percent quality flowers?


Active member
US is a police state for sure, but at least we have constitutional rights and a bunch of ways we can fight the system in court. Japan has zero rights like that, they can detain you for no reason and hold you in jail 3 weeks without ever charging. they are allowed to pull random people off the street and search just for looking suspicious. i got a crash course in Japan police state system when me and my girlfriend were approached by plain clothes officers in a busy train station, we were taken into an interrogation room where they searched her purse and searched through my pockets for no reason other than we were foreigners.

but yeah back on topic….only herb going for 18 in Socal is mid grade commercial indoor BS. i get 15 for high grade sun grown all day down there. but honestly i can get that same ticket in the bay area to the right people too.

lol.. the US detains people for years without a trial . or without charges also.. if suspected of terrorism.. or even for talking to someone who does something stupid.. or for trying to overthrow the government for being corrupt.. loll... this isn't a free country.. and the constitution doesn't protect shit anymore.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
US is a police state for sure, but at least we have constitutional rights and a bunch of ways we can fight the system in court. Japan has zero rights like that, they can detain you for no reason and hold you in jail 3 weeks without ever charging. they are allowed to pull random people off the street and search just for looking suspicious. i got a crash course in Japan police state system when me and my girlfriend were approached by plain clothes officers in a busy train station, we were taken into an interrogation room where they searched her purse and searched through my pockets for no reason other than we were foreigners.
This never happened to me in my 10 years over there! You and gf must be shady characters!:laughing:


Active member
yea must have been our matching dreads!!

haha but i joked it was because we were both very tan at the time and could have looked like some mooselems.
what do u consider the price in socal to be then? 18 months ago I was getting 32 on 40-50 packs. 12 months ago it was 2800. two months ago 2400 for a 57 pack. that's a huge price drop in just over a year. maybe I need to network to new connects but this is from lock solid reliable clubs and brokers that have got such an influx up lower quality but cheaper meds. we shall see the true market here in a couple weeks. what do you consider to be fair for top 1 percent quality flowers?

Lock solid reliable people who are lowballing you if you are selling indoor anywhere around 18-19 like you posted in your first message.