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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I love my life
i still think (hopefully) that CA product will be better quality and have a better reputation than any of the CO/WA mega farms. there are a bunch of high quality craft brands being developed in CA that are getting big followings especially amongst the ice water hash crowd.

Micro-brews will always exist, but the price for micro brew and Budweiser alike is pretty uniform across the nation. Shipping and taxation being the only differences....

That's all it can be. Taxes(laws) will be paid and observed to the extent they are and commodity price will be commodity price.

And here the Wholesale thread sits.



All the trim and the trimmers are going to be gone. Obviously not this year, but very soon peeps will realize, especially once the price for bud reaches a certain level, that juicing whole plants is the only model moving forward.
still i dont understand this. i know so many people that don't like extracts but they like flowers. do you think that will change quickly? e.g. i can't get my mom to dab, but she will smoke bowls wit me.


I love my life
still i dont understand this. i know so many people that don't like extracts but they like flowers. do you think that will change quickly? e.g. i can't get my mom to dab, but she will smoke bowls wit me.

when outdoor ounces are $75 an oz or 1.2 per lb. How much can a trimmer be making per ounce of trimmed material? Can competent labor found at that price?

At what price point can't hand trimming be an option?



when outdoor ounces are $75 an oz or 1.2 per lb. How much can a trimmer be making per ounce of trimmed material? Can competent labor found at that price?

At what price point can't hand trimming be an option?


trimmers here make an average of 150 per lb, which is about $10 per ounce.

your second question, can competent labor be found, depends on your definition of competent.

your third question depends on the size of the operation and the profit margin desired by the producer. But All i'm saying is that there will be a demand for high quality flowers for a long time. Not everyone wants ONLY extracts.


Active member
Man too many people on Icmag think they know what is going to happen but imo no one knows for sure.

We could get a new prez and bye bye all the recent relaxation on pot laws in certain states. More states then not a gram of cannabis is illegal and people go to jail almost everyday for possession. On top of that more then half the people in America still don't know what BHO, or a dab is lol. If your predicting there will be no more flowers being produced in 10 yrs or sooner your niave and crazy. If anything I think it's more logical to see the a system like alcohol people that are licensed to legally produce and then outlaws that don't give a fuck. Either way there will always be cannabis flowers and everything else to go with this beautiful flower.


I love my life
But All i'm saying is that there will be a demand for high quality flowers for a long time. Not everyone wants ONLY extracts.

All of this is true, but if one gram of BHO runs someone $15 will they be willing to pay $20 a gram for flowers?

If BHO is $10 a gram will they pay $20 a gram for flowers? There will always be a AAA flower market, but I see that as a small and getting even smaller percentage of total cannabis consumption.

FWIW since I grow and extract I have had access and use of nothing but AAA stuff for many years. I still enjoy AAA flowers but pick up AAA bho first 19 of 20 times.

I want trimmers to be able to make $160 an lb cash out the door, but that means the growers needs to wholesale for $160 more than if machine trimmed.

The market will decide all of this and I suspect that the percentage of hand trim will continue to fall.



I want trimmers to be able to make $160 an lb cash out the door, but that means the growers needs to wholesale for $160 more than if machine trimmed
machine trimmed does not mean its free. you need a machine first of all, and also a crew to run it. ALso, the quality is affected.
FWIW since I grow and extract I have had access and use of nothing but AAA stuff for many years. I still enjoy AAA flowers but pick up AAA bho first 19 of 20 times.
lots of cannabis users prefer flowers over bho/hash. Dab culture is growing, and of course edibles/tinctures, but still those require good flowers also. so even if a lot of weed is used for hash production, i'm sure some folks will always want to smoke herb like the good old days


Good flowers are usually well received. I can say that if your flowers leave something to be desired then bho it is. Honestly bho is the best thing that ever happened to people with quality problems.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Again how can you make that argument when more often than not, actually every time, Garbage In, Garbage Out, is the result ?? If you have crap,,,it'll be crap weather you blast it with butane or propane or in a dab genius with alcohol...If you aren't producing terpene and cannabinoid rich flowers, you're done.


I love my life
Again how can you make that argument when more often than not, actually every time, Garbage In, Garbage Out, is the result ?? If you have crap,,,it'll be crap weather you blast it with butane or propane or in a dab genius with alcohol...If you aren't producing terpene and cannabinoid rich flowers, you're done.

Not quite yet BYF. I can turn B class nug into AAA shatter. I can take trim from A - AAA plants and make AAA shatter.

I can take mexibrick weed and make large quantites of active ingredients for medibles.

Product in = best possible product out.... AND THC as an active ingredient for medibles has a commodity price much more stable than the high end flower market.

All product has a market, wholesale and retail.

Sacramento County banned outdoor growing and butte is doing that 10 x 10 fit in the box thing. Those are my two main areas and I foresee a reduction in total outdoor output next year.

I see so much speculation and as things go along it just gets weirder. In 2011 I was sure we would see a huge drop in prices and full legalization. Now I'm not even sure we can get legalization in 2016.

I just don't know what to think anymore. I know where things will ultimately end up, buy have no idea how or how long it will take to get get there. I'll keep rolling along for life or until I can't anymore. I've held steady at 30 or 24 a unit for years now. I make more on the 24, and sometimes I think of just doing that, but I prefer doing the 30 since it sets me apart from the pack and most likely is my best chance to stay relevant.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Everyone LOVES the idea of legalization....

Until they cant pay their mortgage anymore...


Screw legalization. Politicians will butcher and ruin anything they get their hands on to benefit their friends. The legalization process in Alaska is disgusting


I love my life
Screw legalization. Politicians will butcher and ruin anything they get their hands on to benefit their friends. The legalization process in Alaska is disgusting

More disgusting that prohibition and cages, or is it just prohibition light complete with newer and better cages?


Backyard Farmer

Active member
B grade nug even if you make clear hard shatter with it will test less terp and less thc than higher grade flowers... Trim oil is for edibles ... Nug run only !!!


More disgusting that prohibition and cages, or is it just prohibition light complete with newer and better cages?


Newer smaller more expensive cages. They're cracking down not lightening up.

14 year old kids are executing people for an ounce and an ounce will fetch $10,000 in a dry village. Yes you read that correctly 1oz=$10,000. Most of the time it's just Cali outdoor too that's been vac'd and beaten to death


I love my life
B grade nug even if you make clear hard shatter with it will test less terp and less thc than higher grade flowers... Trim oil is for edibles ... Nug run only !!!

BYF there is not nearly enough bho in most parts of this nation, consequently much more of the total production qualifies for the highest price point.

As an example I extracted some machine trimed OG Mango trim (icmag Dr. Purpur breeder), orgranic outdoor grown. The color was as expected for outdoor machine trim (too dark for CA bho snobs, but OK in any other persons pipe), the flavor, effect, clarity, and consistency were on point. All oil was quickly gobbled up by the universe at the top price level, and I wish I had held more back for my personal meds.

That's right machine trim has made my favorite meds in the last 12 months. The ST4 trim made potentially even stronger product, but the flavor of the mango took it over the top.


Backyard Farmer

Active member
BYF there is not nearly enough bho in most parts of this nation, consequently much more of the total production qualifies for the highest price point.

As an example I extracted some machine trimed OG Mango trim (icmag Dr. Purpur breeder), orgranic outdoor grown. The color was as expected for outdoor machine trim (too dark for CA bho snobs, but OK in any other persons pipe), the flavor, effect, clarity, and consistency were on point. All oil was quickly gobbled up by the universe at the top price level, and I wish I had held more back for my personal meds.

That's right machine trim has made my favorite meds in the last 12 months. The ST4 trim made potentially even stronger product, but the flavor of the mango took it over the top.


So your argument fails because you're first saying that farms will be able to succeed in a legal paradigm thru processing leas than stellar material in to concentrate but then the truth comes out that would still be for black market export...

My perspective...that if you do not produce quality..especially in CA..in a recreational market..your company is going to fail...what are you going to do when that black market crutch gets crushed like a toothpick and farms growing by the acre are producing quality because growers who have been producing quality on a large scale already , 500-1000+ lbs , will have no problem just adding a few Zeros and scaling up the labor..:tiphat: