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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


It's all going to be concentrates. Titrated,lab processed,blended with precise cbd,thc, terpene profiles. Chemists, bio chem phd's, plant engineers, process controlers.All automated, calculated, regulated. No real place for talented grow heads. Maybe one as a consultant. Bottomless money pits of investor cash riding the bull down to the lowest cost producer and then ultimately for production to be shipped offshore to chase the final lowest dollar. That is what happened to the rest of America. Now you guys get to see it. When the boys at the top have access to endless free money guess what? You can't compete with free money. The answer to how low can it go is: What is the lowest amount that anyone could grow a pound for?


I love my life
My local wal-mart has a burger king. You could flip burgers at wal-mart!


I wish they would have quoted south park directly.

It's all going to be concentrates. Titrated,lab processed,blended with precise cbd,thc, terpene profiles. Chemists, bio chem phd's, plant engineers, process controlers.All automated, calculated, regulated. No real place for talented grow heads. Maybe one as a consultant. Bottomless money pits of investor cash riding the bull down to the lowest cost producer and then ultimately for production to be shipped offshore to chase the final lowest dollar. That is what happened to the rest of America. Now you guys get to see it. When the boys at the top have access to endless free money guess what? You can't compete with free money. The answer to how low can it go is: What is the lowest amount that anyone could grow a pound for?

I get to be the front end of that, as will everyone else. There is a lot of room for talented grow head because this first wave is well too short of "Chemists, bio chem phd's, plant engineers, process controlers"

Secretaries at pets.com made millions. Cannabis legalization shouldn't lead to this level of investor over retardation, but lots of room for grow heads...



It's all going to be concentrates. Titrated,lab processed,blended with precise cbd,thc, terpene profiles.

the concentrate/edible market has plenty of room to grow, but i think you are getting ahead of yourself. because right now people still smoke lots of weed.


Active member
Ah, man, that was the cool thing I learned a couple of years ago. Whole leaf pays no taxes. It is classed as an agricultural product like corn or wheat. Taxes come after the product is manufactured into something. I like that model for taxing weed too.


I love my life
^ $20! That's what I pay for very good organic whole leaf tobacco. Weed ain't any more difficult to grow.

Not too far away. $200 gets a lb of very nice organic trim, complete with some smaller buds.

Cannabis may not be more difficult to grow than tabacco so maybe I'll see better trim cheaper this season, especially if I get my oil game up. People like to have concentrate from the stuff they grew themselves.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ah, man, that was the cool thing I learned a couple of years ago. Whole leaf pays no taxes. It is classed as an agricultural product like corn or wheat. Taxes come after the product is manufactured into something. I like that model for taxing weed too.

how about a link oldchuck:)


All the trim and the trimmers are going to be gone. Obviously not this year, but very soon peeps will realize, especially once the price for bud reaches a certain level, that juicing whole plants is the only model moving forward. Then you can picture large fields of many many acres getting harvested and processed in a few days. Yes there will always be boutique growers filling ever small niches, and some will do well just like craft breweries, wineries and small distilleries. But the big picture is pretty clear. Getting as much product out as quickly and cheaply as possible is the model. Any of you guys see the thread Krunchbubble posted on Cannaroma adding back terpenes on fractionally distilled clear extracts? Or the custom blends of terpenes to treat insomnia, anxiety. The ability to take trichomes of any quality and make products for the masses is already here. They will only get better at the blends and quality control until it is good enough for the masses. How about the link to the Indian reservations going full bore with massive projects in multiple states. I saw in that article tribes in NY and Florida were mentioned. Terra Tech is infusing wall street money and expertise in dozens of projects. Now maybe TerraTech and Cannaroma suck and they will fail, but the next wave will learn and do better until they get it right enough to become profitable. Also, you cannot underestimate how much force will be applied by the large politically connected players to safeguard their investments through regulation. Ultimately the goal of the insiders will be full control of the income chain from start to finish and they will deploy huge resources to insure that happens. Make a graph. On the vertical axis is price. The horizontal is time. When I first joined IC the price was 4K for Cali ins and outs of very high quality. Plot the line downward. That is where the price will be in 2015 unless something happens to make it different. But the trend is clear and nothing seems to stand in its way.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
good post ronbo,think you are right
total u.s. stoners =50 mil?
total average doses of bho per person per year =700 x50 m=maybe 5bil?
total doses per acre per year=???
does this sound right?


All the trim and the trimmers are going to be gone. Obviously not this year, but very soon peeps will realize, especially once the price for bud reaches a certain level, that juicing whole plants is the only model moving forward. Then you can picture large fields of many many acres getting harvested and processed in a few days. Yes there will always be boutique growers filling ever small niches, and some will do well just like craft breweries, wineries and small distilleries. But the big picture is pretty clear. Getting as much product out as quickly and cheaply as possible is the model. Any of you guys see the thread Krunchbubble posted on Cannaroma adding back terpenes on fractionally distilled clear extracts? Or the custom blends of terpenes to treat insomnia, anxiety. The ability to take trichomes of any quality and make products for the masses is already here. They will only get better at the blends and quality control until it is good enough for the masses. How about the link to the Indian reservations going full bore with massive projects in multiple states. I saw in that article tribes in NY and Florida were mentioned. Terra Tech is infusing wall street money and expertise in dozens of projects. Now maybe TerraTech and Cannaroma suck and they will fail, but the next wave will learn and do better until they get it right enough to become profitable. Also, you cannot underestimate how much force will be applied by the large politically connected players to safeguard their investments through regulation. Ultimately the goal of the insiders will be full control of the income chain from start to finish and they will deploy huge resources to insure that happens. Make a graph. On the vertical axis is price. The horizontal is time. When I first joined IC the price was 4K for Cali ins and outs of very high quality. Plot the line downward. That is where the price will be in 2015 unless something happens to make it different. But the trend is clear and nothing seems to stand in its way.

Pinal County Arizona licenses Corporate Dairy to plant 5 acres of Medical Marijuana
The corporate farmers in the Imperial Valley and Bakersfield are watching. This is a test run if it flies OR,WA,CO, wont be able to compete. Everything you need cheap and abundant, Water Land Light Labor processing transportation. As long as flower has a value other wise all to a oil and shipped out fibered cellulose left right to the cows for milk. They get 4 cutting of Alfalfa a year genetically engineered like auto flower


Active member
Pinal County Arizona licenses Corporate Dairy to plant 5 acres of Medical Marijuana
The corporate farmers in the Imperial Valley and Bakersfield are watching. This is a test run if it flies OR,WA,CO, wont be able to compete. Everything you need cheap and abundant, Water Land Light Labor processing transportation. As long as flower has a value other wise all to a oil and shipped out fibered cellulose left right to the cows for milk. They get 4 cutting of Alfalfa a year genetically engineered like auto flower

Time to break out the fusarium oxysporum. Anyone got a crop duster?


Active member
link doesn't work….i sure hope they dont grow cannabis in the central valley. they are already short water and some districts had their entire water supplies cut. keep the water and the crops up north where they belong!!

Are they really ? The ga,e in Co doesn't effect the cali export market

yes it does…know a few people who are getting CO mersh for cheap, heard a friend of friend getting CO indoor mid grade for under 2k shipped to east coast, thats around same price as a CA high grade outdoor pack. same with extract, WA and CO export game is not as big as CA, but definately taking market share. theres a ton of people who moved to CO, worked for a few warehouses quit and went and set up black market ops. or people who just moved there cus its "legal" but they send all their units east via mail/car.


I love my life
link doesn't work….i sure hope they dont grow cannabis in the central valley. they are already short water and some districts had their entire water supplies cut. keep the water and the crops up north where they belong!!

yes it does…know a few people who are getting CO mersh for cheap, heard a friend of friend getting CO indoor mid grade for under 2k shipped to east coast, thats around same price as a CA high grade outdoor pack. same with extract, WA and CO export game is not as big as CA, but definately taking market share. theres a ton of people who moved to CO, worked for a few warehouses quit and went and set up black market ops. or people who just moved there cus its "legal" but they send all their units east via mail/car.

So it looks like rules or lines don't mean shit to a flower. Time for all of us to not worry about which side of a line a flower is grown on or shipped to.

Prices will reach uniformity across the nation given time and a crop is worth the same in CA, CO, WA, AZ, OR, NV, etc. We all know production costs vary, but the market will set price based on supply and demand NOT cost of production.

I am tired of this country wasting money employing ass clowns to steal the flowers we work so hard to grow.

The people risking their freedom to drive flowers from Med states to Red states are underpaid.


Backyard Farmer

Active member
It's really funny to me to see all the non legal state people saying Anything that doesn't make the grade will go to oil..That isn't the case...The oil you extract is only as good as the quality of the flowers you made it from...Unless you're going to go Clear mode and start adding synthetic terpenes and additional cannabinoids from other higher quality extracts to make blends...

Wendull C.

Active member
Fuck that oil with terpenes added back. Got a pen and a few cartridges(sample) and the shit made me sick with a headache like a hangover. Idk who told em their shit tasted like gdp but that's the only one I tried and it tasted like smoking jolly ranchers from a dope pipe.


Active member
Prices will reach uniformity across the nation given time and a crop is worth the same in CA, CO, WA, AZ, OR, NV, etc. We all know production costs vary, but the market will set price based on supply and demand NOT cost of production.

i still think (hopefully) that CA product will be better quality and have a better reputation than any of the CO/WA mega farms. there are a bunch of high quality craft brands being developed in CA that are getting big followings especially amongst the ice water hash crowd.