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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
haven't seen real sour like that out here in a while…most people just lost the patience to really do it right. i have fond memories of middling sourD packs and getting to pinch out the growers weight, to roll fat blunts of the SOWAH!!


Registered Non-Conformist

This cut has Sour - as well as "snappy" Chemdog nuances + something dank and indescribably sweet, when grown right. Triple Diesel = Me Happy Camper.


All the best stuff in the world IS GROWN IN CALI....you know...like weed.

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Registered Non-Conformist
That OG (Chemdawg) Bud below was sold for 6K in quantity from a greenhouse for 2-3 years - my skills were all from a tgextbook, then. Later it went for just above 3K when things changed just a bit in 2008 or so. Heard people talking about my greenhouse-grown OG in a Ukiah Cannabis Club 1 hour from home, not knowing the grower was in the facility. Triple D is pretty much as good, but yields more than 2x as much, with no stretch. Since people do not like to pay "Boutique" price - (except for Iranian) even if the quality is there, the 3D is a great alternative for Me.

Uhh, I notice that SOME people NEVER publish photos of their Godlike growing skills. Or their coveted but invisible friend, the Iranian.
Your Turn.... Show US YOUR OG, now.

OG K . 3D

Sorry folks, I've played the Buddha with this person for long enuf.


Active member

looks like the corps may have blown there load a little too early...

In the article Foxberry farms says their committed to meeting local Mendocino cultivation ordinances...they gonna need some big fucking plants to fill up 110,000 square feet with only the 25 local limit :)

Said they would be growing "award winning brand names" developed by United cannabis...when I looked a little further it says that "DNA Genetics will be responsible for strain selection, genetic verification, and we will oversee all DNA Genetics cultivation to ensure that each grow delivers the DNA standard of medicine."

A lot of it doesn't really make since though. I can understand how the Federal government could come out and say we are going to treat Native American lands as States in this matter, meaning if they come up with a proper regulatory system and meet other parameters (not allowing to cross state/tribal land lines) then you can grow and dispense cannabis WITHIN the boundaries of the Native lands.

Yet Foxberry, Dna, and United cannabis thought they could grow on Native lands (Technically Federal lands "reserved" for Natives), then cross over into California and begin selling to California dispensaries. If they allow this, then we as Californians should have the same right to cross over into neighboring states to dispense Medicine.

Once they start allowing this sort of state to state transfer we should start seeing a serious move towards the "evening" of cannabis prices across the nation. Then, you wont be able to buy bud in Cali for 1000 and sell it for 2..3..4 times the price back east..that is an expensive fucking delivery man.

Once these prices start to even it will be very good for California outdoor/Greenhouse growers, at least the ones who survive the next couple years. The next couple years (until California is legally allowed to ship to other states) the wholesale price of pounds will continue to drop and the expectation of quality will continue to rise. Plus the cost and difficulty of doing business and meeting regulations/codes will increase. The majority of mom and pops will be run out of business.


They need to pick if they are going to be growing as Indians or California medical patients. If they have a dispensary there, it will not get a lot of foot traffic compared to what they were probably expecting to grow. Their business plan relies on exporting it out of state


Active member
The price for SOME people hasnt changed, depending on a lot of factors... but If we were able to map out on a graph all the different transactions taking place amongst all parties in the industry over the past few years, from at least what I see it would Def. lean towards the \, as opposed to /.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Excuse me, I was just cleaning the aisles when I noticed the latest off-topic boasting and nonsense...so a few posts got deleted that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Peace, and sorry for the interruption.


price has definitely changed over the last few years down south for ins.

last year was 30 for highs and this year 25. that last pic i posted went for 25 and would have been 40 in 2008/9. whats more alarming is the disparity between highs and mids for ins. mids at 20-22 and top shelf at 25? thats fuckin crazy. makes me seriously reconsider my strategy. blow out high yielders and scrap the boutique low yielders? I dont rock sours mind you. for stuff that likes to go on a walkabout the numbers across the board seem to stick at 25.

factors I believe have created this market change:

1)I dont have good connections
2) the massive increase in greenhouse grows in nor cal
a- D owners buy up passable mids from up north gh grows for 15ish
and place them on the board at 30 1/8
b- D owners then place outdoor on the board for 20 1/8
c- at this point why would they pay 1000 more for top shelf indoor?
3) prop D limiting competition in the socal area. very few mom and pop places are left. few shops with quality remain. lots of dogo deals using low grade outs and the market has gone ghetto. its become a race to the bottom.

my assessment -
the days of the home grow is at an end. you cant pay residential electricity and stay afloat. The market is at the bottom end. I always thought that as long as I grew the best I would have a place at the table. but what happens is that as long as people buy the stuff the shop gets for 15 to 13, theres no urgency for them to stock more expensive meds. the competition then gets fierce to be the guy the shop does choose to provide their elite top shelf meds.

advantage: outdoor growers who know their shit. its a pure science to grow quality buds outside, definitely not a noob game and those guys get washed out fast. But if you can grow indoor quality buds outside, youre the guy thats replacing all the failing home growers. you can be at 13 to 15 while the shitty outdoor growers are begging people to take thier stuff for 8. by the time it gets to the clubs its 15 to 18 and everyones happy. its all about- can your stuff pass as indoor?

ofcourse none of this applies if you have a friend in philly. this is just my take on cali.


Active member
Dropping off another GG4 for 3200 today to a dispensary in the D, went to other places in the D and got low balled first place has been the only place I have done business with. This is there second order in less then two weeks.

my normal broker offers 2800 and not a penny more no matter the quality, haven't seen him in awhile because of that. Lots of people low ball at 26-28

I would do cheisel for 28
But sour and GG4 32 not a penny less

I remember the day of getting 36 without even trying lol for Nirvana strains and I was just starting out growing

Biggest thing I see is watching overhead to increase margins some amazing growers are only growers and not very good business people. It's going to take both to thrive in this turbulent industry.