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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Shit sounds like everyone should ship everything to MI, looks like huge demand there. I had some buddy's who gave up growing commercially in CO to drive to Cali to buy bunch of outdoor, sprayed some shit on it & drove it to MI said it was the way to go, now I know why! Is there something you can spray on the bud to improve quality?

G`day AD

Errr ... Your mum is callin , says its time for bed bro .
She says 12 year olds shouldn`t stay up so late talking to strangers on the internets .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Hey Elmer I'm totally serious, I never thought nothing of it at the time, all I know is they gave up commercial CO to ship low priced Cali out door to MI & they were spraying something on it, so I feel it's a legitimate question. Don't listen to TPFT I've got buddy's been doin it for years, I always wondered why MI of all places, flood that market!!!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Shit sounds like everyone should ship everything to MI, looks like huge demand there. I had some buddy's who gave up growing commercially in CO to drive to Cali to buy bunch of outdoor, sprayed some shit on it & drove it to MI said it was the way to go, now I know why! Is there something you can spray on the bud to improve quality?

G`day AD

Well I don`t like to say I judge a man by the company he keeps . But ...
I've got buddy's been doin it for years,
To answer your question . Is there some thing ? Yes ... Hash oil lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


How long you have wait till you finally find something? Like I said I don't know what they sprayed. What's wrong you one of these "strain of the month" guys that got his feelings hurt? You got bugs? Wooho poor baby go cry to mommy!


G`day AD

Well I don`t like to say I judge a man by the company he keeps . But ...
To answer your question . Is there some thing ? Yes ... Hash oil lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

You do realize bud with hash oil commands the highest prices in Cali despensary's? I don't have an opinion on it but apparently you do! What so lol? Your welcome Idiot


Registered Non-Conformist
Youre joking about Detroit.

And as for whatever his name is. Demand is not high in Michigan.

I will sign out of this (rookie, locals-only) discussion for a while I can see it's becoming a bluster-fest. I've dealt with worse, here and in NorCal, but have no desire to be dragged down.

This thread is not about Michigan's problems. We don't really have a MMJ program for now. It's under siege.


tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
The demand is here but is being met ...my uncles have been fucking with this game before I was born.trips to Cali are a regular for cheap lbs glad so many you guys grow :tiphat:
Having lived and grown in both Colorado and SE Michigan, I must confess to being more at home and professionally comfortable in Michigan. It should be
added that I am well-aquainted with both NorCal
& greater L.A. as concerns cannabis. Since the late '60's
up through the '80's. So I found this thread great reading.
The pot business anywhere has always been a hard taskmaster. There are few "professions" more sketchy, stressful or demanding that readily come to mind. Except being a peace officer, soldier or physican/nurse.
Up to very recent times, "grower" meant criminal. And most of the people concerned, with outstanding & notable exceptions, were NOT exactly the sort you'd want going out with your sister...
In my view, things even now are small inprovement over the past. In SE Michigan, it seems hundreds, if not thousands of people from all walks of life are practicing indoor gardening in a frenzy which must resemble in close detail the Dutch Tulip craze of long-ago times. It must be seen to be believed. Most will fail. They don't really know the risks they are taking as amateur enthusiasts to their finances and personal lives. Time will solve that mystery for them.
As to the fair city of Detroit I would say to boosters and critics alike; the "D" is alive and kickin,' albeit with all the crime and human sadness notwithstanding. Detroit is, as is all SE Michigan, a lively, competitive and dynamic center for the current cannabis scene.
In my strange and varied life experience, Detroit is no better or worse to live & work than a hundred other towns and a bit better than some.
Great pot is grown everywhere. Depends who and how.
Cali has always been a wild mix. The good with the bad.
Again, depends on who and how. It is fact that beautiful
outdoor cannabis grown organically and with care from
California is some of the finest in the world. Also some of the swaggest..So sad to hear about meth! Inconceivable twenty, thirty years ago.
Colorado is great if one likes it's huge-ness and climates. As folks from there know, it too has a local culture different from the east, and rightly love their state for many reasons. I would rate the majority of cannabis produced as fair to middling, again with exceptions. When money has people sleepwalking, care and quality suffer. As I reflect on my 2 years running large commercial grows, I recall many happy times. I met both good and the not-so-good. The work was hard, fast and heavy in the lifting. It was also relentless and the owners/investors were tough & greedy. It still was like being in a waking dream. Wouldn't trade it. And so it goes.
I say goodness and evil are where you find them; everywhere. And great pot is where you're lucky enough to find it. Good wishes to all!


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