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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
Ya, grew up with them and they are still my boys...

Lucky I was not involved as I was asked to be a consultant and declined to having to drive 200+ miles a day going from spot to spot. Think it was close to 40 grow houses...

The main kat is going to do 10 in federal because all the little boys grew pussies and ratted...

damn close call, the main guy was the one we never saw behind the scenes right, not your good homie who was behind the counter? sucks man, having the grenade launchers and guns probably were a big reason for the 10. thats rough man, when shits going "legal" and people in CO and WA are growing 100s of lights legally and you have to sit in jail for doing the same shit.


lets face it you want attention we both know you will be here...you've used the "i'm going back to old timers section before" You're a solid troll I know because you were even starting to bug me I know what you're doing. I like how you put the "cocksuckers" at the end nice little cherry on top to ensure conflict.

Conflict just with the "low ballers" only. Let me be clear I love you guys who pay top dollar!


Well-known member
Thats my whole thing with the legalization deal.. I want to see a legalization bill in Ca that mandates the release of all Cannabis prisoners. I won't vote for anything less, its despicable to me imagining lining the governments/corporate pockets with tax dollars when dudes are still doing fat time for simple possession/growing..

Btw im getting 1100 per unit turning a bunch of overdried/botrytis affected flower into concentrate. Next year skipping the whole headache and turning everything but the most pristine tops into concentrate. Also working a lot less this season lol, all recycled soil into beds, s1 fem seed im making right now, fuck clones, handwatering, bottled nutrients and potted plants for sungrown. All about that budget grandma tomato grow tech, free mushroom compost and all that.


This is great. I can get into any store that doesn't have bloated shelves, and I *could* get +$2k per in Oregon...BUUUTTTT, if I don't get cash now, I am sunk. People don't seem to understand, you pay cash when a professionally certified grower like me walks into your room- literally, I have a degree in horticulture. Nope. Consignment, and delayed pay outs only right now. My 1 established contact said he would take 1 new variety a month witn 1 month delayed payouts in flower. Now I've got to run a bunch of underpriced top tier hash oil (yes, selling a gram of THC in hash oil for less than a gram in flower is a travesty) just to get a paycheck in February that needed to be there at the end of January. Heck, I am still waiting for my tincture made in December to get certified, which I am expected to pay cash up front for (the certification).

I think hes right about the dispensary bit. I just pulled out a leafly after barraging my disabled, unemployed dad to pay for the *first* months service because the Garden is behind on rent and electricity waiting for payouts from crops in December and January, and I am defaulting on my bills. I set my prices to standard rates and got maybe 10 people per day looking. I just lowered my prices to the wholesale rate; we will see. I'm offering delivery to several cities without dispensaries. I could sell in individually certified bags, and the turn out is probably going to be too low to be worth the ad.

Its too bad I hate the black market, and people don't support growers for being better growers.

Don't waste my time with BS consignments. IMMEDIATE PAY OUT ONLY!

if only the world were that simple and people will line right up. you and everyone else. why would people do that? i mean seriously. not trying to be snarky for no reason.
theres just a whole bunch of assumptions that arent very logical in your business plan. first off thats what people that are savvy are doing NOW. if you wait til its legal that market will be so flooded by folks like yourself and everyone else on here and everywhere. youll be over crowded by all the other folks that lost access to the market when they couldnt get in the distribution networks that bring herbs to consumers in the very convenient and diverse market place known as the store.
you realy think people are going to go online try to figure out who to trust and buy herb they cant see or smell at whatever price you deem fit raather than look at a display case full of liscensed growers wears that are tested for potency and cleanliness at the lowest they can sell it and stay solvent.
if that can work it will be so flooded with out of work growers youd be a needle in a haystack waiting to be noticed.
until they shut you down and put you in prison for trying to grow after its legal and you arent a producer.
if your plan is to maximize on pay out you have to consider that marketing and dealing with customers, their inane questions and packing up and going to the post office, managing payments and running it through accounts PLUS growing herb will be an expensive task unless you clone yourself.
i think your peachy "ive got it all figured out with my amazing plan, you all are just not being creative" attitude is laughable.
you have made several posts about not being able to use the worlds most user friendly computer interface of all times. the ipad.
my 4 year old can use those damn things.
now you are going to stand out on the web doing internet sales and marketing to an ever increasingly more fickle and and over served client base.
im not following your business plan here.
but it sounds like you have it all figured out.

Doing stuff like this is a large part of the problem:

Thats my whole thing with the legalization deal.. I want to see a legalization bill in Ca that mandates the release of all Cannabis prisoners. I won't vote for anything less, its despicable to me imagining lining the governments/corporate pockets with tax dollars when dudes are still doing fat time for simple possession/growing..

Btw im getting 1100 per unit turning a bunch of overdried/botrytis affected flower into concentrate. Next year skipping the whole headache and turning everything but the most pristine tops into concentrate. Also working a lot less this season lol, all recycled soil into beds, s1 fem seed im making right now, fuck clones, handwatering, bottled nutrients and potted plants for sungrown. All about that budget grandma tomato grow tech, free mushroom compost and all that.


I love my life

Laughing my ass off...

Since you are legal and certified, please post up your CERTIFICATION...

I want another laugh...



Well-known member
I've smoked joints in the hydro shop after hours a couple times. smoke out back quite a bit, they have a picnic table behind some privacy screens. talk shop on the low, when there isn't really anyone else in the store. never seen any deal in or around the place though.

I smoked in a hydro shop once. One of the owners was trying to show off his weed and see if I would buy it..I was pretty sketched but was hoping to get the good discount on equipment. The fact that there was glass fronts and you could see a main road while we were smoking a joint made me decide that I didn't want to do business with them, at all. I stopped by once recently because every other store was closed...and now that things are going legal they are ready to do the Pepsi challenge with all the other stores...I been to their grow once long ago, they do a good job..interesting times ahead..


Active member
This is great. I can get into any store that doesn't have bloated shelves, and I *could* get +$2k per in Oregon...BUUUTTTT, if I don't get cash now, I am sunk. People don't seem to understand, you pay cash when a professionally certified grower like me walks into your room- literally, I have a degree in horticulture. Nope. Consignment, and delayed pay outs only right now. My 1 established contact said he would take 1 new variety a month witn 1 month delayed payouts in flower. Now I've got to run a bunch of underpriced top tier hash oil (yes, selling a gram of THC in hash oil for less than a gram in flower is a travesty) just to get a paycheck in February that needed to be there at the end of January. Heck, I am still waiting for my tincture made in December to get certified, which I am expected to pay cash up front for (the certification).

I think hes right about the dispensary bit. I just pulled out a leafly after barraging my disabled, unemployed dad to pay for the *first* months service because the Garden is behind on rent and electricity waiting for payouts from crops in December and January, and I am defaulting on my bills. I set my prices to standard rates and got maybe 10 people per day looking. I just lowered my prices to the wholesale rate; we will see. I'm offering delivery to several cities without dispensaries. I could sell in individually certified bags, and the turn out is probably going to be too low to be worth the ad.

Its too bad I hate the black market, and people don't support growers for being better growers.

Don't waste my time with BS consignments. IMMEDIATE PAY OUT ONLY!

Doing stuff like this is a large part of the problem:

Sounds like you're one of the growers that'll be out of business within the next year. You can have all the college degrees that you want but it'll never make you a good grower. You might think your trees are great but if you can't get cash on the spot, they are most likely average. Most growers are in your shoes. Only the best growers will survive. The best growers don't have to try and move product. The product just flies away itself. If you have to think about it, you'll never know.


Hydro might be on to something, Bong star maybe you should post some pics of your bud, if your having peeps not willing to cash you out, it makes me wonder why? Hash oil should sell itself. Your Hort degree why would you need somebody else to certify you? It should be the other way around.
If peeps give you mean constructive critism it's only gonna help it is still constructive, your situation sounds dire you need to figure out where you stand. This business is black market even what your doing, even what CO & WA are doing. It's a ruthless business you gotta be able to "crack heads" when necessary, you gotta pick your battles otherwise you & the peeps you care most about will suffer! Again this is the net, it can be used a multitude of ways for many purposes embrace the power it gives you.


Active member
I was thinking about moving to OR and if top shelf is getting two That may not work out. Lol
Unless greenhouses are OK in OR. how many plants. Person again in the medical side?
So you can only get 2k for a unit of cookies, g cut, suge nite etc????

Eh I thought 28 was bad


Active member
Prices have been decent lately, my buddys got offered 3k for a lb at a dispensary in Detroit the other day, and it was their first time there. I feel like with lighting systems being as cheap as 100$/1000w and with the cold weather, MI is the spot for cash cropping right now. Cheap equipment, legal gray areas(good & bad), decent price point, lots of places to sell to. Back in LA electricity was .23, its .11 here. Rent is cut in half and I'd run half the A/C half the year on this side of the country.

Operation is cheaper out east and my shit sells for more..

but I miss the burritos in Cali. The mexican food was so damn worth it...& the ocean =] I'd go back to Butte county if I could, maybe mendo..find a spot close to amigos de acapulco and get a xl burrito every other day lmao

What dispensary?


passing the gas
I've actually had really good luck bartering with stoner hydro store owners for my nutes and equipment.
I just dropped a few grams of my best every time i'd visit then after they liked it I set up a deal with them to trade.
Most of my visits these days I'll return an almost empty bag of soil or coco with a jar of buds inside that covers what I need.
The guy that runs the hydro store I use now makes so much money selling overpriced supplies that he hasn't had to grow in years.

I can't be the only one here who's traded at the hydro store am I?


Active member
oregon is a rough market, everything is already dirt cheap there its pretty much all exported. its not like cali where you have tons of tourists and people who work in normal industries to pay top dollar for herb. its like trying to sell weed to people in the emerald triangle they will just laugh at you and pull out their own jars lol.


Just Say Grow
back when I lived in Portland(06) I was getting some really nice herb for $220 a zip, wasn't og(no one I talked to had even heard about og in Portland around that time) but it also was MUCH cheaper than what I was paying in so cal at the time(300 for some regular dank all the way up to 500 for the tripple og)...I'm not terribly surprised that prices in OR are so low in comparison.


Active member
Damn welllllll I may be staying put a bit longer than.. Or in Cali Ik at least I can get 27 per

The woman wants to venture out west after she gets out of school.. She can get a job anywhere as with me.. Well I have other considerations.. Lol


Active member
I would question what their definition of A grade is. I've been selling mine @ 3 to 32 for quite awhile now & I'm not happy with that price. Furthermore I've consulted for many massive indoor grows & many large outdoor whom supply the brokers, no way is that shit A grade, OG Girl Scout they are growing it all its not A grade, it is better than anything grown eastward. Of course if they need my help its my opinion they can't grow A grade! Clumping BC WA & Cali together should be an indicator that network is Ghetto. If anything it's infested with mold & bugs it just looks good on the outside but when you break it open you'll see the damage!

Anything eastward??

Can I see some pics of your buds?

I'll show you mine if u show me yours


I know a farmer who liquidated his crap outdoor for 500 a unit this year. Hes an old guy who having a hard time keeping up. Although he has been up in the s cruz mtns for 25 years growing, the bulk of his stuff is not that good.