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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

back when I lived in Portland(06) I was getting some really nice herb for $220 a zip, wasn't og(no one I talked to had even heard about og in Portland around that time) but it also was MUCH cheaper than what I was paying in so cal at the time(300 for some regular dank all the way up to 500 for the tripple og)...I'm not terribly surprised that prices in OR are so low in comparison.

sounds about right. I bought packs either from a grower or 1 step removed and broke em down for retail from 04-10 and that was pretty much the going rate on some good kind bud.

Market during that time was pretty much:

BC beasters (22-25ish)

Southern OR/norcal OD (2700-3000)

asian gang indoor (C to B- grade) for high 2's (I remember there was a huge flood of trainwreck from like 05-06 that seemed like an endless supply)

or local indoor A-grade for 3000-3700 depending on strain

There never seemed to be a steady connect of good indoor though as it was mostly spare bedroom/basement grows so as soon as harvested it was pretty much all gone.

The southern OR/norcal OD dominated a lot of the scene but there was usually a pretty decent selection of good brand name strains (no bullchit renaming though, as now that there is much more indoor I can match the indoor strains to the old outdoor strains from memory and confirm they actually were what they were)

But for years my standards were pretty much bows for 3-32, halfs for 16, qaups for 8, and zips for 220.

Took a hiatus from the scene from 10-13 and that's when indoor blew up around OR with card stacking and suddenly it was widely-available for the first time. In those 3 years prices dropped a good G or so on multi-packs. Now most good indoor goes for 2-23 if in packs.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
super cheap in oregon , saw a place with 100 acres with multiple houses green house 45 acres flood irrigated with water rights springs wells 13 ponds and a few other stuff for under 700k...in cali it'd cost at least 1.25 mil

i think its that cheap because its not really as nice as cali...i like no taxes though..that was cool.


Active member
super cheap in oregon , saw a place with 100 acres with multiple houses green house 45 acres flood irrigated with water rights springs wells 13 ponds and a few other stuff for under 700k...in cali it'd cost at least 1.25 mil

i think its that cheap because its not really as nice as cali...i like no taxes though..that was cool.

In ME you could get all that for 150k or less. The further north you go, the cheaper it is.


Indoor just doesnt make sense in an almost tropical climate like cali, with all the extra cooling costs and already higher energy prices as everyone has ac.. Combine that with an oversupply of hq outdoor and its insane to even try!
yo byf. send me the listing that sounds bomb as fuck. haha

I know you're jokin, but it's guaranteed in butt-fuk nowhere where the majority of the rest of the population are methheads lol.

Oregon is straight up beautiful, but being a city boy I can't really imagine living anywhere besides Portland or Eugene. Maybe somewhere in Josephine county where you could do a nice outdoor. Most of Oregon is rural, very conservative-leaning, with lots of tweakers.

Sure, you can probably get some dirt-cheap electricity, but have fun driving 15-30 miles to the closest sign of civilization for some toilet paper and basic essentials.

I guess if you love a life of solitude it could work out, but it's not for me.


Active member
im actually not joking. im used to that life style homey. lived 10 miles outside tiller and also an hour out a dirt road in the trinity/humboldt county line area of sohum. for years.
meth is everywhere. i have way more contact with tweakers living in the valley than i ever did in the mountains. lol.
portland eugene ashland and seattle are all meth central.


Active member
besides, when weed is legal ill need some criminal drug mnaufacturing to keep me employed. customers right out the back door in methland.

now im kidding.
im actually not joking. im used to that life style homey. lived 10 miles outside tiller and also an hour out a dirt road in the trinity/humboldt county line area of sohum. for years.
meth is everywhere. i have way more contact with tweakers living in the valley than i ever did in the mountains. lol.
portland eugene ashland and seattle are all meth central.

I've never even heard of Tiller until now and looked it up lol.

Man, talk about the boonies... I live in the outskirts of Portland and I feel like I'm in buttfuck nowhere just because it's a 20-40 minute drive just to get anywhere worth going in the city. Can't even imagine being way out in the country like that.


Bad habits, I can assure you as a non city boy, a lot of us couldn't imagine not living that far from town. Crowds of people and traffic aren't for everyone either. For me the further the better. To each their own.


Registered Non-Conformist
NorCal where I was is remote. It takes some getting used to, but it's cool. Inconvenient as hell. You do without many things, but can DO many activities that many dream about, daily, I had lived in the islands before, so it didn;'t feel so bad to me.

Meth is the scourge. Ruins society, and families. Turns people into monsters. Looking for a rural location means meeting your potential neighbors FIRST to see if it appears to be a meth-users scene.

Yeah, Buddy..! Detroit is where it's at.. Highest murder rate in the USA, angriest city in the USA. Worst Unemployment, thus most heinous crime. Carjacking is an often-occurring happenstance daily. Drivers do not stop at red lights at night in the city, for fear of getting jacked. Racial problems (Black, White, and Middle Easterners) built into the system. More guns here than anywhere I have ever been. A large percentage of people have CCW's. Many of my customers at the Hydro store had weapons obviously hanging from their belts.

Folks possess little or No respect for anyone from elsewhere. And the tension level is sky-high. People use their vehicles as weapons, even soccer moms. It's great. The lowballers sing, "I usually pay $____ for it." That 3k figure was a fluke, but thanks for the tip. I have to fight like hell to get what I get. And be prepared to say NO. Until I can say YES. haha.

Yeah, everyone come. You'll want to leave within days. To be honest, things do not usually go so well for peeps from CA here. Mostly 'cause of the attitude, which carries NO water here.

The whole state is not an anger trap, once n of lovely Flint, MI., but the farther you get from Det, the less tolerant people are to outsiders. Lucky I am a native. People mind their own business and have no desire to make eye contact with you (directed at narcissistic Californians), which may seem cold, but is actually just the opposite. No time for useless prattle, and fake friendships. Too busy living. Real friendships actually mean something, not just based on money, like in norCal. We don't believe in burning everyone we meet. And up North, EVERYONE is well armed. Then, there;s the weather and the mosquitoes..!

Yowzah..! Bring the kids..!!!!


Active member
Lol you paint a nasty picture..

Call me crazy but I actually enjoy flint. And the D isn't quite flint IMO.

It's like the wild wild flint.. Being in a lawless structure or appearance there of is kinda fun IMO.. Just don't get shot cuz it'll be an hour till they come if they even bother too


Active member
NorCal where I was is remote. It takes some getting used to, but it's cool. Inconvenient as hell. You do without many things, but can DO many activities that many dream about, daily, I had lived in the islands before, so it didn;'t feel so bad to me.

Meth is the scourge. Ruins society, and families. Turns people into monsters. Looking for a rural location means meeting your potential neighbors FIRST to see if it appears to be a meth-users scene.

Yeah, Buddy..! Detroit is where it's at.. Highest murder rate in the USA, angriest city in the USA. Worst Unemployment, thus most heinous crime. Carjacking is an often-occurring happenstance daily. Drivers do not stop at red lights at night in the city, for fear of getting jacked. Racial problems (Black, White, and Middle Easterners) built into the system. More guns here than anywhere I have ever been. A large percentage of people have CCW's. Many of my customers at the Hydro store had weapons obviously hanging from their belts.

Folks possess little or No respect for anyone from elsewhere. And the tension level is sky-high. People use their vehicles as weapons, even soccer moms. It's great. The lowballers sing, "I usually pay $____ for it." That 3k figure was a fluke, but thanks for the tip. I have to fight like hell to get what I get. And be prepared to say NO. Until I can say YES. haha.

Yeah, everyone come. You'll want to leave within days. To be honest, things do not usually go so well for peeps from CA here. Mostly 'cause of the attitude, which carries NO water here.

The whole state is not an anger trap, once n of lovely Flint, MI., but the farther you get from Det, the less tolerant people are to outsiders. Lucky I am a native. People mind their own business and have no desire to make eye contact with you (directed at narcissistic Californians), which may seem cold, but is actually just the opposite. No time for useless prattle, and fake friendships. Too busy living. Real friendships actually mean something, not just based on money, like in norCal. We don't believe in burning everyone we meet. And up North, EVERYONE is well armed. Then, there;s the weather and the mosquitoes..!

Yowzah..! Bring the kids..!!!!

Detroit has more than its share of crime, but it doesn't have the highest per capita homicide rate according to the FBI. East St. Louis has been as high as 100 per capita versus Detroit at 48. Higher than the Honduras at 90 per capita.


Alaska has some of the dumbest people I have ever met. Dudes who are writing the laws think that growing a plant will make your neighbor hallucinate. Other things I have learned is auto flowers are the best, B grade outdoor from Cali vac pac and shipped up is top shelf, Co2 concentrates and anything from CLS is bad because it's "big business" and the only proper way to make BHO is blasting through a tube and then scraping it around on a hot plate with a razor. Everyone wants packs but they don't want to pay more than 28. Quality doesn't matter and there's no difference between indoor or outdoor. The list goes on and on...


Registered Non-Conformist
Detroit has more than its share of crime, but it doesn't have the highest per capita homicide rate according to the FBI. East St. Louis has been as high as 100 per capita versus Detroit at 48. Higher than the Honduras at 90 per capita.

Not so sure about that, but no worries, it is a dubious distinction. One I am not proud of. Suffice it to say that there are way too many guns in the wrong hands. And true Human desperation, in SE MI which is shitty. Humans deserve better, but common talk round here is not very kind.

Da "D" used to be a grand city, 4th greatest in the - then - at least semi-great nation.

And most of all, the Medical MJ scene has been quashed in all but a few areas by the Gov the AG and the rest of the Dinosaurs that rule this previously Democratic/Liberal State.

Every place has its' own dynamic. I understand this one. And am not a fish out of water at least. haha.. I do not live amongst the high-crime, nor in a high-falutin' area. But, near a hip small city.

My nabe is Blue Collar, & the racial attitudes of my neighbors are NO secret. I was born into the correct race for this nabe, lucky me.

MMJ is tough - lotsa shitty growers. Few dispos. Low prices. Competive price wars in Detroit Dispos. Picky un-knowledgeable consumers. People's eyes pop to see real bud. All of a sudden they give up the concentrates for a minute. Lowballers have been spoiled by Junk Brokers pricewise, and expect low wholesale regardless of quality. Tough business men, has taught me a few things to say the least.


Shit sounds like everyone should ship everything to MI, looks like huge demand there. I had some buddy's who gave up growing commercially in CO to drive to Cali to buy bunch of outdoor, sprayed some shit on it & drove it to MI said it was the way to go, now I know why! Is there something you can spray on the bud to improve quality?


Active member
1. I want to see your buds.. You claim you can grow better than eastward folk. I'd like you to prove that.

2. Don't be talkin shit about MI. I take a big shit on Cali OD that makes it out here. I literally poop on it

Plenty of flame in MI, and no there isn't that much demand. I grow some of the best weed on the planet (as do some others here) and good loyal folk are still hard to come by