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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Registered Non-Conformist
Hey, get it out - whatever you say Brah.

2800 for the Trip D, if I sit on it. Maybe 2 or 3 at a time. More than that, lowballers rule. No way around it. Midwesterners know business. Not necessarily Bud though haha. I told a broker that I let this particular batch go 72 days, and he looked at me as if I had spoken in Magyar. Had never even heard of any more than 55 day plants. I consider part of my job to be "education." And development of new sorts of products for the upcoming industry.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
ad Welcome to the short ignore list
congrats you made #2 in all my time here...


Active member
Hey, get it out - whatever you say Brah. [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=41203&pictureid=997289&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

2800 for the Trip D, if I sit on it. Maybe 2 or 3 at a time. More than that, lowballers rule. No way around it. Midwesterners know business. Not necessarily Bud though haha. I told a broker that I let this particular batch go 72 days, and he looked at me as if I had spoken in Magyar. Had never even heard of any more than 55 day plants. I consider part of my job to be "education." And development of new sorts of products for the upcoming industry.

Yeah that's what I'm getting 3-2800 wholesale in MI. I'm selling GG4 for 3ea and I'm done running SD or anything over nine weeks for now unless it's just a couple for head stash mostly 8-9 week finishers like gg4 and cheisel etc.... From now on it just makes business sense, this game is not going to be for the unsavy business person soon/lately.

My goals are lower cost as much as I can to increase margins. Gonna be a fun year.


Active member
yep they just give me trade at the counter. they have a register that is converted to grams and a lil scale on the counter. pound of b-buds for a 1000 feet of 6' wide trellis is a deal. they blast it on the show room floor when they do their closed loop bho nug run demos every sunday. the D.E.A. is closed on sundays in oregon.


Registered Non-Conformist
I prefer to grow my 3d sativa-hybrid and harvest at 65-67. Yield is high, and it makes up for it. Other opp'tys will make up for it as well. Adaptation to the moving playing field is key.


Active member
Don't u know all the big deals go down at the grow shop after hours lol

haha i remember back in the bay the hydro store guys were openly talking shop and it surprised me. they were complaining about how prices had fallen from 36 to 32 for indoors. i thought to myself "these guys aren't exactly too smooth if they are talking shop like this in front of random people"

a few years later that hydro store was involved in a huge bust in the bay area and were connected to multiple ops and even had a grenade launcher. Krunch knows who I'm talking about haha. wonder what ever happened to them if they beat the case or not.

can't knock the hydro stores though, me and some friends have made very good connections through them. but have never actually done a deal in store, maybe just show a jar of nugs or a few pics from the phone.


Just Say Grow
I've smoked joints in the hydro shop after hours a couple times. smoke out back quite a bit, they have a picnic table behind some privacy screens. talk shop on the low, when there isn't really anyone else in the store. never seen any deal in or around the place though.


Active member
everyone here just brings all their harvests to the stores' loading dock on tuesday when the hydrofarm truck gets there. they drop off and everyone loads all the pallets of weed in those soil bags shrink wrapped and it gets driven to the east coast hydro stores where it gets broken down for the bike mesengers. are there really people who actually buy the stuff in those stores? i thought the over priced nutes were a clever gimmick to say how they made so much money.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
haha i remember back in the bay the hydro store guys were openly talking shop and it surprised me. they were complaining about how prices had fallen from 36 to 32 for indoors. i thought to myself "these guys aren't exactly too smooth if they are talking shop like this in front of random people"

a few years later that hydro store was involved in a huge bust in the bay area and were connected to multiple ops and even had a grenade launcher. Krunch knows who I'm talking about haha. wonder what ever happened to them if they beat the case or not.

can't knock the hydro stores though, me and some friends have made very good connections through them. but have never actually done a deal in store, maybe just show a jar of nugs or a few pics from the phone.

It's called sarcasm


They say all the hydrstore phones are bugged. Let's start with all the grow shops in the foothills & mountains since the prices there are the lowest $800 never ever is a deal here done @ average prices & this shit has done nothing but drop prices. The smaller brokers travel around from hydro store to hydro store giving out their numbers to ALL employees including owners ( owners don't need brokers cause they have multiple grows going on several properties, shipping it all over) the hydro store employees set up the deal & get a cut, the so called grow expert ( usually male 20's to 30's) is always on the look out for desperate &/or nieve growers. With all the survellience all state police needs to do is sit outside shops & listen in. The broker is the guy that visits the grow shop that isn't a grower. I'd tell you how to recognize HIM but do your fucking job! The broker then takes it to the ghetto &/or travels from dispensary(located in close proximity to mountains) to dispensary till he gets the price he wants. The dispensarys buyers/owners always know the difference between brokers & growers. The dispensary does not need to deal with growers because his cell phone is loaded with broker numbers. So the broker @ the dispensary is the GUY who is not the grower or the smoker. It's the guy in the dispensary's computer system that has the med license that doesn't smoke or Grow. So all you newb growers Now you know why dispensary's can just sit there comfortable & say no to you when they should be desperate for product.


Look I appreciate all the guys chiming in from out of state telling us how your prices are the same as our prices saying that's a good price. First of all, it's not a good price because you assume your bud is equal to Cali NOT TRUE, yes I'm talking about your HIGH INPUT indoor don't give me your low electricty cost bullshit you use more we use less with our LOW input indoor as far as your outdoor it completely sucks compared to ours unless your one of the few HI master growers. All you outta state guys are doing in this thread are making a case for lower cost Cali, all your doing is helping the outa state buyer! You sound like you buy the weed that is shipped to you from Cali's?


I'm going back to old timer section, I didn't give out any names, specific details etc.. This is just 1 example in a region I could go on & on for entire state! I'll leave the rest of you low baller folks alone who I didn't mentioned above but I'm telling you I'm better start seeing growers getting paid or a whole lotta low ballets gonna be making nothing instead of something? Cocksuckers I DONT LIKE YOU!


Active member
lets face it you want attention we both know you will be here...you've used the "i'm going back to old timers section before" You're a solid troll I know because you were even starting to bug me I know what you're doing. I like how you put the "cocksuckers" at the end nice little cherry on top to ensure conflict.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
a few years later that hydro store was involved in a huge bust in the bay area and were connected to multiple ops and even had a grenade launcher. Krunch knows who I'm talking about haha. wonder what ever happened to them if they beat the case or not.

Ya, grew up with them and they are still my boys...

Lucky I was not involved as I was asked to be a consultant and declined to having to drive 200+ miles a day going from spot to spot. Think it was close to 40 grow houses...

The main kat is going to do 10 in federal because all the little boys grew pussies and ratted...

Wendull C.

Active member
I've smoked joints in the hydro shop after hours a couple times. smoke out back quite a bit, they have a picnic table behind some privacy screens. talk shop on the low, when there isn't really anyone else in the store. never seen any deal in or around the place though.

They put up the screen but kept fucking up inventory. Now it's just a lonely picnic table. The guys on the clock should of kept it to puff puff go back to work. Hell they even busted out the volcano for the first cookies I showed em on a Monday morning.:biggrin:


Just Say Grow
see, that's the thing- it's a lonely table on Mondays, because that's usually the only day that boss man is in the building(best day to go for big purchases though, as he isn't stingy with the discounts most times...just got to make sure his wife isn't around or your paying retail or damn close lmfao, I walk out the door when I see her). no body's doing shit on a hump day afternoon lol